Breakfast: I just had 3 point waffles with no pb. I was just in a rush but it was pretty good.
Exercise: I worked out my arms today which was pretty rough because I have a weird variation of Aunt Bea arms. The gym was still pretty empty too which is always nice. There were a lot of ROTC guys that could deadlift me but they are pretty nice folks so I can’t complain. Anyways, a pretty good work out.
When I was working on my homework I had a 2 point banana then I decided to be daring and try some Starbucks oatmeal. It wasn’t that bad, but it’s not that big for how much it is ($2.45.) The packaging is a little deceiving. Anyways, even though it was really good oatmeal, I don’t know if I would get it again. The oatmeal with some brown sugar was only 3 points.
Lunch: While I was still working on homework, I had my sandwich and chips. Apart, they are 2 delicious entities. Together, HOLY COW IT’S THE BEST SANDWICH EVER! Chips in your sandwich is the best thing in the world. Seriously. Lunch was 7 points. Hooray!
Snack: Around 3:00, I got instantly hungry (hooray for my metabolism actually working) so I ate my 4 points worth of almonds.
Dinner: After my late class, Megan and I met up at Pitaria for some din-din. By then, I was really hungry and exhausted from a long day of using my brain (something I’m really not use to.) Tonight, they had their awesome Tomato Soup that Megan always talks about and I’ve become a believer. It was so good! We decided to get some hummus to make it a more filling dinner. Overall, dinner was 8 points. So not bad at all.
Dessert: After our campus bible study, a lot of us went to Mr. Roboto’s/Hiro’s to hang out. We haven’t been to Hiro’s since Novemberish so it was good to be back I was welcomed by my friend who works there who I told about the blog when I first started. I tried their vanilla yogurt and put a little reeses, heath, and oreo on. It was really good and 5 points.
Overall, I got to 32 points. It’s a point over, but with the exercise points I’m doing alright. See ya tomorrow.