The first post of 2011. Here we go.
It was a rainy New Years Day here in Tallahassee which is good because we haven’t gotten much rain lately. Last night we watched the Noles dominate in the Chick-Fil-A Bowl and then I watched Back to the Future until around 4 am. Then the Three Stooges came on after that and it took a lot not to just stay up all night and watch my favorite comedy trio. Anyways, I got up around 11 and watched football. (New Years Day is definitely a lounging holiday.) Then we finally got cleaned up and just drove around, enjoying each other until grad school dominates our lives once again. Anyways, on to food and resolutions.
Breakfast: I went with the staple Peanut Butter and Banana Wafflewich. Oh so filling and oh so delicious. It was 9 points which wasn’t too bad.
Lunch: We kept it simple for lunch. We bought a can of Spaghetti O’s because it’s such a cheap meal. For half of the big can was only 4 points which isn’t that bad at all.
Snack: In the middle of our drive around, we decided to hit up Starbucks to get out of the rain. My parents gave us each a gift card so we put them to good use. If you ever get one, you should register it the Starbucks site and you can get different rewards like free syrup shots and even a free drink on your birthday. Pretty legit. Anyways, I got an Venti Iced Coffee with Non Fat Milk which is only 3 points which isn’t too bad.
While we were out, we made our way to Goodwill (because that’s what you do on random trips around town) and I came across this bright piece of fashion. I have to admit, it’s a lot of yellow for a fellow of XXL stature, but it was only $3.99 so how could I say know (especially because new it would be like $50… well maybe less because of the color.) After Goodwill, we went to Earth Fare, a knew Whole-Foods-Like Store that just opened up in Tallahassee. It was a pretty awesome layout and the prices were actually pretty reasonable. We got some salmon for dinner tomorrow which I am pretty stoked about. (I freakin’ love salmon.)
Snack: After we got back, dinner was going to be a while so I had some of what is know my favorite cereal in the word: Kashi GoLean Crisp! Berry Crumble (move over Lucky Charms!) 3/4 of a cup has 7 grams of fiber! It’s only 4 points with 1/2 a cup of skim milk. It’s quite the hearty cereal to say the least.
Dinner: Since it’s New Years Day, we definitely had to have black eyed peas to ensure good luck for 2011, so Megan made Hoppin’ John which is a Southern New Years classic. All it is is black eyed peas, ham, and rice. It’s super hearty and really low in points for how filling it is. I had 2 cups of it and it was only 8 points. Luckily we made a lot so we definitely be eating on it the rest of the week.
So overall, I was pretty good today and ate 28 points. I wanted to have ice cream after dinner then I had a tall glass of water and then I was full. Funny how that works out. Alright, on to resolutions.
I usually do monthly goals, but today while at Starbucks, I laid out a few goals for this year:
Beat my 5K time: In 2010 I ran two 5K’s (which was two more than I thought I would ever run) and my time got better each time. I really want to get my time down in to the 20 minute range which is going to take some training but I’m ready to start! I really want to do this 5K around Disney Hollywood Studios during ESPN The Weekend at Disney in March but we’ll see what happens. Regardless, there is some serious running in my future.
Warrior Run: If you don’t know what that is, it’s a 5K on steroids with a bunch of crazy obstacles in between. There’s one in Jacksonville in a month but I want to wait until a little later in the year when I’m a little more fit. If anyone is interested in doing one with me let me know.
Do More Photography: Before we moved to Tallahassee, I did quite a bit of senior and engagement photos for friends. I really enjoy it and miss it. I also like doing landscape photography which is a lot better here since Florida is gorgeous and West Texas was… well… a different kind of pretty.
Visit a New State: Why not? We live 15 minutes from Georgia but I haven’t really been there (as in I had a layover in Atlanta for 30 minutes one time) but I really want to explore the Southeast.

Lose 75 more pounds: My goal was to lose 100 pounds by the time I graduate in May 2012 and if I lost 75 more by the end of the year, that would totally obliterate that goal which would be awesome. So far I’ve lost 50 pounds in three months and hopefully the next 50 will go just as well.
Go to a Blogging Seminar: There are some pretty awesome ones for fitbloggers but even just a general one would be pretty cool.
Do a Blogging Seminar: That’s a little lofty, but I can dream. Just speaking to five people about blogging would be tight.
Beat at Least One Video Game: I need to play more video games. Everyone does.
Finish the HP Series: I just read the Goblet of Fire so I’m getting there slowly but surely.
I know what you are thinking and yes, that is a super random list (especially at the end) but if you don’t have a few fun things on your resolution/to do list it’s harder to stick with. So tomorrow is weigh in of a short week. Hopefully I will make more headway towards breaking 300 before Jan 13th (my birthday.) See ya tomorrow.