Arts & Crafts Time With Nathan! So Megan left for a conference this morning so it’s just been me holding down the fort. About 35 minutes after she left, I was already stir crazy and worked on this idea I have been thinking of for a long time. I’ve had this pair of Vans since I was a sophomore in high school (circa 2002) and I still haven’t had the heart to throw them away. I decided to try to convert them in to sandals. There were holes in them anyways so I still somehow didn’t make them look any worse. Anyways, this is the final product, and I look homeless when I wore them (and yes, there are no soles in them.) I didn’t wear them today after all. Anways…
Breakfast: I had another one of those freakin’ awesome Nature’s Own 1 point bagels with what was left of out Central Market Organic Peanut Butter from Texas [insert tear shedding] It was a bittersweet delicious 3.5 point breakfast.
Lunch: I just made another bagel sandwich sandwich with turkey, light mayo and mustard with some Cape Cod chips. Only a 6 point lunch!
Snack: I forgot to pack a snack for around 3:00 and boy did I feel it! After class, instead of grabbing a snack, I went to Walmart to pick up a few things so I didn’t get home until around 5 so I had 5 points worth of multigrain cheerios. They are so good!!! I was going to have dinner relatively early but I figured I should eat something so I wouldn’t scarf down dinner (especially since I was cooking for 2 people and it was just me. In the past that hasn’t ended well and involved me eating thirds and fourths.) (And no I didn’t get these, although it was soooooooooooo tempting. I love straight sodium!)
Dinner: I decided to make one of my favorite meals. Yep you guessed it! Black Bean Burritos! This was I think the second time me making them on my own and they turned out really well. I was going to make guacamole, but when I cut in to the avocados they were black (Yum!) so I scratched that idea. (This mad me really mad because I found 100 calorie packs of Wholly Guacamole and I had them in my cart all the way up until I check out and I decided not to get them. Fail.) Anywho, I had two burritos for a total of a very filling 10 point meal. I love this dinner. (Oh yeah, for the record, that is not mayo on top of the burrito. That is just a real unphotogenic dollop of Walmart Fat Free Sour Cream. Just thought I should clarify that.
So today I got to only 24.5 points but I’m not hungry or anything so I guess that’s good. I just really need to bring a snack for 3:00 to avoid that hunger monster. See ya tomorrow.