Day 340: Weigh In Labor Day Edition!

What up yoz!!!

You best be up reading my blog BECAUSE IT’S LABOR DAY TOMORROW!!! A day to celebrate the Puritans killing all the dinosaurs by forcing them off Plymouth Rock with Moonraker Lasers.

This week, I didn’t really count my points out like I should have, but I did eat healthy lunches pretty much every day and worked out a few times. It was a week that really could have gone either way. Luckily, I did alright. I lost exactly one pound! I’ll take it. I’m down to 253.8 so I’m going to work to get in to the 240’s by the end of the month which is really not out of the realm of possibility. (NSV: I just realized I wrote the 240’s and it made me happy giddy.) So far I have lost 103.2 pounds!!! or to quote my friend Jacob, it’s like losing two giant bags of dog food off of my body. So far so awesome, and the fun has just begun.

Breakfast: I had the good ol’ bowl of grape nuts to keep me full (and consequently: regular.)

Lunch: We had leftovers from Genghis last night so we did that for lunch. I actually had more for lunch today than last night so it was pretty awesome.  It also helped that I had spicy mustard at home which is my favorite Chinese condiment in the world. (Soy Sauce is for communists… just saying.)






Snack: While I was trying to read the worst textbook ever written, I had some pretzels. Sadly, the pretzels did not grant me the academic clarity I was looking for.

















Dinner: Earth Fare had an awesome coupon for $2 off steak so we got a pound of sirloin for dinner. Megan cooked up some wild rice we bought a while back (also from EF) and then we bought some broccoli and cheese packets that are like a point a serving (score!) The steaks turned out really well and everything rocked as well. Pretty awesome dinner that was only $5 a person for an 8 oz steak with fixins. (And you say you can eat well for cheap.)

Dessert: During small groups, our friend Crystal made those awesome no bake/haystack “cookies” and I splurged and had like 4 of them. I know I know… bad llama. I had to eat them because the cookies told me if I didn’t they would multiply and take over the world, forcing mankind to serve the queen haystack that would reside in Glenn Close’s left nostril. (What the crap am I talking about?) In summation: oops.

So today I did alright, but nothing special. I at least at well on a meh day like this. It sucks when you don’t do well and it was because you ate random stuff that wasn’t substantial. Anyways, so next Monday (not tomorrow) will be my year anniversary of the diet. I can’t believe how much has changed in a year, but we will talk about that later. See ya tomorrow.


Day 328: SAWSing Through Complacency

What up yo!

If this is your first time on my blog, welcome and thanks for stopping by! Be sure to check out my facebook page as well for more of the silly things I say.

Breakfast: I knew that it was going to be a while before lunch so I decided to eat a good breakfast. I decided to have two servings of Back to Nature Cherry Pecan cereal. It was fantastic and really filling. It was 8 points and it held me over until lunch!

Lunch: After I got to work, I came home to an awesome lunch made by my awesome wife! She made a grilled turkey and cheese with some tomato soup. It was also fantastically awesome. Yumtastic and lunch with a cornbread muffin with some honey as a dessert was 8 points.

Snacks: I had a Clif Bar (which I am in love with) and I also had 2 points of almonds. It was a great afternoon snack.







Dinner: We have a bunch of leftovers left… over of bean soup so we had that for dinner with a few cornbread muffins. It was as good as usual. Loved it. 10 points.

SAWS!!!! Today, I was not feeling it. I was just hit hard with being tired of my weight loss journey. When you have to keep being “on” all the time it just gets hard. Last week I boasted that I wasn’t panting during Insanity, and I realized that it wasn’t because I am some workout beast, it’s because I haven’t been working as hard as I should. Today, I laid it all on the table and boy did it pay of. By the end of the warm up, I was sweating out of every orifice and during the rough parts I was praying for death. I was finally doing Insanity the way I should be. I used to think that if I didn’t wake up sore after a workout I wasn’t working hard enough and somewhere I’ve lost sight of that. I am now back in that mindset and it feels like I’m really accomplishing something. It feels good to be back on the SAWS Wagon once again. 9 exercise points.

Snack: Immediately after Insanity, Megan made us some smoothies with a banana and strawberries. Pretty awesome stuff. 3 points.

Snack: When we were watching the King’s Speech (which I loved!) I had a yogurt ice cream blend of chocolate chip cookie dough. It was the perfect movie snack 3 points. 

So today I got to 43 points which is a lot but with the exercise points and my quest to eat my weekly points as well means I’m okay. Wordless Wednesday. Get stoked. See ya tomorrow.


Day 326: Weigh In Time!

So last week, I celebrated a monumental occasion in my weight loss journey with losing 100 pounds. This week, I had let a lot of things slide, thinking that I could do it on my own. For some reason, I thought that the weight loss training wheels were off and so I didn’t worry about counting points or calories. I thought that listening to my body was going to be enough, but it’s a hard thing to do when you eat out 8 times in a week. It was just a week of social eating and I absolutely blame no one for that but myself for not being more careful. Granted, I still did awesome at the Chinese buffet last night, but I should have been better the rest of the week. This week I gained 1.6 pounds which means I am out of the 100 pounds club for now. I’ve been pretty bummed about it all day, but really I’m kind of glad it happened because it has really humbled me. I haven’t been coasting as of late, but I sure as heck haven’t been focusing like I should be. Last week though showed that when I really focus I can still have an almost 4 pound loss in a week even after almost a year. So I know I’ve had a lot of wake up calls like this, but this is a big one. This week, we really can’t afford to eat out a lot (so that kind of works out) so Megan has a super awesome menu lined up for the week, I’m going to do Insanity every day along with two days of racquetball thrown in there and I’m sure other fun things will pop up along the way. The fire I had for losing weight is back and I can’t wait to shed some pounds this week LIKE A BOSS!!!

Breakfast: I just had some Nutty Nuggets for breakfast which was only 4 points. Megan brought cookies to church and I had a few so through out the day I ate 3 points of cookies.

Lunch: So I know I just spent an entire paragraph talking about being back on the wagon and then you’ll see this meal and you’ll be like SAY WHAT!?! but we knew this was going to be a super caloric meal (it is a Rachel Ray recipe after all) (please don’t sue me Rachel Ray) but we had to try it. Megan found this awesome looking recipe for a jalapeno popper waffle so we gave it a shot. Basically, it was a waffle stuffed with cream cheese, cheddar and a cut up jalapeno. The recipe also suggested to serve it with an egg on top of it to enhance the awesomeness. So one waffle is 8 points alone and I had two with an egg so lunch was 18 points which is really high, but it was like the best comfort food I have ever had. I think next time, I’ll just have one waffle, an egg and then some bacon which would only make it 12 points which would be good for brunch.

Snacks for the day: I had 1 point of almonds and a 1 point banana. Hooray.

Dinner: We had some chicken and rice while watching Kill Bill Vol. 1 (one of my favorite movies ever.) It was pretty good! Dinner was 6 points so not too bad.

So today might seem pretty bad but I only went over 3 points! A 33 point day is not bad considering the Waffle of Awesomeness. With all the exercising I’m going to do this week, it’s going to be important to eat all my points and even some weekly points to save my body from going in to starvation mode. This week is going to rock. Get stoked dear readers. Prepare for awesomeness. Thanks for reading. I love you all and you smell nice. See ya tomorrow.

Day 319: WEIGH IN DAY!!!

So today is weigh in day…Has the suspense been killing you?

I did what I could this week and I had a goal in mind. Now what? IT MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE!!! This week, I didn’t just meet my goal weight, I FREAKIN’ BLEW IT OUT TO THE WATER!!! I have officially joined the Century Club and boy does it feel fantastic! It took me a total of 48 weeks to do it, which included many highs and many lows, but with the support of my family, my church family, my awesome friends, random friends who I frankly did think would even care, strangers on the Internet, my beautiful wife who bought the scale when I didn’t want her to, and my faith in God, I have made it more that half way through my weight loss journey. Thank you thank you thank you all so much for your caring words, wall posts, accountability, and giving me advice all along the way. The race is not finished however, there is still a lot of progress to be made. Thankfully, God has blessed me with you dear reader and the support you bring, along with the tenacity to keep it going even when those chocolate covered pork rinds look good. I love every single one of you, thank you.




So anyways, I lost a total of 3.8 pounds this week which was a shock to me frankly. When I went to bed last night, I really hadn’t a clue about how it was going to go. At this point, I have lost a total of 101.2 pounds. (It was really weird to write that one in front of those numbers.) Like I said earlier, I’m less than 100 pounds away from my goal. I want to get down to 157ish, but we will see when I get closer where I’ll be. Wherever I end up I do know this, no matter how skinny I end up being, I will never abuse my body with food and that I’m going to be active for as long as my body will hold out. Get stoked.




Breakfast: I just had a wafflewich without the bananas which was delicious. Yumtastic!

Lunch: After church, we went over to Qdobas with some people from church since we had a BOGO coupon. Holla! I had the Craft 2 which is two entrees for pretty cheap. I had the Naked Burrito and the nachos. It was pretty delicious.






Non-Scale Victory: So the deal was when I broke 100 pounds, I was going to buy new work out clothes. Luckily, I broke it on the weekend of Tax Free Weekend in Florida! Anyways, I bought a new pair of Under Armour shorts, an UA compression shirt and this awesome workout shirt made by the brand Thrive. Don’t worry, pics to come (like tomorrow. Get ready for awesomeness.)








Dinner: For dinner, I just had a beach club at Jimmy John’s. Awesome as always.

So today was pretty good with food and tomorrow I’ll get back at Insanity. I’m ready to lose some more! See ya tomorrow.


Day 318: Saturday Sustenance

I’ve been chomping at the bit to weigh tomorrow. I’m so anxious to see how it will go. Overall this week I’ve done really well: I worked out, I limited my portions and I’ve drank my water. What else more can I do? I’m not expecting to get past 100 pounds this week, I mean, 2.6 pounds is quite a bit even for me, so we will just see what happens. I do, however, keep reminding myself that there’s no money riding on it, I won’t get sent home, or anything else like that. If not this week, then next week, we will just see what happens (he said while crossing all his fingers and toes.)

Breakfast: On Saturday mornings, I like to make a big breakfast. It was a tradition my parents always did and I definitely want to keep it going. Anyways, I made eggs, bacon and toast. A while back, we bought this delicious organic berry jam from Earth Fare so I finally tried it and it was awesome on the toast. A pretty standard, yet filling, breakfast.






Lunch: We weren’t sure what to do about lunch, but we finally decided on Pita Pit since it’s kind of close to our house. I had the Chicken Crave (chicken with ham, how much better can it get? Seriously.) with spinach, onions, tomatoes, sprouts, cucumbers, provolone and tzatziki sauce in a wheat pita. It was pretty epic and I was really full by the time I was done.

SAWS!!!: There was a girl who was moving in to a new apartment in Tallahassee that needed help moving so we went over there to help her out. Luckily, she only lived on the second floor so there was only one flight of stairs, albeit rather narrow. So between half a hour of heavy lifting and the Amazonian climate of Tallahassee, I got my sweat in today. After we helped her move, I got some kombucha (this fermented tea that’s suppose to be really good for you and is freakin’ delicious) from Earth Fare.

Dinner: Earlier this morning, we went to the Tallahassee farmer’s market downtown. When it comes to veggies, we always go this sweet old couple who have the best veggies and jams ever. We bought 5 tomatoes, 2 zuchinis, 5 yellow squash, a red and a green pepper, and about 10 red potatoes for $12.50. Not bad for some of the best veggies I’ve ever had (especially the red pepper.) We also bought some of their canned pepper jelly which is fantastic. Anyways, we Megan made an awesome dinner with roasted veggies, her lite mashed potatoes, and chicken. It was a fantastic dinner, plain and simple.


Dessert: We went and saw the movie “The Tree of Life” (which is a completely awesome mind blow) but we got over to the movie too early so we went to Fuzions, a froyo place that we had actually never been to before. We randomly saw our friend Sarah at the theater so she joined us as well! Anyways, the froyo is not as creamy as other places, but they did have some decadent toppings like cut up cheesecake slices and raw cookie dough. I went the healthier route and had taro with strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries. It was nice to do a lighter option for a change. I really need to get back in to doing that.







Evening Snacking: After the movie, our friends the Wises, who we went with to see the movie, hadn’t eaten dinner so we joined them at Five Guys to discuss what the crap “The Tree of Life” was about. Anyways, I just had a Diet Coke with their complimentary peanuts. I put a few in my drink like I used to do. I don’t know if it’s just a Texas thing, but growing up, I would always have peanuts in my Coke. It’s the original meal replacement drink. So anyways, I don’t know why I decided to but it was pretty good.

So today I was really good.  I think I was around 1500 calories for the day which isn’t too bad at all. Like I said earlier, I just don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow with Senor Scale, but I do know this: I will survive, the weight will come off, and I have a crapton of support from readers like you. See ya tomorrow.



A while back, I submitted my weight loss/complete life change story to Earth Fare for their “Be Inspired” section. It was selected and they sent me a $50 gift card and yesterday, the post finally made it to the site! I was so surprised to see it on there and it felt awesome. You should go check it out!

Day 314: Tuesday!

What is up my dear reader!?! Thanks for being awesome and take the time to read about what I eat every day and for your awesome support. I couldn’t have done it without you! Now, where was I?

Breakfast: I had some Kashi Awesomeness for breakfast. Nothing too exciting, but delicious nonetheless. 4 points

Lunch: Today was the Communicators’ Network luncheon at FSU so I brought my lunch. I had ham sandwich with some Baked Lays chips (which are meh) and a Nature Valley granola bar. It was a pretty awesome lunch! 9 points






Snacks: After work, I had some dried multigrain cheerios and then a little later, while we were out and shopping for stuff including a new bow tie (I’ll premier the one I bought today tomorrow on Wordless Wednesday!) I had a Clif Bar. (Sorry for sentencesaurus right then. I type out my sentences like I’m talking which results in run-on craziness.) A total of 7 points.







Dinner: For dinner, Megan made the fantastically awesome Uncle Jim’s Famous Veggie Chili. As always, it was delicious. The first bowl was over some instant brown rice and then the second bowl was over tortilla chips. Pretty awesome. 9 points

Dessert: Instead of having something chocolatey for dessert, I had some cherries for dessert. It was a nice change of dessert. I didn’t feel like I overdid it. I also had a cup of orange juice for 2 points. 

So I got to 31 points so a point over isn’t too bad. I was going to work out today but I ran out of time so I’m going to work double tomorrow.


EXCITING NEWS YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It is my pleasure to announce that I have created my own Facebook site for my alias The Fotographing Fat Kid. This site will not only be a place for all things FFK, but it will also be a place for tips on healthy living, eating, and how to be overall awesome. If you haven’t already, head on over there and Like my page if you’ll be so kind! See ya tomorrow.

Day 313: Monday!

No case of the Mondays for this kid…

So today was the day of getting back on track… again and I think it went pretty well! My issue is that I will weigh myself on Thursday, and then screw myself over for the rest of the week because I will either be content and then splurge or then not eat enough. So instead of setting myself up for a metal block like that this week (2.6 away…) I gave myself a reminder that a midweek weigh in is going to be a no-no. So we will see how that goes.

Breakfast: I just had two waffles with some peanut butter. I was going to bring a snack to work, but I forgot it so I was starving!!! No bueno. 5.5 points






Lunch: Since we were having to run for some errands around town, we went over to Mellow Mushroom. I had a slice of cheese with sun-dried tomatoes and a tossed salad with their awesome esperanza house dressing. I know I know, two days of delicious pizza? I have such a hard life. Anyways, lunch was 8 points. The dressing was more calories than the slice alone, so I’ll have to try something different next time. It was pretty awesome all over though!

Snack: I had a Nature Valley Granola bar pack for 4 points while reading Harry Potter. So close!!!!








Dinner: We were in a bit of a rush, so I had a Cafe Steamers at home. A steady of frozen foods is not ideal, but meals like that are nice to have around the house to avoid eating out. Anyways, I had the Sesame Chicken which was good, but even better with a little mustard. Yumtastic. I also had a banana baby. 8 points.








Snack: We went with our friends the Wards and our friend Andrea the Wolf to go see Crazy, Stupid, Love (which was awesome) and then we went for some fro yo at Nuberri. They had this awesome swirl of cake batter and cookies n’ cream which was soooooo delicious. It was a pretty awesome treat, but no more dessert for a while. 6ish points.

So today I got to about 31.5 points which will work. As you can see, I’m back to counting points, but I’m still trying to figure out what works best for me. Anyways, I didn’t work out because I calf was still strained, but it is feeling a little so I might do something light tomorrow and then get back in to Insanity on Wednesday. I don’t know, we’ll just see. See ya tomorrow.

Day 308: Wordless Wednesday G!



























































































































Day 295: Wordless Wednesday!!!!!