Day 491: Saturday Yo!


So I just tried on this Calvin Klein button up that I have had since July that hasn’t fit… UNTIL NOW BOY! Not gonna lie, I be lookin’ fine. The awesomeness just keeps coming and it is flippin’ fantastic.

Breakfast: I had a group meeting this morning so I got up, made some press pot coffee and had some dry toast. Yum.

Brunch: After my meeting, I came home to breakfast! Megan had made some eggs, cheese and bacon. It was awesome as well. (A lot of awesomeness going around today.)







SAWS!: I was in the mood for a run so I strapped on the ol’ five fingers and hit the trails. Recently, it feels like I’m running a lot faster than I was even since October. I’m doing a 5k in April and I can’t wait to see how that goes. Anyways, I when I was running, my form felt a lot better and frankly I felt like another awesome guy who ran in the forest… I ran for about 40 minutes and torched 602 calories. Legit.







Dinner: We had some ground chuck from The Fresh Market that needed to be eaten so I made the best burger I have ever made. I have finally figured out my Weber and how to wield its awesomeness. Megan made some killer guacamole and we also had some Publix macaroni salad left over (which was not worth the calories.) It was a pretty epic meal.

So overall today was a pretty awesome Saturday. Got a lot done and got a fantastic run in. I have a decent feeling about tomorrow, I did eat my share of guac but not a lot of chips but the macaroni salad was just a bad choice. Won’t be doing that again. See ya tomorrow.

Day 489: Thursday With Pictures!

Sorry for no post last night… As you can see, last night was not good. I didn’t post last night because I was just exhausted. For the past couple of days I have been stuck in a feeling that could be related to that moment when you get off of the merry-go-round and everything is disoriented and you are wondering what you got yourself in to. I think I’m just mentally fried. I be slowly getting out of this funk this evening, but it’s lingering like that weird black hole thing in that antidepressant commercial.  I don’t know. But, you aren’t here to read about my stress-induced life (or are you…)

Breakfast: I had coffee for breakfast, yes… the breakfast of champions. Nothing like starting off your day with 21 ounces of caffeine scorching through your veins. I had a “dirty coffee” (name penned by my good blogger friend tracey) which is an iced coffee with a shot of mocha syrup. It was particularly good this morning.

Lunch: Megan and I went to this awesome place called Bada Bean that we have never to before. The “bean” works on multiple levels (well at least in my case) because they serve some awesome coffee and they make the best black bean burger in town! I had the steak fries with it (should have picked a better side. Fail on my part.) and it was topped with avocados on ciabatta bread. It was epic.





Snack: I bought some peanut butter from Earth Fare and some local Tupelo honey (evidently if you eat local honey once a day it will cure your allergies) so I combined those two delicious entities to make a delicious wafflewich.

Dinner: We didn’t eat until around 9:30, but it was worth the wait. While we were at Earth Fare, we also got these chicken thingamabobs that look a lot like chicken cordon blue but not as heavily breaded on the outside. They have different variations, but we went with the chicken stuffed with feta and spinach. They turned out really well. We were both really impressed.

So that’s really about it today. Although I am incredibly tired, I’m off to do Insanity because I didn’t last night. At this point, Insanity is like going to your friends house every day and when you ring the door bell, your friend comes out and slaps you in the face. It’s not fun right now, but I can’t argue with the results (the results part doesn’t apply to my analogy.) Anyway, here are the pics I would have posted yesterday. I hope you like them (if not, don’t tell me. At this point I would cry with the force of a hundred waterfalls.) See ya tomorrow.

























































Day 487: That Time I Got an iPad Edition

Yes, it is true. My life is complete. I guess that’s all I can say.

I’m going to keep this quick because my battery icon looks like that which means I have no clue when my computer will shut off. Awesome right?

Anyway, today was obviously pretty good, but I discovered my kryptonite: rotisserie chicken.

Breakfast: I had to be up on campus a little kind of early so I went for some coffee and bagels and cream cheese. Their Vanilla Hazelnut is usually spot on but tonight was a little burnt. Awe well. Overall it was pretty good.









Lunch: I know I know, animal crackers and Diet Coke: the lunch of champions (and grad students.) I didn’t have much time between classes so I grabbed that out of the vending machine. Yummy stuff.









Dinner: I wasn’t really hungry until kind of late so we went to Publix for some food. They had a deal where you got a rotisserie chicken and two sides for pretty cheap. We kept the sides small and the portions of chicken regular, but that temptress also known as leftover chicken kept calling my name every time I would go in to the kitchen. What was even worse was that I would eat the dark meat and the skin which is the worst part! AHHHHH! It was no bueno. I need to work on that. If I could conquer rotisserie chicken, I would be able to conquer anything.

Insanity: This week is the calm before the storm: Cardio Core and Balance. After this is when Phase Two and it gets just plain sadistic. Anyway, the workout was bad, but it hurt so good. I feel nice and stretched out.


So that’s about it. Tomorrow is Wordless Wednesday! If you have a question for the video, post a comment below or on The Fotographing Fat Kid Facebook Page. See ya tomorrow.




Day 486: The Case of the Mondays Make Me Sad Edition

Today was rough. Grad school is so stressful sometimes. I’m really ready to graduate, get a job and not have to worry about school anymore. What I am ready for though is to lose some weight this week! It felt awesome to get on the scale yesterday and see that I had made some killer progress! I think I’ll be able to replicate that this week even though I felt like death today for the majority of the day. Nothing like having to present for a quarter of your grade in your class while sick. No bueno. Luckily though I think it went well! Anyway, as you’ll see, I didn’t eat much today. So let’s talk…

Breakfast/Lunch: I had a Tervis full of hot green tea because my head and throat were not doing too hot. Even though I slept like 11 hours between a nap yesterday and sleep last night, I was not feeling well at all. I went to work for two hours and then realized if I stuck around, it was going to be bad news bears because my stomach started to hurt like crazy too! No fun. So, I went back home, crawled in to be like Rip Van Winkle (side note: I was in a Christmas play one time called Rip Van Christmas when I was in 5th grade in Abilene Texas. I rocked it.) and took a power nap while watching a show about knitting on Create (I heart PBS.) After I woke up, I had a ham sandwich with some Cape Cod reduced fat chips. It was weird because I felt so much better after that. 6 points

Dinner: Somehow, that sandwich and chips really held me over (as if my stomach was smaller than when I was 350 pounds or something…) but when 7:30 rolled around, it was time for dinner. Megan and I decided to hit up Mellow Mushroom for a calzone. We kind of burned ourselves out on MM so it was good to go back again. I just had a regular cheese calzone in all of its oozing cheesy goodness. I would have taken a picture, but it was trivia night and I didn’t want to get disqualified. Figure this out though, I didn’t know the answer to the question “Who was the 1989-1990 NBA Rookie of the Year” (answer: David Robinson aka my idol) but I did know the answer to the question “Which fictional book by H.P. Lovecraft was also called ‘The Book of the Dead?'” (answer: The Necronomicon.) Hooray for knowing the name of obscure early 20th century literature but not knowing any sports trivia. Fail. Anyway, a whole calzone was 18 points.

So I had no idea that I hadn’t eaten much today until I was writing this. I was full all day, but I could have drank much more water especially since my sinuses were dried out. I guess I’ll do that tomorrow. I didn’t do Insanity today, but I will tomorrow since I should be feeling better by then. I was also a little apprehensive to do it today because my heel was hurting still today from I guess all of the roots I ran over. Plus my quads are super sore too, but I guess I could just stretch them out though… I’m not smart sometimes. See ya tomorrow.



What up G!

So since November, I have been in a weird plateau that has kept me in the same weight area off and on. I’ve been ready to drop enough weight to get in to the 230’s and stay there. All of the work I did this week helped put me in the right direction and to drop the weight that I need to! I lost 3.8 pounds this week! I haven’t lost that much since the week before Thanksgiving! (Except for that time I lost nine pounds in 24 hours thanks to food poisoning, but that doesn’t really count.) So now I am down to 239.2. I think if I can lose some more this week, it will take care of at least this plateau. I was looking at the Insanity calendar of doom and this week is cardio power and balance every single day. Then, Phase Two of death starts. This ought to be fun.

Breakfast: This morning, we actually got up early enough to get some breakfast before church. We went to our old standby Jim and Milt’s for their cheap $2.55 breakfast. The coffee is always good and I think I have figured out the best way to eat plain grits: brown sugar, butter and Louisiana Hot Sauce (give it a whirl and thank me later.)






Lunch: After church, we went to Publix on the hunt for some lunch. It’s always dangerous to go to Publix while your starving, but we decided on something delicious: roast beef sandwiches! (Billy… don’t forget your sandwiches! Did anyone catch that reference?) So Megan made some roast beef sandwiches with au jus and topped with some reduced fat gouda we bought last week from Earth Fare. They were flippin’ epic, and as you can see they were delicious.

Also, we both ate some Cape Cod chips when we were in the car after Publix (yes, were ridiculously hungry.)



Dinner: Since it was Chinese New Year… at some point, our great friend Julie invited some people over to celebrate the occasion through the act of eating and watching Mommie Dearest (those ideas were mutually exclusive.) Anyway, since Julie lived has lived in China, she knows how to whip up some wicked awesome Chinese cuisine. I started out with rice, dumplings and cold cucumber. After I tried a few other things, Julie brought out this awesome kung pow chicken that was the best I have ever had. We had a great time and the food was fantastic. Thanks for a good tie Julie!

So that’s about it. I can feel a cold/allergy craptasticness coming on so I’m going to bed almost immediately after this. This week is going to be nuts with Insanity, but if I count my points and drink water like a fish (hey George… the ocean called…) I will be in good  shape. See ye tomorrow.




Day 484: Saturday Stuff

Okay where was I? Oh yeah, allergies in January are a pain. Luckily though the weather has finally started to feel at least fall like which I will take at this point! Okay, food and stuff time.

Breakfast: I just had two waffles with peanut butter. Standard deliciousness. Definitely nothing new.

SAWS Part One: This morning, I went to Leach and played squash for the first time ever. To quote one of the guys I played with, it was like playing racquetball with a pomegranate. The racket (and in essence, the game in general) is a hybrid of a racquetball racket and a tennis racket. The ball however is basically a small sphere of rubber that has little to no bounce. Anyway, I didn’t do too well but I didn’t care. I’ve never been super competitive in sports. I was just there to learn the basics and burn some calories. Good times.

Lunch: We just went to Subway and again just did the basic ham and cheese awesomeness. Good stuff.

Coffee Break: This afternoon, I spent some time at the newest coffee establishment in Tallahassee: Atomic Coffee. They have a couple of different ways to make iced coffee. I tried the Thai coffee which was sugar, half and half, spices and whip cream (I skipped on the whip.) It was fantastic. I think I have my new place. It’s not Starbucks and it’s not hipster-filled… yet.

SAWS Part Two:  Like I said earlier, the weather was fantastic today so I thought it was time to field test my Vibram Five Fingers with some trail running. We ran in the trails behind our house and it felt great. I haven’t ran since I started Insanity and I could really feel the difference in my for and in even my footwork (I had some quick feet!) After running up and down everywhere, I burned a crapton of calories. Between that and squash I burned a total of 730 calories. WHABAM!

Dinner: We have already been to Jason’s Deli three times, but at this point, it’s one of the cheapest places to eat out and some of the healthiest food around! I had the salad bar (as always) and Megan had soup. When you buy them together it shaves off like $3. What a deal. (“There’s still plenty of meat on that bone. Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you’ve got a stew going!”) (the people who are suppose to get that quote will get it.) As you can see, I dominated and made an epic salad. Awesomeness.

So overall was a pretty awesome Saturday. Food was good and I burned a ton of calories. Hopefully the weigh in will show. See ya tomorrow.

Day 482: Thursday Stuffy Stuff

It was a dark and stormy night…

Yeah I know, generic beginning. Get over it.

Well, I did Insanity last night and it was epic. I went to bed and woke up still high on endorphins (it also helped that I had a Venti Americano so I was wired like a mad man.)

Breakfast: I just had two pieces of toast with peanut butter. Best breakfast ever (except for a wafflewhich or the Paris Coffee Shop in Fort Worth.)

Lunch: I went to a job fair today at the Civic Center and under the guidance of the always-wise Andrea de Lobo, I went the lounge/dining area in the FSU Law School. They were selling Pollo Tropical chicken with rice and beans. It was good. And delicious.

Snack: When I got home I had a bowl of Cheerios. Yum.

Dinner: (I know, FINALLY A PICTURE!) Tonight we went to the Korean BBQ place on Tennessee for something a little different. Every time I have gone there, the dumpling soup always sounds appealing, but I could never steer away from their Korean Pork. Tonight I finally gave it a whirl. It was really good, but I think I’ll stick with my pork from now on.

Workout: The other night, I met some of the members of the FSU Racquetball Club and they said they play a couple nights a week. Tonight I decided to join them and I got worked. I’ve essentially been playing the same 5 people for about 2 years so playing people with a different style is challenging. I only got to play two games until they evacuated Leach because there was a tornado warning. Awe well.

So that’s about my day. Nothing too exciting. I’ll make it more interesting next time. See ya tomorrow.

Day 481: Wordless Wednesday With Video and Big Announcement in Said Video!








































































Day 480: Tuesday

So I know this is a late post and it’s going to be short and sweet. Sorry that I’m not dedicating the time in to telling you all about my day but Papa Fotographing Fat Kid needs his sleep. It’s one of those days where you look back and realize you have been doing work in some capacity all day whether you wanted to or not.

Anyway, to summarize my day in one fell swoop of a sentence, I did the following awesome things:


taught public speaking

made a grilled cheese sandwich on my Weber

ate at the awesome Jason’s Deli

had a doughnut GASP!

more homework

listened to a lot of Baroque music (because if it ain’t baroque don’t fix it! Yuck yuck.)


So that’s about it. In lieu of a comprehensive post, I thought I would share an article I wrote for Fitblogger last January about my thoughts after losing 50 pounds. Consider it a bonus post. Let me know what you think! See ya tomorrow.


Day 479: Manic Monday

So this week was about dominating my eating habits and burn some serious calories to get the crap out if the 240’s! Today was a good day but just a weird day with food. I tried the eat the “eat every two hours” method which really kick starts you metabolism and it really worked because I was hungry all day. Okay let’s get to it to it to it to it to it… (JACK SPARROW! I’ve lost my mind.)

Breakfast: I brought a bag of Cheerios and a banana for the first installment, follow by one of those Smucker’s Peanut Butter and Jelly Unwhiches which are actually pretty good! I also had a banana. Yumness.









Lunch-ish: Today at work, my work buddy (and real life buddy as well) Andrea and I worked with the media at an event in the College of Law. What’s a fringe benefit of being a PR stud like me? FREE FOOD! I had four little meatballs, some cheese and crackers, a little sandwich roll and one chicken wing. Hooray for free food!








Dinner: Tonight I had leftover chili with some leftover cornbread. It was just as spicy and awesome as last night.That’s all that needs to be said (other than I can eat much less chili than I used to.)

SAWS: Tonight I got back in to Insanity and it was brutal. I did the Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs, two programs back to back. I was doing really well in Pure Cardio, but during the re-warm up during Cardio Abs, my right calf always seems to cramp up. The rest of the session is on the ground though so you it was okay to keep going. I’m not sure if it is the Fivefingers or the fact that doing anything after a long session of Pure Cardio is nuts, but I’ll keep my eye on it so I don’t do damage to my leg.

So like I said today was weird and I didn’t track my points really. Tomorrow is going to be a lot better about that. Mark it. See ya tomorrow.