Breakfast: As always, I started the day with a wafflewich which was just awesome and 5.5 points.
Breakfast Again: I was working on some stuff for my internship this morning so I let Megan sleep in a little bit. When she woke up, I made some scrambled eggs and warmed up these veggie sausages from Publix. The sausages were good, but it wasn’t as good as the LightLife version. Breakfast the sequel was 6 points and really good.
Snack: Before we headed to St. George Island (oh yeah, we went to the beach in February) (the previous parenthesis was sponsored by the Florida Board of Tourism) we grabbed some Starbucks and a 3 point venti iced caramel macchiato.
Lunch: After walking around 3 miles up and down the beach enjoying the beautiful day, we walked up to a beachfront restaurant called the Blue Parrot. It’s your average beachfront dive but it was pretty good. I wanted to get the Yellowfin Tuna sandwich, but it only came with fries (lame) so I got a bowl of gumbo. It was the thick, bayou, stick to your ribs kind of gumbo. It was about 8 points.
Snack: We got back in to town and headed over to Earth Fare for some stuff for dinner (including some quinoa which I’m really stoked to make!) We were both pretty hungry some we got some rice chips that were fantastic. They also had a free sample of truffles so I couldn’t pass up. My snacking adventure at Earth fare was 4 points which was good for a late afternoon snack.
Workout: We both really felt like working out so… we went! I worked on legs and abs then did the bike for about 30 minutes. I usually do the recumbent bike because the seat is bigger and frankly doesn’t hurt my but they were full so I tried the regular bike. I for the first time in a long time it didn’t hurt! I felt fine and normal (which is always nice.) I worked out for 13 exercise points.
Dinner: I’m just going to preface this part with the picture doesn’t do this meal justice. We had bought some salmon and Megan found this low fat alfredo sauce recipe. I couldn’t tell the difference at all. The salmon must have been pretty fresh too because it was great as well. To sum it up: it was the best 14 point meal I’ve ever had.
Something to hang my hat on: I know I’ve been complaining a lot on this post, but this makes it all worth it. So almost a year ago to the week, we came to Tallahassee for Megan’s interview for FSU. That week, we went to St. George just to go to the beach. That is what I looked like then. I remember posing for that picture feeling really good about myself. Then I looked at the picture on the camera and felt awful. That is not what I thought I looked like. Then that is me today, at least 64 pounds lighter (and down a chin or two.) No matter what the scale says tomorrow, I’ve come a long way from a year ago, and it feels great. See ya tomorrow.