Day 974: Hello!

The Office is over. One of the best series finales ever. I mean, it was no Seinfeld finale… (said no one ever.)
Happy BT Thursday Yo!

Happy BT Thursday Yo!

Anyway, it has been too flippin’ long. My eating has been up and down like crazy and I have this Dietbet that I sadly mildly care about at this point. I know that sounds bad, but maybe I’m just not cut out for weight losing competitions. I’m way too awesome at self-sabotaging. Need to work on that. Anywho, I ate really well today which just makes you feel better all around. Let’s talk food and stuff!

Breakfast: Waffles with a smidgen of peanut butter 3.5 points.
Lunch: Turkey Tom with avocado instead of mayo 7 points
Snack: Yummy yogurt. 3 points

This is where things get delicious. Brace yourself…

Screen shot 2013-05-16 at 10.47.32 PMFor dinner, we decided to consult the best website since (yes, this site still exists!) we went to Skinny Taste for some low-cal deliciousness. After arguing for hours on end about what to make (it’s all so delicious!) we decided on Skinny Taste’s amazing chicken cacciatore! We won. It was flippin amazing! So flavorful. So hearty. So low cal. I had two servings which was about 12 points. 

PB2Snack: I FINALLY found PB2 in Tallahassee! I was so excited to try it (if you’ve used it, post your favorite recipe in the comments!) I made a serving and ate it with celery. This is a beginning of a delicious relationship. 1 point for 2 tbsp!

So today I got to 26.5 points which is right where I want to be. Time to keep this going. See ya tomorrow.



Day 967: Saturday Yum!

I just figured I would show you this deliciousness.
Megan made this amazing lightened Chicken Francese from Skinny Taste. Check out the recipe at this location
Lemon Chicken

Aaaaaaaaaaand then we made burgers with applewood bacon and fries from Wing Stop. Gangster delicious.

Also, I ate a lot of watermelon. Life is good.
See you tomorrow.

Day 965: Thursday Stuff

Brooke the Baller

Brooke the Baller

If you haven’t read Brooke’s amazing blog, check it out as soon as you are done reading my ridiculousness. Last night, Brooke reached her weight loss goal! She has lost almost 180 pounds!!!! Check out her “After” blog (just click on the photo and it will sent you straight there!)


It feels like I haven’t actually written anything for a while. Well, now I’m back like a boss. Losing weight and taking names (or something like that.) Today was full of deliciousness, better yet, most of it was pretty healthy!

Let’s get started!

Breakfast: WAFFLEWICH!!!!! It’s been too long. No photo because I ate it in one fell delicious swoop!

tomato bisquegroup projectgrilled cheese

Lunch: So today was my friends Cindy’s last day at work [insert sad face here] so we all went to Paisley Cafe for lunch! It’s one of those places where all the things are delicious so you change your mind every time you look at the menu. I went with the tomato bisque and the grilled cheese sandwich. Food porn at its finest, ladies and gentlemen!

(This is where I drank a crapton of water.)

WatermelonyumDinner: For those of you who don’t know, I LOVE WATERMELON!!! It’s my favorite fruit…okay…my favorite produce. So when my my friend Tristan the Tristastic made watermelon gazpacho the other night, I was SWOOOOOOOOOOONED. Tonight, Megan and I made our own batch. This deliciousness has watermelon (duh), tomatoes, shallots, cucumber, yellow bell pepper, basil and mint all combined in to one bowl of amazing. We got to use Megan’s new hand emersion blender too!
(I have a bad history with emersion blenders. In 8th grade, I put my finger in the center of the blade and turned it on, slicing right under my finger nail, causing an enormous amount of blood to spew henceforth. I cried and sat outside waiting for my Mom to get back from the store. I was an odd child.)

Anyway, so that’s all I really had today. It was an awesome day. Tomorrow should be just as awesometastic. See ya tomorrow.

Day 958: Thursday And Stuff

Your body feels awesome when you feed it right.

Your body feels awesome when you feed it right.


I feel awesome right now! I won’t bore you with the details, but my body feels better even after just eating right and a little bit of exercise. Basically, I’m glad to be back on the weight loss wagon. L

Let’s talk food!

Oh yeah, I live in a beautiful place.

Oh yeah, I live in a beautiful place.

Breakfast: An egg and a piece of toast-4 points
Cheerios-2 points
Lunch: Two salmon salad sandwiches (using a can of salmon from Sam’s Club)-13 points
Two slices of homemade pizza with chicken sausage-10 points
So I’m doing a May challenge with Jenny Hodges of MetamorFit fame (she’s lost more than 200 pounds! You may have seen here on the Yahoo! homepage and other shows) to burn 500 calories of exercise everyday. That’s 15,500 calories!!! If you want to join the challenge, join the event here!!! Anyway, so yesterday I played some serious racquetball and today I did a healthy combination of spinning, lifting, jogging and shuttle runs. I feel awesome and I smell gross. I win.

So that about does it! I got to 32 points so I’m AOK. See ya tomorrow.


Day 956: I’m Here…

It was an insane week. But it’s done. Let’s just move on.

As far as everything, you haven’t missed much. I kind of lost control with my eating. Life is finally back to normal (no more class, no more papers, no more school stuff).

I’m exhausted (my life has been straight up Crazytown since last Thursday and I’m still feeling it) but I’ll be back to regular blogging from here on in.

Now to the weigh in. I did eat a lot of sodium (hence the “I hate sodium” status on my FFK FB Page) so I was up .8 this week but I have a good feeling things are going to get back to where they were. I was crazy to get a glimpse of what can happen when I just stick to my eating plan. The weight really did just peel off. I’m ready to get back to that.

Alright, let’s talk food and points and stuff.

Breakfast: Egg and toast 4 points
Cheerios 2 points
Salmon salad sandwichs 13 points
Snack: A delicious combination of Cheerios and Honey Bunches of Oats 5 points
Chilitastic deliciousness 9 points
Total: 33 points 

Not a bad day! I worked out for an hour today too so I’m in good shape. It was Leg Day and out of all of the bros at the gym, the only guys using the leg machines were me and one other guy. We both went for the squat machine at the same time. I let him go first and he said “it’s Leg Day!” and I said “I guess no one else got that memo…” Oh gym humor…see ya tomorrow.

Day 948: Run Recap and Such!

Before I start, I have to get something off my chest that I have been struggling with. While I used to definitely have binging qualities when I was severely overweight, a lot of those issues have been surprised. I guess I put all that chewing energy in to running or something…Anyway, while the super binging isn’t so much an issue, I am a leftover eater. After we are done with dinner and it’s left on the stove or whatever, I will sleuth my way in to the kitchen and just go to town on what is left. Usually it’s chili or pasta. When I do it, it’s really hard for me to stop. What’s worst is that those bites taste better than my actual dinner. (Maybe that means I’m eating dinner too fast?) It has always been an issue for me, except I don’t have my sister here to tattle on me when I do it now lol (I remember that specifically happening when we were eating at another family’s house when I was in middle school. You know I love you, Brittany :)) I really feel like that’s my biggest struggle to overcome. It doesn’t happen as much now as it used to. I think it means that I need to eat more filling foods through out the day instead of just carbs and things like that. If you have any suggestions, I would gladly listen to them.

Phew, glad to get that off my chest.

This was the weekend of running all the things. First stop: The Palace Saloon 5k, one of the oldest races in Tallahassee. It starts at a park and ends at, you guessed it, a bar called The Palace. The race boasts itself as the fastest and flattest 5k in Tallahassee. They were half right. The race was flat for the first 2 miles or so, then I notice people running up in to the clouds like it was the Transfiguration or something. Instead, people were just running up a massive hill. When I say that, it was a massive hill in the context of the race. It actually wasn’t that big. Anyway, what goes up, must come down. The last mile or so was pretty much straight downhill which was epic. I looked down at my Nike+ when I was crossing the finish line and I was rocking a 7:05/mile pace which was crazy for me. So the downhill awesomeness helped my time. One thing that also helped (I think) was that I took Energybits for the first time before a race. You can click on the link to learn more, but basically they are all-natural protein tablets made from algae that give you a nice little boost of energy when you’re running. (Don’t worry, they’re not some HGH or anything. A lot of runners swear by them…although Barry Bonds, Mark McGuire, and Roger Clemens all endorse them…hmmm…. :)). Placebo or not, it definitely helped me get up that hill when I thought I had nothing left in the ol’ tank. Anyway, I set a 5k PR of 26:04 which is SO AWESOME! I’m really wanting to run a sub 25:00 5k before the end of the summer. Time to start training!

Run 5.2 For Boston
Pre-5Mid RunRunners

I know you’ve heard me talk about it all week, but on Sunday, we finished the race for those who couldn’t. You see, most of the Boston Marathon runners were stopped at Mile 21, not getting to finish what was most likely was an ultimate goal for them. So some people in Tallahassee started to plan a 5.2 mile run to finish the race. What started out to be 50-60 runners quickly turned in to a run of more that 1,100 people! There was not a race fee, but donations were accepted and stores from across Tallahassee donated gift certificates and such to be raffled off (I won $50 for a running store in Tallahassee! So stoked to get some new shoes!) Overall, the run raised $13,000 that is going directly to the Boston One Fund and the Boston Red Cross. People truly are good. We might fight over things like religion, politics, or even the Great Pumpkin, but when we see others in desperate need, we are there to help. It’s pretty amazing.
The actually running part was pretty awesome as well. I was making killer time (but the run wasn’t officially timed) and then around Mile 2.5ish, I thought “you know, it’s not too often you can stop in the middle of a race this size and just cheer on people…” so that’s what I did. I got to the side and gave high fives, made silly running jokes and spurred my fellow runners on. One guy thought I was drunk, but that’s okay :). Anyway, I ran some more and then I stopped again right before the last big hill (the race was in Southwood so I knew the route like the back of my hand) and I encouraged people up the hill. I hope I gave them that final push that they needed. I’ve never volunteered at a race before, but now I really want to. The biggest advantage is that you can tell the same silly joke every time and no one will hear it twice :). Anyway, I ended up running it in 49:03, but that’s with long periods of me pausing my Nike+. It was an honor to cheer everyone on like that. For a lot of people, it looked like it could have been their first race. I hope this was a catalyst for them to run in the future.

All in all, the two races this weekend provided some much needed closure to what was an incredibly stressful week. I know the road to recovery for Boston is far from over, but see all the amazing philanthropy for both those in the Northeast and those in my old backyard in West, Texas, you can’t help but have some of your faith restored in humanity. Like I said on Monday, good was going to come out of that tragedy and so much already has. What a great way to end a week and begin a new one. See ya tomorrow.

Day 944: Another Rough Day

It was another heart-wrenching day for America.

The town of West, Texas was a little too close to home for me. I grew up 15 miles away in Hillsboro. West was our high school rivals and everyone had a cousin or two from there. Those small towns in Texas are like that. The news last night was just unsettling. Please keep that humble town in your thoughts and prayers. They have a long road ahead of them.


Now…it’s time to watch 17 cat videos to feel better about life.


So this week I have just been sluggish and I have eaten all the things. That all changed today. I drank a ton of water and eat some delicious chicken and veggies. The rest of the week will be about damage control. Ready to break in to the 210’s!

This weekend is going to involve a lot of running which I’m super excited for!
On Saturday, I’m running in the Palace Saloon 5k close to campus. It’s actually a Tallahassee classic. It should be a lot of fun!

That's right, I'm No. 1000!

That’s right, I’m No. 1000!












Then on Sunday, I’m running in my first charity run!  A few days ago, Shannon from Badass Fitness (a fellow Earthlete) had heard that most of the runners in the Boston Marathon were forced to stop at around Mile 21, 5.2 miles away from the finish line. She thought that we needed to finish the race for them. So on Sunday, we will be running 5.2 miles in Southwood, followed by going to Momo’s where a portion of the proceeds will go to the Boston Red Cross and other important causes. If you are interested in running, check out the event here!

So that’s about it. After everything that has been going on this week, it’s nice to know that it will end on a high note. See ya tomorrow.

Day 939: Saturday Time!

It's Been a While...I know, I know, it’s been a while. I’ve missed you too!

It’s that busy time of the year with the end of school and other craziness going on. Hopefully things will mellow out soon so I can blog more on the regular. If you really do miss my adequate musings, you have to like my blog on Facebook (click here and like! NERRRRRR!!!!) Stop by and say hi!

So lately, I’ve been keeping pretty close tabs on my food and such. I splurged a bit yesterday, but every other day has been good. I haven’t really exercised this week, but I’m ready to start lifting and running again. I’ve been reading My Life on the Run by marathon runner/Runner’s World writer  Bart Yasso and it has really encouraged me to start considering to not just run, but to be more competitive. (Maybe a marathon?) Either way, I’m getting lighter every week, time to get faster too!

 So let’s talk food! 

This morning, we made erotically-delicious breakfast burritos. One of the top things I miss from Texas is a good breakfast burrito (I have yet to have a decent one in Tallahassee.) We made them with eggs, diced potatoes, bell peppers, bacon and a little bacon grease (the key to the deliciousness.) Added some cheese, guac and some Jaredine’s salsa from Texas. The tortillas where low-cal…but that was about it. The burritos were 8 points a piece and I had two biggens. So it turned in to a pretty awesome brunch. 16 points.
I had some snap peas for an afternoon snack when I was watching The Masters. YERM!

For dinner, we tried another fantastic Skinnytaste recipe…but what else is new? Tonight, we made something as close to Hamburger Helper as you can get: Cheeseburger Casserole! It was comfort-footastic! You should definitely give it a try!  It was 6 points a cup and I definitely had seconds. 12 points.
Cheeseburger Casserole

So I got to 30 points today which really isn’t bad at all! Turned out to be an awesome day! See ya tomorrow.

Day 935: Welcome to Weigh-In Day!

I’M ALIVE!!!!!!!!

My awful bronchopneumonia (yeah…that’s what I had) has finally subsided and I feel sooooo much better. Hooray for NyQuil and antibiotics!

So I didn’t really post my weigh in last week pseudo-unintentionally. Frankly, I wasn’t sure if it was going to “take”. You see, when I REALLY sick, I tend to drop weight pretty quickly (like the time I lost 9 pounds in 24 hours from the Great Flu Fiasco of 2011). I thought this was the same case. I was down to 226.6, which is was my lowest recorded weight. I had FINALLY gotten past the 227 threshold that I’ve been flirting with since this time last year, and I figured I would just go back to where I was.

Well…that wasn’t the case!!!

I stuck well within my points last week and I drank water like it was going out of style! I really didn’t exercise much since I was sick, but I did randomly run a 5k on Saturday which was awesometastic as well! Anyway, with all of that I got on the scale this morning and I did a double take I weigh 224.6 freakin’ pounds! I lost 2 pounds this week!!!! I cannot describe how much better I feel! I was wondering if I was ever going to get through that 227 barrier that really has been haunting me. (Oh yeah…I’ve lost 132.4 pounds since September 2010. WHAT UP!!!!!)

Today, I started to evaluate my weight loss journey so far and how things are going. Like a lot of people, after I broke through the 100-pound milestone, my weight loss start to slow down quite a bit. I thought I had hit a plateau (which was half true) but the other part of it was that I got complacent with the whole journey. I started to let some things slide. An extra piece of dessert here and there, that kind of stuff. The biggest thing was I kind of just stopped counting points for a long time. It was just getting strenuous. All I knew is that I wasn’t going to backtrack back to 357, but what happened instead was I just got stuck: first in the 240’s and then in the 230’s, which is where I have been for about a year now. I was dieting but not dieting. I wasn’t fully committed. Now, I’m back at it. I realized that if I wanted to see results, I have to be a lot more stringent than I ever have. I’m not depriving myself, I’m just actually tracking and being sensible (that’s why there’s weekly points.) Sure counting and configuring points does take some work, but when you just think of it in the context of just another step in your food prep, it makes it easier. So to summarize, I’m back, baby! And it feels great. Thank you all for being so awesome. Your support means much more than you ever know. Thanks for being awesome.

Now, in lieu of photos of food and things, here’s a Vine of me making delicious Healthy Cookies from Skinnytaste.


 Click Here To Watch Me Make All The Delicious Things

See ya tomorrow.