Today has been pretty nutzo, full of lessons of learning to go on faith. To explain today, I take you back to pre-Weight Loss Fotographing Fat Kid. Once upon a time, (this summer) I applied to get in to FSU for grad school. I had been looking for a job in Tallahassee and it was slim pickens and my grades in undergrad were kind of cruddy because I didn’t hit the books like I should have so I knew getting in was kind of a long shot. Anyways, when I took the GRE in June, my score well below the admissions requirement, but the department still let me in as a non-degree seeking student and under the condition that I would work retake the GRE and get a closer score. Well, the semester went by and I spent more time on my classes instead of studying for the GRE. So about a month ago I decided to retake today since it was finals week and there wasn’t much going on. Anyways, so a lot was riding on the test (obviously it doesn’t depend all on the score, my grad school GPA is a factor too) and I woke up this morning with unbearable sinus pressure and snot coming out of every orifice. I was freaking out. How could I take such a huge test with this bad of a sinus attack? So I sent out a facebook plea for prayers and they were definitely felt and heard (thank you.) I actually did better than last time! I somehow did really well in the quantitative section which really surprised me because I’m really bad at math (go figure.) I still didn’t get as high of a score that I needed, but it’s in God’s hands and there is no other place that I would rather have it. Anyways, quite a day. Let’s talk about some food.
Breakfast: Dayquil and Halls, the breakfast of champions (and people with colds)
Lunch: I just had some chicken soup and a ham sandwich which was a total of 6 points works.
Dinner: During the GRE, I didn’t feel sick at all, but it hit me like a sack of snotty hammers when I was driving home. When I walked in, Megan had put up some Christmas lights! The house is very Christmasy now. Anyways, since we are both still sick, sat and enjoyed some r&r before venturing to free burritos at Chipotle! We bundled up and headed out. Were we sick? Yes. Was it cold? Freezing. Then why go out you ask? BECAUSE IT’S CHIPOTLE!!!! We only had to stand outside for a few minutes and then we got in to the newest Chipotle in the world. It’s a different lay out than most and it’s pretty cool. Anyways, we got ours to go because we were starting to feel a little sick again so we ate at home. Anywho, I had the chicken burrito with the works: cheese, guac, and sour cream. It wasn’t so much stress eating, more of just relief eating after a stressful day. The burrito was really high, like 26 points high, but it was delicious. We definitely won’t be able to go there all the time, but I’m still in the process of trying to find a better, lower point option there like a veggie burrito bowl or something. Anyways, Megan just made some low fat chocolate chip cookies which was 2 points. Yum.
So today, I’m at 34 points so 2 over isn’t too bad. See ya tomorrow.