I’m really loving this summer because it’s my last actual summer vacation. I’m really going to miss this. It’s been a really good time to work out and to get my life in order. However, I’m kind of ready for school to start because I love grad school! (Maybe that means I’m doing it wrong…) Alright, enough about me and my feelings.
Breakfast: I kept it simple (and delicious) and had a Chobani with some Kashi. It was epic and delicious (yes… it can be both.) 4 points. Between breakfast and lunch I had some chips and salsa too. 3 points.
Lunch: Since we had leftover veggie spaghetti sauce from last night, I boiled up some Rising Moon Organic Garlic & Roasted Vegetable Ravioli and made a killer pasta dish. It was easily the heartiest 6 point lunch I have ever had. I was seriously full for the majority of the day. The ravioli and sauce was only 5 points, it was the Parmesan that made it six so without the cheese it’s even a better bang for your buck!
All this week we have been eating sandwiches for lunch and around 3 I’ve been starving which has lead to serious snacking. Sandwiches are okay every once in a while, but if you have the time to eat a healthy and filling lunch like this, it’s definitely going to save you some calories throughout the rest of the day. Obviously though, it needs to be a dish like this or like fish or something like that, not filling up on fast food or the caloric bombshell of dishes at other places. To put things in perspective, half a regular order of fries at Five Guys is 7 points (a side mind you) and this was 6 points. Just saying.
Dinner: (The following paragraph further proves my point.) On Tuesday, Chick Fil A broke our hearts and had a full parking lot so we had to go to Subway instead. Since tonight was College Night and we had to eat out out of time constraints, we gave it another shot. I had a chicken sandwich and we split a large fry. It was good and filling to a point, but I realized that the only reason I wanted to eat there is because I love their BBQ sauce and ketchup and the only way I can eat those condiments (at least in a socially acceptable fashion) is via the vehicle of waffle fries and a sandwich or nuggets. Does anyone have a freakin’ clue what I am talking about? Anyways, it was a weird realization. So it was good and pseudo filling, but it was not more than twice as filling as lunch. 14 points.
SAWS!!! We went to Leach this evening and luckily the crowds weren’t near as bad as Tuesday. I decided to lift weights to build up the old arms and core. I did a combo of weight machines and dumbells. So I’ve been lifting off and on since the sixth grade, and while I’ve had noticeable tone (noticeable to me at least) I’ve never been consistent nor seen the results I hope. Recently, any time I do a curl I have a straining (not sore feeling, like a hurt feeling) in right above my elbow on the back of my arm. It even hurts on the curl machine which is suppose to help your abs not your arms. When I got done tonight, I had the same feeling in my other arm, but it eventually went away. I left the gym really frustrated, something that hasn’t happened in a long time. I don’t know what the deal is, I guess I need to go see a physical therapist on campus or something. I’m just frustrated because I just don’t feel like I’m doing anything right. Lifting weights is like the WNBA to me, I want to like it sooo much, but I just can’t. Any time I give it my shot, I get little in return and I leave disappointed and self loathing. (Maybe not the best analogy, but it made for a good title.) Anyways, FSU offers free sessions of personal training so I’m going to try to get in on the during the fall. I guess for now I’ll just keep at it and expect different results (wait… isn’t that the definition of insanity?)
Snack: For a post workout snack I had a can of tune with a dolip of low fat Hellmans mayo which is only 15 calories for a few tablespoons! And it’s actually good! I was enjoying it until I found three little scales in it. Of course that was after I had eaten the whole can. Go me. So I emailed StarKist in hopes they’ll make it right (which better not include free tuna.) 3 points.
So today I got to 30 points exactly which will work for me. The last installment of C25K week 1 is tomorrow morning and it’s going to be hot tomorrow morning. Oh joy. See ya tomorrow.