Breakfast: So we didn’t have any milk and I was in a rush (again) so I had a cup of dry oatmeal squares. It worked for this morning.
Lunch: So I had to be on the other side of town this afternoon and the food selection is not of the healthiest persuasion. I ended up going to Moe’s and had the Art Vandalay (I know, awesome name) which is a veggie burrito. Again, I didn’t hold things like sour cream and guacamole but at the time I didn’t think about it. Overall though it was a good lunch (good being it was delicious, but too many calories.)
SAWS: Today was the off day for Insanity so even though we are a few days behind, will be close to being back on schedule. Tomorrow is going to suck.
Snack: So I had to do some grading so I had a shaken iced tea with lemonade. I would have just gotten coffee, but the coffee at that particular Starbucks is usually burnt. I should of just had water.
This is where the sucking began: We were trying to figure out what we were going to do for dinner so I calculated my food. Basically, what I got at Moe’s ruined my day. I didn’t realize that there was a junior version of the Art Vandalay which would have saved me a lot of calories. So by the time dinner rolled around, I was already almost over my calories so a 500 calorie dinner was not going to fly. I didn’t know what to do. I know I have “weekly points” so to speak, but the second half of this week is going to involve a lot of eating out so I want to save those. I was really frustrated, but I eventually calmed down and had one serving of Quinoa which was only 140 calories. I wasn’t hungry until about now so I’m going all Bugs Bunny on some baby carrots.
So today I got to 1521 calories, 48.5 grams of fat, and 24 grams of fiber. I usually would be okay if I had worked out, but since it was an off day and I didn’t have time to work out, it just didn’t work… out. Anyways, tomorrow will be better (and not just because it’s Wordless Wednesday!) See ya tomorrow.
So the objective of these week was to stick close to my calories while working my butt off. I think I accomplished that today. Legit.
Breakfast: For some reason, my alarm clock acts like it’s going off (there is a blinking light) but no sound comes out, but luckily I’m paranoid enough to set alarms on my phone too so I got a bit of a late start. Anyways, so I just had two pieces of toast and some pb.
Lunch: I was in a bit of a rush (again) for lunch so I had some Southwest Quinoa Awesomeness that Megan made for lunch. Megan made it with tri-colored quinoa this time which I think made it taste even better. Pretty awesome lunch.
Snacks: I kind of went nuts for snacks today. Even after lunch I was like I’M STILL SOOOOO HUNGRY!!!!!! So I had some chips, which I ate few chips over a serving but I was bordering that mindless state that you can get in where you are looking off in to space with a bag of opened chips. It’s a scary thing to do, but luckily I caught myself while I was doing it. I also had a 100 calorie Starbucks Mocha Frap and a few carrots with some hummus. I think I was so snacky is because I hadn’t had any water at that point. I really don’t know if that was it, but still. I also had a KAshi Peanuty Dark Chocolate bar. (Target has a killer deal on Kashi. Go check it out!)
SAWS!!!: Today was Plyometric Cardio Circuit again and it was brutal… again. I’ve been working as hard as I can, but I get really frustrated when my body gives out while my mind thinks I can do it. I have this mental block that if I stop to break like Shaun T (yes, me and the Insanity instructor are on a first name basis now) says you should if you are compromising form, I’m living up to the fat kid stereotype. What I need to remember is that I broke the fat kid stereotype almost a year ago when I turned my life around. I’m not going to slack, but I’m going to give it all I got and work as hard as I can each time.
Lunch: After Insanity, we need something dense for dinner so we went over to Chipotle. We did our due diligence on the Chipotle Nutrition Calculator and I figured out that the steak is the same amount of calories and fat of chicken and even less sodium than the chicken so I did an awesome steak burrito bowl with sour cream, cheese, fajita veggies and rice. It was awesome, and since I got hot salsa I had to drink a ton of water so win-win for the… win?
So today I was good on calories and fiber, but I went over on the fat (sour cream was 10 grams and the chips were 9 grams.) I knew where the fat was so I’ll be better next time. So today I had 1,745 calories, 73 grams of fat, and 37 grams of fiber or to calculate to WW points: 40 points. I know, the fat is bad but like I said, it happens and I’ll just keep the fat down the rest of the week. See ya tomorrow.
Breakfast: I just had a bowl of Kashi Awesomeness. As the good book says (no.. not Where’s Waldo?) it was good.
Lunch: After church, our friends Daniel and Leah invited us to go to lunch at El Mercardito, this Mexican place on Tennessee. Since leaving Texas, we’ve been really hard pressed to find good Mexican in Tallahassee (which isn’t necessarily a bad thing) but I think we found our new place. I had two chicken burritos and they were killer. Usually when I go to a Mexican place, I dominate the chips and salsa and I am completely full so after I’m done I feel gross. Luckily, the first basket was free, but then you paid after so we kept it to two baskets split between four of us so it wasn’t as bad.
Snack: I just had a bowl of Captain Crunch which actually not that bad (150 calories with a 1/2 cup of skim milk) and it was awesome.
SAWS!!!: Today was Pure Cardio day for Insanity and it was pretty brutal, maybe not the worst, but horrifically exhausting nonetheless. I worked really hard, but I worked not to overdo it like I did once or twice last week. I felt awesome after, but I have a feeling I’m going to be really sore tomorrow.
Dinner: We were in a bit of a rush tonight so we got subs freaky fast at Jimmy Johns. I had the Beach club which is basically the veggie sub I get but with turkey. I also got half the mayo since the ones in Tallahassee don’t have a light mayo option. It was pretty awesome.
Dessert: I had some Edy’s Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough FroYo.
So today wasn’t terrible, but this week I’m going to stick to my calories and work out like a beast to get closer to get to the top of Mt. Fitintoskinnyjeans. See ya tomorrow.
I could make up excuses like an owl picked up my laptop and put it in his nest and just now brought it down to me or that a komono dragon ate it whole. Instead I think the truth will suffice. It was a combination of me just started a new job this week and being really busy in the evenings. Overall though, this week has been really good on food and I worked out all but two days, both of which were because I didn’t get home until late, etc. Anyways, let’s do this.
Breakfast: It was one of those get up late, listen to the rain and just chill mornings. I just had a waffle with pb and a cup of coffee. Oh yeah, and about 100 pages of Harry Potter. I can’t see HP 7.2 until I finish the books so I’m so close yet so far from the awesomeness.
Lunch: So I had the last of the Southwest Quinoa Awesomeness, but instead of hot I had it cold like a salad. It was fantastic, especially with have a 100 calorie pack of Wholly Guacamole. Again, in a word: Epicness.
SAWS!!!: We got back on the Insanity wagon today. Today was suppose to be a recovery day from two days of cardio craziness. It was a lot of stretching and yoga so my glutes feel… glutastic. There was a lot of sweating and a lot of stretching. Good times.
Dinner: Tonight, Megan made this chicken madras and it was awesome. Enough said. After dinner, we went to our friend K.D.’s birthday party and they had more Indian food so it was a continuation of deliciousness.
So today went well and we will just see how tomorrow goes. I’m hoping the combination of eating more (but healthy) and an intense workout regiment will help break though the plateau. Here’s hoping. See ya tomorrow.
Breakfast: I had a bowl of Kashi which finished the box :(. To the store I go!
Lunch: At work, I went to a luncheon for the Communicators of FSU. It was really awesome getting an inside look of FSU. I had a great turkey sandwich with some almonds, carrots and a banana. I didn’t finish the almonds or the banana so I ate those after I got off of work.
Pre-workout Snack: I had some Quaker Oatmeal squares which are also awesome!
SAWS!!!: So today was day 2 of Insanity and it was ridiculous. This picture was of me just after the warm up. It was rough but I felt great after! Today was a lot of jumping and cardio. At one point there were mountain climbers which was a combo of high knees and grabbing the sky as if you are trying to get the second coming to happen. The second time around, I yelled “IM A MOUNTAIN LION!!!” and went after it. Not sure why I said, it just felt right at the time. Anyways, I’m sore but surviving. Can’t wait for tomorrow!
Post Workout: After drinking up half of Lake Superior, I had some of Megan’s awesome quinoa with half a 100 calorie pack of wholly guacamole. It was fantastic. I also had a banana.
Dinner: Veggie pasta was on the menu tonight, but both of us were jonesin’ for some protein so we went to Publix and grabbed some steaks. I cut that piece in half and ate it and then demolished that baked potato with broccoli and cheese with some bacon. It was an epic dinner.
Dessert: We went to TCBY for dessert and it was epic as well. Up until that point I was only at 1500 calories and I know froyo wasn’t that bad.
So today it went well with food and had a killer workout. Now what’s even more exciting… WORDLESS WEDNESDAY!!!! See ya tomorrow.
Monday was a reset of trying to get these last bit of weight off to break 100 pounds! That century mark has become some sort of barrier that I need to break so I can move on to another goal. So this week, I’ve changed how I’m looking at my caloric intake over points because some of my awesome friends (Jenn and Jade are legit) suggested that I haven’t been eating enough calories which has put my body in starvation mode so I’ve been retaining water and fat. Today wasn’t that bad recording calories since I’m already use to recording points, I’ve just had to not overlook anything I eat.
Oh yeah… I stared this ridiculous thing called Insanity today. Ever heard of it?
Breakfast: I just had a bowl of Kashi with 1/2 cup of milk. Yumtastic.
Lunch: I went to lunch with my friend Jared at Mellow Mushroom. Last time I went there… on friday, I had two slices and a diet coke and the slices were massive. Instead of that, I had a slice with sun dried tomatoes and a tossed salad that was just tomatoes, mushrooms, and lettuce so nothing too heavy. Also, I had unsweetened tea with no artificial sugar. It was good and I didn’t feel stuffed after lunch.
SAWS!!!: So we are having an issue with the ridiculously high heat indexes in the morning so we still doing Couch 2 5k but we are going to move our schedule around a little bit. In the mean time, our friends Jacob and Emily let us borrow their copy of Insanity which is an intense 60 day plyometrics workout. Today was a fitness test to see where you are at. You recorded your results and then you do the test again in later weeks to see where you stand. It was really brutal and I can only imagine what tomorrow will be like. It’s only 45 minutes a day (I think/hope/I cant remember now so I’m terrified) but to quote my awesome wife “you can do anything for 45 minutes” which is really true.
Recharge meal: I was feeling a little rough (but high on endorphins) I had a ripe and delicious banana with a serving of peanut butter. Probably the best thing I’ve ever eaten.
Dinner: We had super awesome chili for dinner. It was… super awesome. It’s even better with brown rice. Yumtastic awsesomeness.
Dessert: I had 1/2 cup of light cookie dough ice cream and some Tim’s Cascades Sweet Onion chips. (And no I did not eat them together… even though that sounds really good.) (And yes, that is ketchup with the chips. Awesome combo.)
So today I got to approximately 1630 calories, 38.5 grams of fat, and 28 grams of fiber. I couldn’t find out the fat and fiber for lunch, and I couldn’t find the fiber for the banana. So by my points calculator I’m at 35 points which mean I have eaten my exercise points and my allotted 30 points. We will see how it goes the rest of the week. See ya tomorrow.
Well… I think I’ve hit a plateau. Statistically, I should be past 100 pounds already but for about the past 5-6 weeks, I’ve been stuck in the same weight range with a little losing and gaining. It’s been really frustrating I have to admit. I stuck close to my points for the majority of this week (except for Monday and dinner last night) and I worked out every day but I still gained .2 pounds this week. I know I know, it’s not much, but I’m still trying to get back to where I was before I left on my vacation. So I’m at 264.8 and I was at 262 before I left so I’m 7.8 pounds away from breaking 100. It feels like 257 is my magic number right now. It’s a mental block I have and I need to break it. So this week, I’m going to add some more workout time, try to count calories more than points, and drink water by the gallons. Hopefully that will do the trick.
Breakfast: I just had piece of toast with PB and half a banana 3 points. Then I had had a 3 point muffin.
Lunch: For lunch, the young professionals group from church decided to go to Genghis Grill for lunch and we had a blast. One of our friends Becky, who has lost 30 pounds like a boss, is the queen of bowl stacking so she showed us all how it’s done! The bowl on the left of raw goodness is Becky’s Bowl of Destruction, which she turns in to four meals total. (Yeah, she’s pretty legit.) Anyways, what she does at GG is when she gets her bowl she asks for the to go box immediately. So Megan and I both did that too and as soon as I got my bowl, I put enough in my the box to fill it and I still had a ton of food on my plate! By the time I was done I was still full while not feeling disgusting which was a nice change. The moral of this paragraph: Becky is a beast.
Snack: I had some chips. Nothing exciting.
Dinner: I just had my leftovers for dinner and they were just as epic as at lunch. In fact, they might have been better because I put Beaver Sweet Hot mustard on it which has a wasabi taste to it. Leftovers are awesome. Just saying.
Dessert: Megan and I went back to TCBY for some yogurt and it was still epic. It was only 5 ounces total which isnt near as bad as when I got to other places.
So that was my day. I felt like I did okay (not great) but tomorrow I’m really getting down to business. I know I shouldn’t put a time frame on these goals, but I want to break 100 by the end of the month. I’m going to Disney in a few weeks and I really want to get an “I’m Celebrating” pin, proclaiming my weight loss. Either way, I really do have to remember that I still have a lot to celebrate.
Here we go again….
See ya tomorrow.
Breakfast: I made some awesome whole wheat pancakes with some center cut bacon from Publix. It was the first time we had bought the Publix brand bacon and I think it was better than the brand we usually got (I think it was called Porky’s Delight…) 6 points.
SAWS!!! So it was hot and completely disgusting outside so decided to run on the indoor track at FSU. It’s not the most ideal situation, but hey… free AC is good AC. The run went really well. I was pushing myself hard and I was making really good time. Well… I have no proof that I made good time because RunKeeper evidently doesn’t work indoors so it thought we had only gone 1.7 miles and my average pace was 21:08. I definitely knew something was up when the GPS tracker looked like that. Megan did some math and she figured we went about 2.6 miles in 30 minutes so either way Couch 2 5K has already helped my running. 6 exercise points.
Lunch: We had a pretty late lunch at Jimmy John’s right after our workout. It was freakin’ fantastic. I had the veggie sup and we I ate it at home, I put my own light mayo on it so save a ton of calories and fat. 9 points.
Snack: After our mosying about, we ended up at TCBY on Tennessee. Unlike the last TCBY we went to earlier this week, it was a self serve pay by the ounce. Now there are a lot of froyo places in Tallahassee, but that TCBY might have completely won over my heart simply because you can get a waffle cone or waffle bowl for no additional cost! The waffle bowl wasn’t that big so I couldn’t get near as much froyo as usual which worked well. I had cookies n cream with white chocolate mousse and some toppings. It was pretty awesome and about 4 points.
Dinner: So there was an issue with the chicken we had tried to de-thaw for dinner, so instead we went decided to go out. We’ve hear people talk about this Cuban place called Gordo’s close to FSU so we decided to finally give it a try. It was flippin’ fantastic yo! I had the pork sandwich and Megan had the Cubano (pulled pork and ham sandwhich) and we split an order of fries which turned out to be massive. Megan and I traded a half of each others sandwhich and made a dent in the fries. Overall it was a killer meal and I can’t wait to take my parents there (my sister loves Cuban food.)
So up until dinner I had only eaten about 19 points so with the workout points dinner was well within my daily points. Tomorrow is weigh in day and I’m hoping I will be back to where I was before my vacation which was 262. I’ve been pretty good this week and I’ve worked out hard too so if anything, I feel like I’m physically back to where I was before we left so that counts for something. See ya tomorrow.
I’ll keep this brief because I have some Harry Potter to read!
Breakfast: I didn’t sleep well at all last night (like 3-4 hours worth) and I had a job interview so I ate PB toast with half a banana for 3 points. (That was all one sentence? )
Lunch: After my interview, Megan and I went to lunch with our friend Andrea for some Mellow Mushroom awesomeness! They had a two slice and a drink lunch combo so I had that and we spit Bruschetta. It was sooo awesome!!!! I didn’t know how big the slices are but it was delicious. Anyways, Lunch was about 12 points.
Snack: I just had some chips and salsa for 3 points.
Workout: So Megan and I wanted to hit up the gym since we didn’t get run this morning because of the while no sleep/raining thing. I did 40 minutes on the elliptical and I kept my heart rate in the fat loss range. SAWS!!!!! 9 exercise points
Dinner: For dinner, Megan made this awesome tilapia with a baked potato with this killer fruit salad. It was a legit 10 point dinner.
So I got to about 28 points. Legit awesomeness. Maybe it won’t rain in the morning. But then again, we live in Florida. See ya tomorrow.