Today, I realized how ready I am to join the workforce, make a respectable amount of money and not have to worry about homework anymore. It feels like the end of the semester and it’s only the first full week. This is going to be a photo-finish, but what else is new?
(Deep breaths Nathan…)
So today was a pretty awesome day until it started to pour and I was sans-umbrella. No bueno. Overall though it wasn’t too bad, the class I TA didn’t start a mutiny or anything so that’s always a win. Okay I’m rambling. Let’s get to it.
Breakfast: I had a pomegranate Chobani with a 1/4 cup of Nutty Nuggets (Grape Nuts’ inbred cousin from Walmart.) This is a great breakfast when you know you won’t have a lot of time during the day because the protein from the yogurt makes you feel good and the fiber from the cereal helps you poop fills you up. 5 points
Lunch: Megan and I met up on campus for a quick lunch in between classes. We went with our old standby Pollo Tropical in the student center at FSU. I went with one of favorite meals, the 1/4 chicken with rice and beans. As always, I ditched the roll (empty calories are for trolls.) and went to down on some poultry deliciousness. Pretty awesome (but kind of greasy) lunch. 13.5 points
Snack: I got a late Christmas present from work today that had a few Hershey kisses so I had at most 2 points of candy this afternoon. Not gonna lie, I needed the sugar pick me up.

Dinner: So my birthday is on Friday (please note: I love Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Pokemon cards) which means FREE BIRTHDAY SWAG! Megan and I decided to go out tonight and redeem some of the awesome stuff I’ve gotten so far. We went to Qdoba for dinner since I had a BOGO meal. I went with the Queso burrito, now I usually avoid the queso, but I remembered that it wasn’t too many more points so I went for it. I came not thinking much of it because what I get at Chipotle is bad..ish but bearable. Not to smear Qdoba, but holy caloric intake Batman my pathetically crappy birthday burrito was a whopping 26 points. I know what you are thinking and yes, my daily allotment is 28 points in the old Weight Watchers system. The worst part is that it didn’t even taste good. Also, I might add that only 100 calories of this 1150 calorie monster was queso. This is further proof that you need to have a strategy and do your homework before you go out and eat out. It also proved that this is a learning process, no matter how many days you’ve done this whole weight loss thing. On the bright side though, I found this awesome owl lamp at World Market. The Owl’s name is Hudson.
Workout: So unbeknownst to me, I had a lot of calories to burn tonight, so I’m glad I went crazy on some Insanity tonight. We did the Pure Cardio session tonight and while it is pretty brutal, the burn is addictive. I felt awesome after. I think the best thing about Insanity is that it makes the most out of your work out time unlike at the gym when you say you’ve worked out for 40 minutes while in reality you used a machine for 3 minutes, looked at yourself in the mirror for 10 minutes and you texted for 27 minutes. 8 exercise points
Post Workout: I had another Chobani and Nutty Nugget combo for 5 points.
So overall, except for the glutton burrito from Qdoba, today wouldn’t have been that bad. We were going to eat at home, but we didn’t have a lot of time so we went out instead. I’m not mad about the burrito, this is the biggest mess up I’ve had in a good while, but it’s just a part of the learning and growing/shrinking process. So today I ate a ginormous 51.5 points. With the work out points that brings it down to 43.5 (which is still grossly over) but luckily I still have weekly points! In my program, you have 35 weekly points so I have about 15 weekly points left. Awe well, here’s to a healthy Wednesday (a Wordless Wednesday I might add!) See ya tomorrow.