Breakfast: I just had two dry waffles which was 3 points. I missed the pb, but we were heading out the door and driving with waffles and pb is a dangerous combo. (I guess it is, I don’t know. Sometimes I just say weird things to prove my point.)
Lunch: There was a holiday art show in one of the lovely parks downtown and one of our friends was selling his photography so we went to go check it out. We checked out the show and then decided to go to the Florida Capitol Building since we hadn’t been there yet. The new state capitol in Florida was built behind the old building which is now a really cool museum. One of my favorite sections was dedicated to different campaign ads state and national. They had election pins as old as the McKinley administration, but the one pictured was one of my favorites.
After walking all around, we tried the Subway Cafe downtown. It was actually pretty fancy. They had pastries and a cappuccino machine and everything, however we were just there for the sandwiches. Megan and I split the footlong black forest ham on wheat in all its delicious glory. We just got water but the cups were so small! I don’t usually gripe about such nonsensical things (for those who know me personally you know that’s a lie) but a regular cup costs like 6¢ to make. Just give me a regular cup! Okay, I’m off the soapbox now. Anyways, the sandwich was 8 points.
Snack: After our escapade downtown, we fought the crowds at the mall. We did some Christmas shopping there and another big strip mall close by. When it was all said and done, we had walked 5.03 miles (I wore my pedometer) so we were pooped by the end of it. I also went to Dillard’s and tried one some clothes. I think I found the pair of jeans I am going to get with some Christmas money which was awesome and I found out I went down at least one size in button up shirts which is a also awesome. I tired on a 3xBig Polo oxford shirt, which is the size I always have worn, and I was swimming in it. I tried on the 2xBig and was a little baggy but it fit very comfortably. Thank goodness Christmas is right around the corner. Anyways, we went home and I had a slice of pumpkin pie which was 4 points (I recognize that the preceding sentences don’t necessarily coincide. That’s the joy of Weight Watchers.)
Dinner: So since we are leaving on Tuesday, we don’t really want to buy any groceries but we don’t want to eat out a whole lot so we are getting creative with what’s left in the fridge. Tonight Megan made this awesome breakfast scramble with potatoes, onions, bacon and eggs (if it’s a scramble, does that imply eggs? Just wondering.) It was fantastic and really hit the spot. My half with a piece of toast was only 11 points which was legit.
After a day about nothing that turned into something, I ate a total of 26 points which works just fine with me since I went over a little into my weekly points this week. I went at least 11 points in which works. It’s a little more than I am use to but that’s okay. Tomorrow is weigh in. I’m 5.6 pounds away from the 50 pound mark which is just unreal to me. I don’t think it’s going to happen, but I would obviously be okay if it does happen 🙂 See ya tomorrow.