So… yeah, sorry about the lack of postage (not stamps…. posting) yesterday. We hung out with friends in to the wee ones last night. It was good to hang out and relax after a intense 4 day work week. It use to not always be that way, I use to welcome and love 4 day weeks but now it just means more work in less time. Awesome. Anyways, to recap yesterday: I ate pretty much right at my points, Matt and I played racquetball and got kicked of our courts twice because they were reserved, and I drank a crapton of water. I know this is going to sad bad (but I don’t care) but I’m ready for people who have work out resolutions to get lazy so the traffic at the gym would lighten up. The gym at FSU is pretty big but yesterday I actually felt claustrophobic. No bueno. Anyways, I don’t really mean that I hope people screw up their resolutions, that’s wrong, but something needs to happen to lighten the traffic load. Overall, Friday was a good day and so far today has been awesome. Read all about it later. See ya tonight.
Category Archives: Heathly
Day 122: TGIThursday
Breakfast: This morning I went to a panel/advisory board meeting for the Hispanic Marketing Communication Center at FSU. It was a pretty cool meeting with a lot of big wigs in advertising. Anyways, there was a big plate of bagels but I resisted and ate my PB fiber snack bar thing from Publix which was really really good and 3 points. Caloric crisis averted.
Lunch: On Thursdays, our awesome college minister Adam (and sometimes his awesome wife Crystal) come up to campus to have lunch with whoever shows up at the food court. I usually just get Pollo Tropical in the food court, but today I tried the sushi/stir fry place. I got the Shrimp Tempura roll and it was pretty good and not that expensive as far as sushi goes. My roll was 13 points for 8 pieces which is a little high but a nice treat.
Snack: Surprise surprise, I went to Starbucks again (I need to stop!!!!!) and got a Iced Grande Skinny Caramel Machiatto for 4 points
Dinner: Megan made a massive crock pot of pinto beans for dinner and it was glorious. I had 4 massive ladels full. It was really good and that much was a ton of food. Not to mention only 8 points. Hollatastic.
Snack: Just a banana 2 points
So today I only got to 30 points which is actually not bad at all. Again… Thank God tomorrow is Friday. See ya tomorrow.
Day 121: Palindrome Day!
What a difference a good nights’ sleep makes. After an exhausting day, today was equally as busy, but I still got a lot done and I just felt better. Regardless, I am ready for the weekend like you would not believe. Allllllllllllrighty then….
Breakfast: I just had a bowl of Kashi Toasted Honey Almond Crunch which was delicious and 5 points with milk.
Snack: So my body has started to do this weird (but good?) thing where it’s become almost hyper sensitive to unhealthy or extreme (too salty, too greasy, etc.) foods. If you recall, I am a huge fan of iced chai lattes and I haven’t had one in a while. I got one today and it was waaaaay to sweet to the point of almost being gross. (The sugar free skinny lattes have ruined me in a good way.) I tried to drink it because it was a venti but I drank to the Sirens’ bosom (sadly the best way to describe it) and had to quit. I drank 4 points of it.
Lunch: I had Starbucks at 10ish and I didn’t eat anything else until 2:30. I was starving. I didn’t pack any snacks like I had planned and I was crunched for time (the story of my life it feels like. Boo Hoo me.) Anyways, I was rummaging around this convenience store on campus and found the pack of Sabra Hummus and Pretzels in the refrigerated aisle. There were no better options so I gave it a shot. It was amazing, but that might have been because I was hallucinating bacon falling from the sky at that point. The pretzels were salty but it worked. This little pack was 8 points but it was dense and delicious.
Dinner: I had some leftover chili (my favorite) over some chips and a little cheese. It was 9.5 points but didn’t really feel me up.
Snack: After church and grocery shopping, I needed to eat something. I had a thing of string cheese and it was 1 points but it felt like I could taste the oil. It was weird. Then I decided to eat a salad with trail mix and Fat Free Dijon. The salad was only 4 points and filled me up.
So today I got up to I 31.5 points so I was a lot closer today. After today with all the food tasting wierdness, I kind of feel like Spiderman when he was trying to figure out his superpowers. I really have no clue what’s going on (maybe I’m finally going through puberty) but if anyone else has had that same experience please let me know. It’s intriguing to me. One more thing before I go: we were putting up groceries and Megan picked up this 2 pound bag of pinto beans. She looked at it, thought about it for a sec and said “You have lost 28 of these off of your body.” Wow. That really put things in to perspective. Pretty cool stuff. See ya tomorrow.
Day 120: The Mourning After
They always say that the day you go back to work from a vacation is really hard and let me tell you today was a doozie. I got more done in a day than I ever had (which is good) but even after working hard all day I still have more to do. It just never ends. Consequently, I’ve made a lot better use of my time and have become more efficient with the time I have. Welcome to Grad School I guess. Even though today has been rough and kind of discouraging, I have been getting awesome feedback about last night’s post which has made my day. Thanks again for being awesome. If the rest of semester is going to be like this, I’ll need all the help I can get. Alright, food time.
Breakfast: I tried to make a wafflewich with toast this morning (toastwich?) and it was a complete disaster. In it’s defense, my toast was cold so maybe that had something to do with it. I ate about 5 points of it and threw it in the trash.
Snack: Luckily, the FSU library has a Starbucks and since I got a Starbucks card from my awesome in-laws, (thanks Mark and Pattie!) I got a Grande Skinny Caramel Machiatto for 3 points. (Has anyone seen the new Starbucks cup size? It looks like the fuel tank on a Vespa. Just saying.)
Lunch: Since we were on campus, we met up at Pollo Tropical and grabbed some lunch. We both had the TropiChop which is white chicken, white rice and black beans. Soooooo good. The bowl is 11 points.
Dinner: Lunch was pretty early and dinner was pretty late so I was starving through out my classes. I’m definitely going to pack some snacks tomorrow to avoid that (and by drinking more water!) Anyways, we had chili which was just awesome. Some comfort food goes a long way. I know a lot of people think that comfort food usually has to be unhealthy but I totally disagree with that. Next time you want some comfort (stick to your ribs) food, make some beans and rice. It soothes the soul. Trust me, I’m a glutton (well… used to be.) So I ate a lot this evening but ate well. Dinner was 13 points. Yumtastic.
So today I got to 32 points which use to be okay, but since I broke 300, according to our older system, I’m down to 31 points a day. You might think it’s just a point, but I rely on that little guy a lot so that should make things interesting around here. Either way, I’m over a point today and it happens. I’ll take it. See ya tomorrow.
Day 119: Weekend Recap and New Goals Edition
I’m back. What a great weekend. It was awesome to get a way for a few days before life gets really interesting. My advice to you: Hotwire is the best thing in the world. We stayed in a condo bigger than our house for really cheap. So worth it. Anyways, we walked easily more than 10 miles all around Disney this weekend (in some cases, jogging/swimming through the torrential downpour today) and we ate pretty sensibly. We packed lunches, ate a lot of trail mix and carrots, and drank a lot of water. We did eat out a few times, but we shared entrees most of the time which cut down the calories and the cost. Overall, a pretty awesome weekend.
Short Term Goal: as you may recall from Thursday, I broke my 300 pound goal (hooray!) so this weekend I thought a lot about what my new goal is going to be and I think I’ve figured it out. On March 5th, we are planning on doing the ESPN The Weekend 5k at Disney (we still haven’t registered, but we are going to soon) and by then I want to be down another 20 pounds, so 279. It’s only 47 days away, but I’m hoping to blow it out of the water. It would be pretty awesome because I haven’t weighed that much since… middle school? I think setting up these mini goals really helps you keep your eyes on the prize. When I think of how much weight I need to lose it’s really overwhelming and frankly terrifying, but when it’s chopped up like this it makes it a lot more manageable. So that’s my short term goal.
Longer Term Goal: When I was a senior in high school, my computer teacher Mrs. Merritt wanted us to write down some goals at the beginning of the year and put them in an envelope. Mine was to lose 100 pounds. I had my mind set on it that this was going to happen, but then I started to tell people and they were like “are you kidding?” “That’s a ton of weight!” (actually, it’s way less than a ton stupid) and “Well… good luck with that.” So I just gave up on it really soon. Really, it wasn’t anyone’s fault but mine. I would exercise, but at that point I was eating 2 double cheeseburgers a day from McDonald’s so it wasn’t going to happen. Anyways, I had my mind set on losing weight, but I didn’t have my heart set on it too. Weight loss doesn’t work unless you give it your all where it becomes a part of your identity. It has to be top of mind all the time because that is when you’ll make the smarter decisions. It’s easy to mindlessly eat chips but if you know it’s the wrong thing, you’re able to eat only a serving. So I say that to say this. This time, my heart and mind are all in it for the weight loss win. [Takes deep breathe… not the computer, me] I’m going to try to lose a total of 100 pounds by April 27, 100 days from tomorrow. I have 100 days to lose 43 pounds and I’m going to do it the healthy way. I’ll still eat all my calories and I’m going to keep exercising. The way I look at it, if I don’t make it but I’ve still given it my all, then I’ll still win. So here’s what I need from you, dear reader. KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK! You guys are so awesome!!! I feed off of your energy and support. Want a workout partner? Call me up! Want to go running? Call me up! You need a partner for a pie eating contest? Call someone else. But seriously, you guys rock and I thank you all for being so supportive. I really couldn’t have done it with out you.
Alright, so that’s that. March 5th and April 27th: prepare to be dominated. See ya tomorrow.
Day 115: Birthday Edition!!!!!!
So… I know why you’re reading. You want to know if I did it. WELL I TOTALLY DID!!!!!!! I worked hard this week and it showed. I woke up this morning tired and then I got on the scale and after that my day was great! I still have a looooooong road to hoe, but everyday I’m getting in the right direction. For that I have you, dear reader, to thank. Thank you for all of your love and support.
Breakfast: I just had a bowl of cereal and milk 4 points.
Lunch: So after a crazy escapade of trying to find a parking spot that involved me actually driving back home to catch a bus back up to campus, I met up with Adam and some of the AFC folks for lunch on campus. I went with some Pollo Tropical and it was so good. They have some of the best rice and black beans I have ever had. This is the best kind of fast food in my opinion. I didn’t eat the roll so it the plate was 11 points.
Oh yeah, I was walking by this fountain on campus and it was partially frozen over. It was really cool so I thought I would show it off.
Dinner: I had a free bowl at Genghis Grill since it was my birthday so I went out with a few friends. It was a blast. I might have went a little overboard but it was so good. I did a surf and turf with marinated steak, imitation crab, scallops, and chicken along with a bunch of veggies and brown rice.
So we aren’t going to be able to be able to weigh in on Sunday so we both weighed in this morning. In this short week, Megan and I dominated! I lost 3.6 pounds and Megan, who had been struggling with a plateau, lost 4 pounds!!! It’s been a pretty awesome short week. Thanks again for all the support and birthday wishes! See ya tomorrow.
Day 114: Wednesdayness
Before I start my typical ranting and food pictures, I just want to congratulate my good friend Christi for joining Weight Watchers Online! I’m really excited to watch her progress and celebrate her success. Definitely check out her awesome blog, The Frugal Novice. She has some great tips on saving some change and really awesome giveaways so check it out…. now!
Breakfast: I just had a bowl of cereal (4 points) and I forgot to bring a snack to my noon class so I was pretty hungry the whole time.
Exercise: So Matt and I had planned on getting some lunch and then get our racquetball, but then we decided to play first (which was smart. I’ve never played racquetball when I was full but I imagine it would not end pretty.) Anyways, it was a lot of fun and I worked up a really good sweat.
Lunch: As you can imagine, I was pretty hungry. We decided to try Jersey Mike’s which is pretty new to Tallahassee. It was the first non-subway sub I have had in… forever and it was pretty good, but no Jimmy John’s. I had the Turkey Breast and Provolone because the sign said the turkey was 99% fat free. Way to be tricky Jersey Mike! I got home and looked up the nutrition information and it was rough. My sub still had 15 grams of fat and it was 11 points. It also had almost 70% of my daily sodium. Pretty nuts, you could say I couldn’t get any nuttier OR CAN I!?! I kept looking at the nutritional info and most of the hot subs actually have trans fats. Those are still legal???? Pretty crazy. Overall, it was good, but I’m not sure when I’ll be back.
Snack: Megan and I went and studied at Starbucks. They just came out with a “skinny” Carmel Macchiato so I gave it a shot. It was actually pretty good and didn’t taste much different. I had the Iced Grande and it was 3 points.
Dinner: So far this week we have been pretty good about eating early, but tonight we ate a little late. I put some chicken in the oven and while that was baking, I made an awesome salad with all the fixins. 4 points. Then I steamed some broccoli to go with the chicken. It was really good. The chicken was only 3 points too!
So overall today, I ate 25 points while is not a lot but the sub really filled me up, but not in a good way. I’m really at the point where I don’t care how many points food is, rather I care about what I put in my body. Anyways, TOMORROW IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! Which not only means I’ll be 24, but I’ll find out if I beat my challenge to break 300 before tomorrow. I’m really nervous to weigh in tomorrow but we will see how it goes. Either way, I will break 300 and if it doesn’t happen tomorrow, it will happen soon. [Thinking thin] See ya tomorrow.
Day 113: I Have Tuesday Troubles
Breakfast: We made some steel cut oatmeal. Oatmeal is like the best thing in the world to me because it’s filling but you can guiltlessly (yep… that’s a made up word) doctor it up with brown sugar and cinnamon so you get the sweetness you always want. It was 3 points of yumness.
Lunch: While I was watching my blog hero Keep it Up David strutting his new stuff on Ellen today, I made a grilled ham and cheese with some spinach. Instead of butter, I just Pam’d the crap out of the griddle since I am notorious for burning grilled cheese. With some Earth Fare chips it was a legit 7 point meal.
(I don’t usually rant at this point in my posts, but I just thought of this so bear with me.) Today in my Account Planning class, a group who was presenting gave out Dove Chocolates to the class. I gave mine to a girl sitting next to me, but when everyone in the class started to unwrap their candy, the room became overwhelming with the aroma of chocolate. It just filled the air and I have never wanted chocolate so bad in my life. It felt like if I had a piece then, my life would have been complete. I loved that feeling. I love having that feeling about food, where it tantalizes your senses and makes you desire for it almost. Before I lost weight, even at my hungriest I never had a interaction with food like that. It was all about filling the hole that was my mouth. It didn’t matter how bad it was I just had to eat consume. At that point I have never been happier that I changed my life. Does that make any sense? Anyways, through out both classes I chomped on some 3 point trail mix.
Dinner: After I finally got home, Megan suggested that we go get some Panera. We haven’t been there in a while so I was stoked. I had the Turkey and Artichoke panini with a cup of creamy tomato soup. The soup alone was super filling and the sandwich was awesome. That plate was 15 points which is high but good.
I had a banana too 2 points.
So overall, I got up to 30 points which works for me. See ya tomorrow.
Day 112: Monday Mayhem!!!!
Today started pretty awesomely, this week my blog is featured on Fitblogger! I wrote an article on what I’ve learned after losing 50 pounds. You should definitely check it out. It’s been cold and drizzly with sadly no snow in sight (I know school just started back up, but a snow day would be nice. Especially since I doubt it would take much precipitation for Floridians to shut everything down.) I just have one class today, so I got home, listened to jazz, habitually checked for comments on the article, and did homework. I have to say it was an okay day (rhyming not intended.) Anyways, let’s talk food.
Breakfast: I just had a bowl of Kashi Berry Crumble cereal. It was the bottom of the box and for most cereals that means a lot of sediment from broken pieces, but with granola it’s a dense amount of chipped away deliciousness. It was a thick 4 point breakfast.
Lunch: So I was going to have salad and a sandwich for lunch, but I didn’t get past the salad. As you might recall, I had this awesome salad last week that had nuts and dried berries in it so I tried to make my own with some trail mix. The mix we have is mostly pumpkin and sunflower seeds and pine nuts so it made it a lot more filling. I ate the first bowl and I liked it so much I made another! For two salads with Fat Free Honey Dijon was 6 points. Awesomeness. (Oh yeah, and green tea!)
Snack: On Sunday, we bought some Spicy Blue Corn Tortilla Chips from Earth Fare so I had some of those. They are pretty hot but pretty good and for 14 chips was 3 points which isn’t bad for chips. This face is of terror from their deliciousness.
Snack: Since we are out of Publix Multigrain Waffles 🙁 I had a piece of toast with peanut butter. 3.5 points.
Dinner: It was my day to cook, so I made chicken spaghetti… again (and no I’m not saying that like it’s a bad thing.) This batch was a lot better. I baked the chicken with some sage, rosemary and thyme (no parsley, sorry Simon & Garfunkel) and some minced garlic. It looked and smelled really good, but my meat thermometer is broke so I dried them out a little. Anyways the chicken spaghetti was 13 points which is a lot of points but it was was a lot of food!
Exercise: Today was our round 2 of Couch to 5k and it went pretty well. Since it was cold and gross outside, we went up to Leach (WHICH WAS EVEN PACKED AT 9:30 AT NIGHT!!!!) and ran on their track. The running surface has no give so I’m a little sore in weird places like my neck. Anyways, we had a good run and worked up a pretty good sweat.
Snack: After the run, I had a banana and some Unsweetened Chocolate Almond milk that we bought on sale. It was good, but could have used a little sweetener. It was 3 points so a good post run snack.
So overall today, I ate 32.5 points worth which is over, but with the run I’m good. See ya tomorrow (and be sure to check out my article and let me know what you think!)
Day 111: Weigh In Day!!!!!!!!
I have a confession to make to you, I’ve been really bad about habitually checking my weight not just through out the week, but through out the day. I’ve been doing it to out of fear that I’ve gained any but all it does is makes it where it’s all I can focus on and it rules me. I’m not going to lie, I was in a really bad place this week, but I’m working to steer away from doing that week. Plus, your weight fluctuates so much through out the day, there’s no point! It’s not telling you anything. So, I’m making myself not weigh until Thursday morning to see if I broke 300 by then and we’ll see. I think I’ve been doing this because I’ve been under this ridiculous delusion that everything will be better after I’m below 300 which is not the case. I still have a lot to lose and it’s going to get harder to lose as much. I really had to snap myself out of these thoughts today and move on.
Oh yeah, this week we are trying eating six small meals a day to see how that goes. Some people have said it has helped them lose weight.
Breakfast: I had a bowl of cereal with milk. Hooray. 4 points.
Lunch: Megan made this awesome egg white scramble with onions, peppers, and bell peppers. It was awesome. That plate was 5 points of deliciousness!!! Holy smokes!
Snack: We bought some Trail Mix from Earth Fare that was super on sale. It’s mostly pumpkin and sunflower seeds but it is really good. A 1/4 cup was only 3 points!
Snack: Megan made 3 point Strawberry Banana smoothies. So good.
(Sorry if this picture terrifies you, your small child, or your chihuahua)
Dinner: We were going to have mac and cheese but we ran short on time so we ate salmon instead! (A fair trade off I should say.) The salmon was just the way I like it, a little more on the rare side. We also bought a leafy mix salad and I had some Fat Free Honey Dijon which was awesome also. Surprisingly, I haven’t eaten a lot of salad since I started losing weight but I want to start because I really like it. Anyways, that plate was 9 points. So good.
Snack: While we were hanging out, some of the guys went and got food from Wendy’s so a couple of us just chilled and I had some cheerios. I haven’t eaten dried cereal in a while and I forgot how long it took to eat a cup of it! I’ll have to do that more often. That was only 2 points.
So today I only got up to 26 points but with the small meals, I wasn’t hunger at all during the day. However, I really need to be better about eating my daily points. This week, I learned that no matter how long you try to lose weight, you still learn a lot along the way. I was worried that I was becoming complacent but I think I have snapped out of whatever funk I was in/developing. It’s a new week, a clean slate. Should be a good one. See ya tomorrow.