Breakfast: I made some awesome whole wheat pancakes with some center cut bacon from Publix. It was the first time we had bought the Publix brand bacon and I think it was better than the brand we usually got (I think it was called Porky’s Delight…) 6 points.
SAWS!!! So it was hot and completely disgusting outside so decided to run on the indoor track at FSU. It’s not the most ideal situation, but hey… free AC is good AC. The run went really well. I was pushing myself hard and I was making really good time. Well… I have no proof that I made good time because RunKeeper evidently doesn’t work indoors so it thought we had only gone 1.7 miles and my average pace was 21:08. I definitely knew something was up when the GPS tracker looked like that. Megan did some math and she figured we went about 2.6 miles in 30 minutes so either way Couch 2 5K has already helped my running. 6 exercise points.
Lunch: We had a pretty late lunch at Jimmy John’s right after our workout. It was freakin’ fantastic. I had the veggie sup and we I ate it at home, I put my own light mayo on it so save a ton of calories and fat. 9 points.
Snack: After our mosying about, we ended up at TCBY on Tennessee. Unlike the last TCBY we went to earlier this week, it was a self serve pay by the ounce. Now there are a lot of froyo places in Tallahassee, but that TCBY might have completely won over my heart simply because you can get a waffle cone or waffle bowl for no additional cost! The waffle bowl wasn’t that big so I couldn’t get near as much froyo as usual which worked well. I had cookies n cream with white chocolate mousse and some toppings. It was pretty awesome and about 4 points.
Dinner: So there was an issue with the chicken we had tried to de-thaw for dinner, so instead we went decided to go out. We’ve hear people talk about this Cuban place called Gordo’s close to FSU so we decided to finally give it a try. It was flippin’ fantastic yo! I had the pork sandwich and Megan had the Cubano (pulled pork and ham sandwhich) and we split an order of fries which turned out to be massive. Megan and I traded a half of each others sandwhich and made a dent in the fries. Overall it was a killer meal and I can’t wait to take my parents there (my sister loves Cuban food.)
So up until dinner I had only eaten about 19 points so with the workout points dinner was well within my daily points. Tomorrow is weigh in day and I’m hoping I will be back to where I was before my vacation which was 262. I’ve been pretty good this week and I’ve worked out hard too so if anything, I feel like I’m physically back to where I was before we left so that counts for something. See ya tomorrow.