This was an awesome Friday. We are one day closer to my parents coming in to town!!!!! I’m so stoked.
Breakfast: We didn’t get home until pretty late and I had to get up pretty early to work on a final project (fun stuff) so I just made some peanut butter toast. (7 points)
Lunch: After I got back, I warmed up last nights chili and basked in its delicious glory. Left over chili is just so good. Plus, since it is only about $3 to make it it basically 75¢ per person when you eat it over 2 meals and I’m all about delicious cost efficient meals. I had 9 points which is for the chili and rice.
Exercise: I found my own secret garden park right in my own backyard. Instead of running on a treadmill, I went out on road in front of our house and then run through the neighborhoods. As I ran down this one street, there was an asphalt path that went in to the woods so being the curious cat that I am (what does that mean?) I made my way down the trail which opened into a beautiful park with a lake. I immediately realized how awesome of a decision this was. I then went back in to the woods and I ran. Not jogged, not walked, not wogged. I ran. It was just me and nature in a Whitman like fellowship. I didn’t worry about how I looked when I ran or how embarrassed I would be if someone else saw me try so hard. It was so liberating and free. I can’t wait to do it again tomorrow. I totaled out at 3 miles and it was 4 exercise points. If you ever feel like you are in a running funk or you just feel over stimulated by… well… life, find a park and run a trail.
Dinner: Before the Iron &Wine concert, we went to Sahara which is a Greek/Lebanese restaurant in Tallahassee, with some of our friends in Megan’s department. It was our first time there… and most likely our last. It was pretty pricey so we split some vegetable dolmas (which were so good and only 1.5 points for 3) and then we each had a bowl of red lentil soup which came with a fried pita. The soup was pretty good, but again, it was over priced and the service sucked. They were really rude since we had a large party and they did even fill up my water cup (which in my book is a cardinal sin.) Anyways the soup was about 4 points and the fried pita was about 3 points. Pretty good dinner sans the crappy service.
This was our second time to see Iron & Wine play this year. I dare say this time was better. The whole band played instead of just Samuel Beam so they did a lot of variations of their original songs. He opened with 4 acoustic songs and then they threw down. It was interesting and impressive to hear them transform all of these acoustic songs I love be transformed in to Funky and Dirty South renditions. They also played some new stuff of the new album that’s being released next year and it’s going to rock. If you get a chance to see them, definitely do it.
Snack: I just made a piece of toast and pb which was 3.5 points and then a 1 point fudgesicle Good times.
So I got to 29 points which works just fine for me. See ya tomorrow.