Breakfast: We had a study date at Jenny’s Lunchbox which was awesome. I had the whole wheat pancakes with scrambled eggs and veggie patties. It was about 15 points which was okay because today was just a beast and I knew I wouldn’t have time for a real meal the rest of the day.
Snack: I had a bag of nuts while I was studying. 4 points. Awesome.
Snack: So I thought I had packed a Clif Bar in my backpack but I guess in my haste this morning I forgot it. I bought a Nature Valley Honey and Oats bar pack to eat. 4 points.
Dinner: I had 5 points of leftover chili goodness.
Snack: After my beast of a day, I got home and made a cinnamon toast wafflewich for 4.5 points.
So I got to 32.5 points. Time for bed. See ya tomorrow.
Breakfast: We bought more waffles from Publix so you know that that means: WAFFLEWICH!!!!!! I did it the right way with half a cut up banana and a little honey. It was pretty awesome and a great way to start the day. 6 points of awesomeness.
Lunch/Snacks: So I ran home before my internship to get some lunch. Megan, being the awesome wife she is, packed me lunch and some snacks for the afternoon. I ate my ham and spinach sandwich in the park area by the Capitol. It was awesome as always. Later, I had some cocoa coated almonds that were BOGO at Publix (holla!) Then, in the afternoon when I was fading fast, I had a Clif Bar. I bought a white chocolate macadamia nut one which was good, but I’m glad I bought some other flavors to try in the week. Everything Megan packed was 13 points.
Dinner: When we got home from our respective activities for the day, Megan and I made a pot of Uncle Jim’s Chili. It’s been a while since we’ve made it so it was a welcomed meal after a long day. I ate my share. I had about 15.5 points worth which was a lot but delicious.
Exercise: Megan had to go to a recital tonight so I decided to hit up the gym. I was still feeling the effects of last night so I was just ready to sweat it all out. The gym was packed with meatheads and other stereotypical gym rats so I avoided out the weights. There was one treadmill left (half of them were taken up and the other half were broken) so I got on it but every time I would try to run the belt would stop on it! To avoid a Chri Farely-esc kerplunk, I decided to get off, and it was just in time too. As I was getting off my treadmill, I look over to the guy next to me (mind you he’s a thin build guy) and he’s covered in sweat but his treadmill was DRENCHED! It looked like his treadmill had just watched The Notebook and the end of Old Yeller at the same time. It was gross. That further supported my case to find another cardio activity. Anyways, I went up to the ellipticals and did a 40 minute full body interval training. So as I was finishing (with like 5 minutes to go) my elliptical session. This toxic scent wafted into my nostrils and singed many a nose hair. I mean, I know it’s a gym, so it smells funky anyways, but this was worse. Someone walked by and farted. Now, usually I don’t mind the occasional flatulence, but when you are wheezing and using your lungs to their fullest capacity, the last thing you want to do is inhale a stench that bad. Also, I have farted plenty of times on the treadmill (who hasn’t?) but I’ve never just waltzed over to someone on a bench press, farted, and then walked away. Anyways, I looked over to the girl in a look of shear terror and she reciprocates. I was quick to point out it wasn’t me. She laughed and she said “thanks for letting me know.””Well, thanks for believing me” I replied. The culprit was your typical weirdo who had a friend who wore a wool cap on the elliptical (seriously, who wears a wool cap at the gym? IN MARCH? IN FLORIDA!?!) Anyways, I burned like 600 calories and earned 9 exercise points so a good, but a bizarre night at the gym.
Snack: So after my odyssey at the gym, I was hungry but not starving. I was in this happy medium of I want something hearty but not a meal. Situations like these create awesome snacks. This was one of those days. Tonight, I created the Cinnamon Toast Wafflewich with peanut butter and honey. It was fantastic. Enough said. Only 4.5 points.
So today I got to 39 points which was bad, but with the exercise points I’m good. See ya tomorrow.
It’s been way too long since I have posted and for that I’m sorry. I have gotten a lot of guff (yes, I said guff) from people about missing two posts in a row and for that I thank you. I really appreciate the support and accountability this community provides. It is a key contributor to my success so far and with the century pound mark in sight, your support is appreciated now more than ever. So thanks for calling me out Matt DC. I know you were just giving me a hard time, but it meant more than you know. So this morning I got in the scale with low expectations. We had to eat out the majority of last week due to the insanity of our schedule (somehow this week is going to be more insane. What what!) Anyways, for the few posts I did have, you saw the cheesey goodness that I consumed in mass proportions so I was just hoping to at least maintain (it would have been gained if I hadn’t worked out.) Well, my metabolism must be better than I think. I lost 2.2 pounds! Pretty awesome stuff!!! I am sooooo close to being in the 270’s now. I weigh 280.4 so super duper close. So with this week’s loss, I am 23.4 pounds away from 100 pounds. It’s getting there! Like I said this week is going to be bonkers, but we are going to be smarter with meals so 270’s: see ya soon!
Breakfast: So I made two packets of double fiber oatmeal but had it in the microwave too long. It always feels like when you make two packets, it either has the consistency of snot, or it blows up and gets all over the microwave. Well… the latter happened, and a large portion of my oatmeal was everywhere. (No, I did not eat the oatmeal shrapnel left in the microwave.) It was about 5 points worth of oatmeal. Yumtastic.
Lunch: After church, we needed to eat somewhere pretty fast so Megan could meet up with her friends for their study marathon. We ended up going to the Panera next to our house. Panera’s food is deceiving because you expect it to be healthy since it’s fresh but then it’s more points/calories than you hope. Regardless, it’s delicious so we still go there :). I had the half asain sesame chicken salad and half a Mediterranean veggie sandwich. It was really good and the salad was huge for just being half a salad. For the salad, the sandwich and the yummy baguette, it was 14 points. Not bad for how good it tastes.
Snack: While I was studying, I had 3 points of pretzels. That’s 30 pretzels. Holy cow.
Dinner: So this was a little different. While Megan was studying with our friend Catherine, I was at my small group and they had gotten dinner. By the time I was done it was 9:00 so I was starving. Megan texted my with news of leftover Chinese so I headed over there. I had Megan’s left over orange chicken with rice and an egg roll. I was good at the time. It took me back to my favorite super cheap Chinese place in Abilene where you could get a mountain of food for about $4. While the savoring moment lasted for a while, I still have the sodium taste in my mouth as I’m writing this. Not good. So it was high in points, and I have no real way of figuring it out, but here is what I know: I’m not the same guy I used to be. A meal like this was what I ate at least 3 times a week and it didn’t phase me at all. Tonight, I tried to go back to my old self and it wasn’t near as good as I remember. That’s so encouraging to me. To me it means that it would take a lot to get back to where I was, and that’s how I want it.
Snack: We went to Publix to get some groceries including watermelon and Cinnamon Toast Eggos which I have never had. They were delicious and 2 points.
So today wasn’t the best, but I have learned from my mistakes and I plan to work hard this week to lose a good chunk of weight. It’s going to be an interesting week. Bring it on. See ya tomorrow.
I hope your day was filled with Lucky Charms and other foods full of toxic green dye in them. Ours was busy, like the rest of this week has been. It’s just been nuts this week! I don’t feel like we have been home at all… because we haven’t. Sadly, there is no end in sight to this madness! Awe well, it’s how it goes. Alright, let’s talk food yo!
Breakfast: I thought I would change up my breakfast routine a little bit today. I had a cup of Pomegranate Chobani with 1/4 cup of Kashi Berry Crunch. It was pretty good, but the dried berries in the thick Greek yogurt was hard to chew. A little weird, but still a really filling breakfast! It was only 4 points too so not bad.
Exercise: I got the gym at around 9 this morning and it was a ghost town! Usually, it’s pretty busy but not completely packed. (I’m sure it had nothing to do with the bars in Tallahassee opening as early as 6 AM this morning.) Anyways, I had pretty much full range of the joint which was a nice change so I worked on my arms and core. I did a lot of what Kyle showed me last week but I didn’t push myself as hard as I should have. I’ve gotten a little lethargic in my workouts which bothers me. I think I really need to start working out with a personal trainer to pick back up some momentum. Regardless, I got a really good sweat going and despite playing soft rock throughout the gym, it was a good hour workout. 1o exercise points.
After-Exercise Breakfast: FSU has this awesome free standing Starbucks in the middle of campus with plenty of chairs on their deck so I decided to get some breakfast and just relax. I had their oatmeal with brown sugar and a Venti green tea (I mean… it is St. Paddy’s Day!) It was a really good but I was shocked when I figured out the ice tea was 3 points, as much as the oatmeal. That’s a little strange. Either way, it was a 6 point after workout breakfast.
Lunch: Since every Thursday our Campus Minister Adam comes up to campus to have lunch with us, I suggested one week we have a picnic on Landis Green, this big open field with beautiful old trees with Spanish moss draping down from them (I love Florida.) Anyways, today was perfect for a picnic! It was warm and not a cloud in the sky. Adam and Crystal provided the sandwich fixins for us so I just had a turkey with mustard on wheat. It was about a 5 point sandwich. So not too bad. Then we threw a frisbee around so it was a great afternoon!
Snack: When I got home from my class and slowly watched my NCAA bracket slowly deteriorate, I made myself a veggie chicken sandwich on an English Muffin. Pretty awesome 3 point snack. Then, I had 2 points of pretzels with some mustard for dipping. The pretzels really held me over until dinner!
Dinner: In honor of St. Paddy’s Day, Earth Fare had their Hot and Salad Bar half off today! (It’s usually $7.99/pound! Score!) It was no surprise when we got there and they had some amazing stuff. I had the following awesome items: Guinness Stew, Vegetarian Stuffed Cabbage Roll, Cod, and Sausage with Peppers. Then I had a baby spinach salad with a artichoke hearts, a little cheese and a roasted red pepper vinaigrette (I didn’t really eat the egg.) It was a great dinner that was a little overindulgent but delicious nonetheless.
Snack: While we were watching this week’s episode of Biggest Loser on demand, I had 2 points worth of popcorn. Good stuff.
So today I got to 22 points without being really sure of what dinner was. I also had the 10 exercise points so I was probably in the clear. I feel like I used up all my weekly points on last night. If you recall from the pictures, we at at this awesome Italian restaurant called Bella Bella. We were in a pinch for time so we went there just to try it out. Now this week has been particularly busy and with the time change, we have both been really thrown off the rhythm we had before Spring Break. So we go in and the waitress suggests we try the Bubble Bread appetizer. We just thought it was going to be some special made bread; instead it was cheese bread with a schlacking of garlic butter under the cheese. It was heavenly. Instead of having a salad with my dinner, I have clam chowder. Then for dinner I had their Sicilian Lasagna with sausage and other wrong things. I ate most of it, but I still removed the thick layer of ricotta to try to ease the pain. I’m not gonna lie, I was having a crappy day, and some unhealthy food was the only thing that was going to do it for me. Did it make my day any better? Not enough to offset how hard I’m going to have to work out the rest of this week to avoid a gain. I was talking to Megan and I was going to say “it’s been one of those weeks that the food is just not what it needs to be” but all that came out was “it’s been a week,
Breakfast: I had a bowl of Kashi Berry Crisp with skim milk. It was insanely delicious since I haven’t had it in a while. 4 points.
Lunch: I got up to the Capitol a little early today, so I sat outside to eat my lunch. I bought another Hummus and Pretzel combo pack but this time with red pepper hummus. The hummus was really creamy and the pretzel to hummus ratio was a bit off so I was left with too much hummus and not a utensil to get it in my mouth. Sad days. (Speaking of sad days, sorry this picture is horrendously out of focus.) It was only 8 points.
Snack: After I got home, I had some pretzels to hold me over until dinner. Pretzels are awesome because they fill you up so much for a small amount of points. I had 3 points worth.
Dinner: We met up with our friends Daniel and Leah at Cabo’s for dinner. It’s a great place because they have a lot of healthy options along with burgers and other delicious things. Megan and I split the Verde Enchiladas and got an extra cup of black beans. We use to share a lot but then got out of the habit. It really does save you money and points. Plus, we got chips and salsa (the best in town I might add) so it supplemented the meal a little more even though it didn’t really need it. It was a great about 12 point meal.
Workout: When I got home, I fended off working by doing a little Wii Fit. My hip flexors were really tight from sitting all day so it was good to do some yoga and other fun stuff. I did a 40 minute circuit with a hodge podge of activities.
So today I got to about 27 points which is under but I might be wrong on the dinner so I’m in the clear. See ya tomorrow.
One more thing! Has anyone tried to grind their own peanut butter or almonds? I’m trying to figure out a way to do it at home. I have a Ninja blender and a coffee grinder. Let me know!
It’s been a great Sunday. You could say it was “WINNING!” Church this morning was particularly awesome and then we headed out to St. George Island to meet up with some friends to savor the last hours of Spring Break on the beach. It was windy, but the water was warm enough to swim and the it was a beautiful emerald. (I love Florida.) Anyways, I didn’t sleep well last night due to a combination of worrying about the weigh in and the fear of waking up late because of Daylight Savings. I was anxious to see if the week was better than I thought it was. It turned out alright! I was lying in bed when I heard Megan yell through the house “Nathan! I lost 2 pounds!” I’m so proud of her! She’s lost a total of 35 pounds! I’m so proud of her and she’s lookin’ fine! Then it was my turn. I stepped on and I got a pleasant surprise: I lost 2.9 pounds! Holla! I’m really stoked because it could have went either way. So since September 14th, my first post (almost 6 months to the day) I have lost 74.4 pounds and since I’m now at 282.6, I’m shooting to break 280 this week. It’s been a tough road to ho, but the hard work has really paid off and I thank you all for your awesome support. For those who read this blog and want to start their weight loss journey but a nervous, I challenge you this week to try a few simple changes. Drink water instead of Dr. Pepper, take the stairs instead of the elevator (4 floors is not that bad!) take a walk around your block, and really think about what you are eating. Try these small steps and see how you feel at the end of the week. These little steps are the ones that will make the difference and will ultimately set you on the path of your weight loss journey. Seriously, what do you got to lose?
Breakfast: I just had a wafflewich which was awesome (as always) and 5.5 points. After service when we were trying to race out of church, I snagged a left over muffin that Crystal made. It was so good and about 3 points.
Snack: We had to run to Walmart to get some essentials (diet coke and $3 thug sunglasses) and I got a big bag of pretzels to hold us over. Through out the day I ate about 4 points of pretzels. That was 40 pretzels too!
Lunch: I was really really really ready to get to the beach so we ran in to a Subway in Crawfordville and got the Megan Classic Ham on Wheat. 8 points. (Please note the thug $3 glasses)
Dinner: After a hard day of beach bummin’ it up, we all headed back and got some dinner. We stopped at this place called The Pit that had a carnivorous pig on the sign. I was thinking it was going to be BBQ, but it ended up being this awesome hole in the wall grill. I had the grilled Mahi Mahi with a salad and a baked potato with a little butter. (The oysters on the half shell really looked awesome so I’ll have to get those next time.) As you can see, it was a huge chunk of fish and the salad was really good too. It was only about a 8 point dinner which is awesome.
Dinner: We had a 15 bean soup slow cooking at our house so I had a 3 point bowl. It’s awesome and Megan put the pot in some containers so we are set for lunches this week (Spoiler Alert!)
So today I got to 31.5 points which is awesome. I ate pretty well and had a blast today. It’s been a good day. Now back to reality. See ya tomorrow.
Without further adieu, food time.
Breakfast: Yesterday, I bought some almond butter just to see what it was like and it’s soooooooo awesome! (but expensive) I tried to make a wafflewich with almond butter. It was as awesome as I imagined. 6 points of awesomeness (I’m trying to see how many times I could put awesome in a paragraph.)
Lunch: I just actually had leftover for lunch. It was so good last night I had to have it again. Pretty great stuff. 8 points.
Temptation! So we went to Starbucks in the mall since Megan was getting her hair did. If you don’t know, Starbucks had a promotion this week when if you bought a drink you got a free dessert that was under 200 calories. So I ordered my 3 point drink and the Baristaette asked if I wanted one “No, thank you” “Are you sure?” the Temptress replied “They are really good!” “No, that’s okay” “Come on!” “NO” I finally resisted and got out of the line. I don’t know why people think it’s a responsibility to eat free food. I know that they are just trying to promote a new product, but I don’t think you should force people to eat their free product if they don’t want it. The issue is we are always trying to get our money’s worth even if we don’t want it. That was always my problem especially with Chinese All You Can Eat Buffets. That’s still a struggle for me today.
Dinner: I had another slice of pizza for dinner (pizza twice in one day!?! Alright! Double Prizes!) but this time with a humongous salad with grape tomatoes, baby spinach, olive oil and balsamic vinegar. It was awesome all three meals. Oh, and 9 points.
Exercise: After dinner, it was Wii Fit time! I hadn’t played in a while so it was definitely overdue. I did a 40 minute circuit with yoga and all the fun stuff. The yoga is definitely getting easier and I’m not wishing for death halfway through. Good stuff. 5 exercise points
Snack: I had another almond butter wafflewich for a snack. Good again. 6 points
So basically it was a Noah’s Ark of a food day (2 by 2? Get it? Anyone?) Today I got to 32 points but with the exercise points I’m good. Tomorrow is another weigh in that could really go either way. I have no clue if I’ve lost this week. Being home the whole time was a little harder than I thought and I didn’t work out as much as I should because after Monday’s beast workout with Kyle I was exhausted and super sore. We’ll see how it goes. Luckily this week I had some great non-scale victories which are more important than losing a lot. See ya tomorrow.
Breakfast: Oatmeal was BOGO at Publix this week so I got the Maple Brown Sugar with Double Fiber (yay fiber!) so I had a packet of that. I also put half a banana in it just to see what it would taste like. It was actually really good! I was impressed and 4 points.
Mid Morning Snack: While I was grading and feeling sorry for the future of humanity, I had 3 points worth of almonds. Such a great snack.
Lunch: In between loads of laundry, we made kind of a makeshift lunch that actually turned out well. (I hate it when you make a makeshift lunches and it’s terrible because it’s ramen noodles, bar-b-que sauce and ranch wrapped in a tortilla or something like that.) Ours was just a veggie chicken patty with some Uncle Ben’s cheesy rice and some mixed veggies. It was a really good 6 point lunch.
Exercise of Death: Megan bought the 30 Day Shred (because she is a masochist or something) and it was beastly. It’s only 20 minutes, but the circuits are rough. I know I’m going to be sore tomorrow but it’s worth it. It was 5 exercise points so not too bad. I’m definitely going to do it again.
After Exercise Snack: Nature Valley Oats ‘N Honey. So awesome. 4 points.
Smoothie Time! Also after the workout, I made a Strawberry-Banana-Blackberry Smoothie. It was really good and I was a fan of the combo. And for 3 points it wasn’t too bad!
Dinner: So we really wanted to try to make pizza this week and finally the day came! Megan made the dough out of the WW cookbook. We got some really awesome toppings from The Fresh Market this afternoon. The toppings shown are: grape tomatoes, artichoke hearts, roasted red peppers, spinach, and mushrooms. It was awesome with a capital delicious. A slice was a little high (8 points) but again, it was delicious. We each bought a soda to drink with pizza (you can’t just drink water with pizza, it’s gross) and we both got Virgil’s Black Cherry Cream Soda. I forgot how sweet it was so I didn’t really drink mine. Anyways, I had 2 ginormous slices for 16 points. I don’t think I minded because it was basically a deep dish veggie pizza. Good stuff.
So overall, I got to 36 points but with the exercise points I’m at 31 points so I’m good. A really good day. See ya tomorrow.