So today, the residual stress of this week weighted me down for part of the day, but I broke out of that so I could enjoy this gorgeous Saturday in Florida. I did homework instead of going to the game, which was a good idea in hindsight because life is about to get B-A-N-A-N-A-S! Alright, food time.
Breakfast: I had two pieces of toast with the last of my Central Market Organic Peanut Butter :’-(. Good thing my parents will be here in a few weeks… (Hint Hint Mom and Pops!)
Lunch: We wanted to avoid around campus for lunch, so we ended up going to Super Perros for some Godzilla burrito. It was awesome as always, but I think I’ve gained every time I’ve eaten at Super Perros the Saturday before my weigh in. I don’t know what that’s all about, but we will just see what happens.
Dinner: After studying, we got some yogurt at TCBY, went over to a pumpkin patch, bought some little pumpkins and then went over to Earth Fare for some stuff for dinner. We bought some grass fed ground beef and some Italian sausages that they make every morning. We wanted dinner to be an epic cookout to celebrate getting through the week. Instead of just using charcoal tonight (Hank Hill is right, with charcoal you really taste heat not the meat) I bought some mesquite chips (more like chunks) that you light up with your charcoal. It made the fire a lot hotter and it gave everything a much better flavor. I cooked up two burgers with some white cheddar on top with some caramelized onions on ciabatta. We also had some leftover french onion soup (random deliciousness) and also some grilled corn. I cooked up the sausages for spaghetti later in the week, but I tried one of them tonight and holy crap it was soooooo spicy! I can’t wait to eat it some time this week!
So today was okay I guess. It’s been a nutzo week with a lot of stress eating, but I think today might have been the worst. I don’t know. Either way, life will be a bit better next week and I really need to run to get ready for the 5k on Friday. We will just see how it goes. Oh yeah, I’m not going to be able to blog tomorrow night (TV ON THE RADIO IN CONCERT!!! I’M SO STOKED!!!) so I will post tomorrow’s results on my Facebook Page. So if you want to hear all about the weigh in, like my page yo! See ya tomorrow.