Exercise: We slept through our alarm this morning and I was just feeling crummy. I haven’t been hungry in days and I have just felt bloated (yes… I said bloated) and bogged down so I’ve just been out of whack. I really wanted to hit up the gym this morning, but with the time constrains it wasn’t going to happen. Instead, we did the Jillian Michaels (patooh! Oh yeah, I spit every time I say her name now) 30 Day Shred DVD. I have only done it a few times at Level 1 but today we kicked it up a notch and for some reason went for Level 2. The best worst idea ever. It was brutal with some beastly cardio, abs, and strength. I sweated like a stuffed pig. It was that gross sweat that just tasted like you’re burning out some toxic stuff. It was a pain but it was awesome. I got 5 exercise points so not too bad.
Breakfast: After a crazy work out like that, some Chobani was in line. It was awesome some Kashi cereal. I also had a folded over Eggo Cinnamon Toast waffle with a little peanut butter. A pretty good 7 point dinner.
Lunch: While I working on my beastly research paper, I had my turkey sandwich with some grapes. Pretty good lunch! 5 points.
Starbucks: Today it was actually cold (like low 60’s) here today so I decided to grab a hot drink from the bucks. I had a tall chai tea latte but I forgot to say nonfat. So lame and epic fail on my part. So instead of having a good drink, I had a 16 ounce 450 calorie bombshell and just ended up gassy. (TMI? Get over it.) 5 points
Snack: during my class, a student brought spring rolls for everyone. She was too sweet not to have one (some people are just too nice not to take food from.) It was great and 4 points.
Dinner: We had Subway for dinner. Awesome. 11 points
So today I’m at 32 points and with the exercise points I’m good. See ya tomorrow.
Breakfast: This morning, I had some awesome Chobani Pomegranate with some Kashi Berry Crisp cereal. On Sunday I saw this Tweet from Eat This Not That RT @EatThisNotThat: Love granola, but hate the load of sugar and calories? Make a parfait with this cereal instead: http://ow.ly/4mhd4. Megan thought of this before it was cool. She is such a trend setter. 4 points.
Lunch: I had some leftover spaghetti. It was just as awesome as it was last night. Pretty good stuff. 10 points.
Dinner: Megan and I met up for dinner at Roly Poly. It was pretty good like it was last week. I had the classic tuna melt which I didn’t know it was going to be a wrap but I think that’s all they have. Anyways, like I said, it was good, but I think I’ll get a salad next time. Dinner was only 11 points so not bad.
Snack: We got a free box of frosted shredded wheat from Earth fare so I gave that a shot. It tasted just like the store brand but better. It was 4 points for a cup with 1/2 cup of skim milk. Awesomeness.
Snack: I had some strawberry shortcake which was also awesome and 3 points.
Overall, it was a pretty good day. I got to 32 points. Awesome. See ya tomorrow.
So this week’s weigh in did not goes as planned. On Friday, I was stupid and I weighed in the morning to see how I was doing for the week and I was down to 278. Now I know what you are thinking “Nathan, you shouldn’t do that! It’s bad for you…. other stuff” Well, if you read my blog, you would know it’s an issue I have and I need to stop some how. I thought if I weighed it would help me stay good during the weekend. Instead, I rationalized a lot of stuff and I paid dearly. This week I lost .2 pounds which is pitiful. I know most of that is retained water, but it’s still really frustrating to me. I should have stayed off the scale and kept on guard and I would be down at least 2 pounds. I’m just really mad at myself because I screwed myself over. What’s even worse is that I worked out hard both of the days I went to the gym this week so I feel like that went down the drain. I hate learning experiences.
Breakfast: didn’t eat it. Not because of the weight loss, but I was just in a really bad funk this morning and frankly I was still full from last night (not a good sign.)
Lunch: As always, we were in a huge crunch for time today so we went to Panera for lunch since it was close to Publix. I did the Pick Two and had the sesame Asian chicken salad with broccoli and cheese soup. I know I know, I was clashing food cultures like a boss, but it was good all the same. When I got home and check up the nutritional facts, my meal had 8 grams of saturated fat and .5 grams of trans fats!!!!!! What the crap? Nothing pisses me off more than places that claim to be a healthy alternative and you have trans fats in your food! Panera, I don’t think we can be friends anymore. You make me sad. Lunch was 12 points.
Snack: After I went up to school to work on a take home test (yeah it doesn’t make any sense to me either) I had a Chobani to hold me over until dinner. Pomegranate, you are beautiful. 3 points.
Dinner: So for dinner we decided to try something a little different. A while back, we bought a tube of Gimme Lean veggie ground “beef” so from Publix so we made spaghetti and meatballs. The meat is really cheap and really low in points! Dinner was only 10 points with a spinach salad with grape tomatoes and balsamic vinegar.
Dessert: This evening, Megan made us strawberry shortcake with angel food cake. It was a great 3 points with fat free cool whip and fresh Florida strawberries. It went perfect with a cup of decaf coffee too!
So today I’m at 28 points which isn’t entirely a bad thing. I should have drank a little more water today but that’s how it goes. This week I’m going to work out more and try stay with in our points. Luckily, we have some awesome plans laid out which will make it a lot easier to avoid eating out. We’ll see how this goes. See ya tomorrow.
One more thing! Happy Birthday to my awesome blogging buddy Jennifer at A Girl Who Loves Cupcakes! You are a stud and it’s been awesome watching you progress in your weight loss journey. Keep up the awesome work.
Another week has come and gone. Pretty crazy stuff! It was a good day, I got some homework done (maybe as much as I should have) and went Grill shopping! I didn’t buy one today but I’m planning to pretty soon. If you have a suggestion let me know! Alright, let’s do this.
Breakfast: I had the awesome Eggo Cinnamon Toast Wafflewich for breakfast and it totally rocked. 4.5 points.
Lunch: We went over to Sup Perros for some lunch. As always, it was flippin delicious. We both had the Vegetarian Plate with tostones, rice, beans and salad. We also split and arepa which is (to quote Megan) a cross between cornbread and polenta. As you can see, they are pretty generous with their portions there. It was a pretty awesome meal. I think Super Perros might become a Saturday tradition! 10 points.
Dinner: Once again, we made the super awesome veggie pizza. We got a little topping crazy but they were just veggies so it wasn’t too bad. (I saw at Publix the other day soy pepperonis that are like 50 calories for 13 pepperonis. Has anyone tried those?) Anyways, I was a little too adventurous and I had two slices. It was a little much. My eyes were too big for my stomach. 16 points.
So today I’m at approximately 30.5 points which it might be a little more than that but that’s how it works. Well tomorrow is weigh in day and I’m interested to see where I’ll be. I’m only 3.4 pounds away from the 80 pound mark so I’m close but I don’t know if will happen this week. I was hoping to get a work out in today but it didn’t happen so we’ll see where I’m at on Sunday. See ya tomorrow.
Sorry about last night, between FSU losing and the craziness of the week finally catching up to me I was pooped and just ready for bed. So instead you can read this post while watching Saturday morning cartoons!
Breakfast: I went the wafflewich route with some chocolate almond milk.
Lunch: After I went to this awesome presentation from the former head of multicultural marketing for McDonald’s and Coca-Cola, (Tony Suarez, you’re a beast) I went up to the Capitol for my internship. I got there a little early so I went down to the Capitol Grill. I didn’t think they would have healthy options since it always smells like a Long John Silver’s, but they had a pretty good salad bar. When I say good, it’s no Jason’s Deli salad bar, but it still had a lot of options. Best of all: it was only 40 cents an ounce! That’s like FroYo cheap! They also had this rasberry vinaigrette that was fat free and 50 calories. It was a pretty good salad for $4!
Dessert/Indulgence: So there was a surprise birthday celebration for someone in the office and even though I’m still a lowly intern and I don’t know anyone, I like a good surprise. Plus, to me, watching coworkers interact over birthday cake is where you learn a lot more about the culture of an office. Anyways, they had Tinkerbell cupcakes from Publix. The icing was super intense and after I ate it I had a headache. Either way, it was fun to celebrate Grace’s birthday and to try something so sweet and know it was too rich for me to eat anymore.
Trail and Picnic: Tallahassee has a lot of gorgeous forests and parks. Friday, we got to enjoy some more of Florida’s beauty. We went with our friends, Dennis, Sharon, Adam, Crystal and Kaylee out for a mile and a half hike with a picnic at the end. The trail had a lot of sand (still not use to forests having sand in them) and the landscape changed a few times a long the way. We had a lot of fun! After the hike, we went ate our packed dinners. I had a turkey sandwich with some grapes and some almonds. It was a lot of fun!
Dessert: Friday evening, we went to the Rainbow Concert, where all the FSU ensembles play, and then went over to Yogurt Mountain! I know I know, two desserts in one day. It was a little over the top but it was great. I combined German Chocolate and cookies and cream yogurt with a bunch of weird toppings including Nerds! It was delicious, but I’m a little desserted out for a while.
Overall, Friday was a good day. See ya later.
Sorry this post is late. I fell asleep watching basketball and watching my bracket have an aneurysm.
Breakfast: I just had a wafflewich I think (it’s been a long day) 5.5 points
Lunch: I met up with my friend Andrea (AKA The Wolf) and her boss Jeanette for lunch at Roly Poly. We talked about social media and other fun stuff like that. It was my first social media consultation so to speak. I could totally do that for a living. Anyways, Roly Poly has a massive selection of sandwiches, soups and salads. I decided to have the Brown Derby salad with blue cheese, bacon, chicken, tomatoes and a spring mix with a honey mustard. It was so good. The salad was about 12 points which was high but delicious. So worth it.
Exercise: After class where we talked about Rebecca Black’s Friday Song, I went over to Leach to workout. Since Tuesday, I’ve been jonesin’ for another really sweaty cardio workout. I guess it’s been a while since I have just drenched my shirt and I miss that. Anyways, I did another 35 minutes on the elliptical which was beastly but fun. The program I did involved going backwards for like 75% of the time which made it all the more interesting. Fun stuff.
Dinner: Megan and I split a Kashi Mediterranean pizza which was really really really good. Half of the pizza was 9 points. It wasn’t supper filling, but it would have been better with a salad or a side like that.
Dessert: We had a BOGO for Nuberri (holla!) so we went there for some FroYo (yeah, I said FroYo.) They had this awesome Caramel Frappe yogurt which tasted exactly like the Caramel Frappacino (which I haven’t had in a long time.) Anyways, I had some of that with a little Health and Andes Mint. It was about 5 points.
Snack: I had some cocoa dusted almonds for 4 points.
Today I got to 35.5 points but with the exercise points I’m good. Awesome. See ya tomorrow.
Breakfast: We had a study date at Jenny’s Lunchbox which was awesome. I had the whole wheat pancakes with scrambled eggs and veggie patties. It was about 15 points which was okay because today was just a beast and I knew I wouldn’t have time for a real meal the rest of the day.
Snack: I had a bag of nuts while I was studying. 4 points. Awesome.
Snack: So I thought I had packed a Clif Bar in my backpack but I guess in my haste this morning I forgot it. I bought a Nature Valley Honey and Oats bar pack to eat. 4 points.
Dinner: I had 5 points of leftover chili goodness.
Snack: After my beast of a day, I got home and made a cinnamon toast wafflewich for 4.5 points.
So I got to 32.5 points. Time for bed. See ya tomorrow.
Breakfast: We bought more waffles from Publix so you know that that means: WAFFLEWICH!!!!!! I did it the right way with half a cut up banana and a little honey. It was pretty awesome and a great way to start the day. 6 points of awesomeness.
Lunch/Snacks: So I ran home before my internship to get some lunch. Megan, being the awesome wife she is, packed me lunch and some snacks for the afternoon. I ate my ham and spinach sandwich in the park area by the Capitol. It was awesome as always. Later, I had some cocoa coated almonds that were BOGO at Publix (holla!) Then, in the afternoon when I was fading fast, I had a Clif Bar. I bought a white chocolate macadamia nut one which was good, but I’m glad I bought some other flavors to try in the week. Everything Megan packed was 13 points.
Dinner: When we got home from our respective activities for the day, Megan and I made a pot of Uncle Jim’s Chili. It’s been a while since we’ve made it so it was a welcomed meal after a long day. I ate my share. I had about 15.5 points worth which was a lot but delicious.
Exercise: Megan had to go to a recital tonight so I decided to hit up the gym. I was still feeling the effects of last night so I was just ready to sweat it all out. The gym was packed with meatheads and other stereotypical gym rats so I avoided out the weights. There was one treadmill left (half of them were taken up and the other half were broken) so I got on it but every time I would try to run the belt would stop on it! To avoid a Chri Farely-esc kerplunk, I decided to get off, and it was just in time too. As I was getting off my treadmill, I look over to the guy next to me (mind you he’s a thin build guy) and he’s covered in sweat but his treadmill was DRENCHED! It looked like his treadmill had just watched The Notebook and the end of Old Yeller at the same time. It was gross. That further supported my case to find another cardio activity. Anyways, I went up to the ellipticals and did a 40 minute full body interval training. So as I was finishing (with like 5 minutes to go) my elliptical session. This toxic scent wafted into my nostrils and singed many a nose hair. I mean, I know it’s a gym, so it smells funky anyways, but this was worse. Someone walked by and farted. Now, usually I don’t mind the occasional flatulence, but when you are wheezing and using your lungs to their fullest capacity, the last thing you want to do is inhale a stench that bad. Also, I have farted plenty of times on the treadmill (who hasn’t?) but I’ve never just waltzed over to someone on a bench press, farted, and then walked away. Anyways, I looked over to the girl in a look of shear terror and she reciprocates. I was quick to point out it wasn’t me. She laughed and she said “thanks for letting me know.””Well, thanks for believing me” I replied. The culprit was your typical weirdo who had a friend who wore a wool cap on the elliptical (seriously, who wears a wool cap at the gym? IN MARCH? IN FLORIDA!?!) Anyways, I burned like 600 calories and earned 9 exercise points so a good, but a bizarre night at the gym.
Snack: So after my odyssey at the gym, I was hungry but not starving. I was in this happy medium of I want something hearty but not a meal. Situations like these create awesome snacks. This was one of those days. Tonight, I created the Cinnamon Toast Wafflewich with peanut butter and honey. It was fantastic. Enough said. Only 4.5 points.
So today I got to 39 points which was bad, but with the exercise points I’m good. See ya tomorrow.