So as always, I had no clue what the scale had for me this week and once again I am perplexed. I lost .8 pounds this week which is insane since I worked out more than I have ever since I started my weight loss journey. This kind of happened the week before last where I lost 1.8 and then 2.8 the next week so I’m hoping that happens next weekend. I’m shooting to at be at least 262 (or 95 pounds lost) before we head out to Texas in three weeks. So now I am 8.6 pounds away from 100 pounds. I know I have been a little obsessive with reaching 100, but I feel like after that, I can start setting some new short term goals. I’m just ready to be in the century club! All in all, .8 is still pretty good and I am in no way sad about it.
Breakfast: I had pomegranate Chobani. Yumness FTW!
Lunch: Our college ministry went down to Lake Ella park and had a picnic of sorts to feed the homeless there. We had a great turn out and fed a good amount of people, along with just having a conversation with people that we often over look in society. It was a great experience for everyone. So I just had a turkey sandwich and some chips.
Snack: We didn’t get home until around 3 and since there was a devo at church at 5:30 so I had a pita with a little hummus for a snack.
Dinner: After church, we had to go to Walmart to buy some essentials and then we were going to eat at home. Then we both realized how starving we both were so we went to Genghis Grill for massive bowls of awesomeness. My bowl was mostly steak and shrimp but there were a ton of veggies too! I love that place.
Non Scale Victory: In March, I bought a pair of Old Navy jeans for the first time this century that were 48 inches. Well, I wore them today since they are the only casual pants I have that actually fit but I had to wear two shirts tucked in so they would fit. By the end of the day I was holding them up with one hand. So I bought a cheap pair of jeans at Walmart to hold me off for a while and they were size 42’s! Basically, I have lost A FREAKIN’ FOOT off of my waist since September. A foot of gut, saddlebags, and butt. It’s insane. It’s victories like this that make all of my sacrifice and hard work worth it. Like I’ve said before, I was almost to the point of giving up (at age 23 mind you) and just “live” my life the way I wanted to. It wouldn’t have been living though. It would be a miserable life full of multiple doctor bills and gallons of flop sweat. One time I was at a big and tall shop that was going out of business and there were a pair of pants that were size 60 and I seriously thought to myself “well, I might as well buy these because I’ll fit in to them soon enough.” If you are having those feelings, DO SOMETHING ABOUT THEM! Take steps to change your life!
Okay… [deep breaths]
What I’m trying to say is if you want to change your life for the better, take the steps today so you wont regret it tomorrow.
See ya tomorrow.