So yesterday, I was really stressing about this weigh in. I wasn’t really sure how it was going to go. I hadn’t eaten anything too bad (except for the falafel salad which might have been okay without all the olive oil) but I just felt blah a lot of the week. Anyways, after a killer workout last night, I felt a little better about the whole thing and all in all it worked out AOK. I lost 1.4 pounds this week! I was relieved and pretty stoked. Like I said last night, each week, I’m breaking records for how much I’ve weighed in my adult life so it’s a win-win. I’m officially down to 291.6! So legit!!!!!!!!!![insert more exclamation marks here.] I’m really ready to get out of the 290’s and I’m really close. Here’s hoping for next week…
Breakfast: I have a bowl of Kashi blueberry flakes with milk since I’m out of waffles (I wonder why…. oh yeah I eat them every day.) 4 points.
Snack: After church, I was pretty hungry and since lunch was going to take a little bit, I had 3 points of those Boulder Canyon Rice Chips which are just awesome.
Lunch: Megan whipped up some mashed potatoes and carrots with butter, brown sugar and cinnamon on them (which might sound weird but is awesome) to serve with our Veggie Chicken patties. I cut mine up into tender like fashion (but they ended up looking like fish sticks but delicious nonetheless) and ate it with some ketchup. It turned out to be a pretty good lunch and only 6 points.
Snack: Throughout the day, I snacked on 1 point worth of chocolate espresso beans (7 of them equal a point.) I was pressed for time before my evening bible study so I had a cut up apple with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. It really held me over and 6 points.
Dinner: One of our friends Christian has this awesome Wikidot site called Christian’s Magical Recipes that has all of these fantastic vegetarian dishes so we tried his Butternut Squash Curry Soup recipe. I had this soup at a soup party Megan’s department had last semester and it was awesome so my expectations were high. Megan delivered and it turned out really well. A bowl like this was about 5 points, but I had some of Megan’s… and then cleaned out the pot with a laddle (not proud but it was worth it. Also, there wasn’t that much left.) So I had about 8 points worth of soup.
So today I just got to 28 points which is fine. I wasn’t emaciated or anything throughout the day so that will work.
It’s a new week. Make the most of it. See ya tomorrow.