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I wish yesterday was Day 33 because that’s Cliff Lee’s number and yesterday was his day. He dominated the Evil Empire and the Ranger’s bats came alive in the 9th. Sorry Yankee fans, it’s the Rangers time.
Breakfast: I have no clue why I did my morning pic like this. I had just gotten out of bed like 10 minutes before and I hadn’t put my face on yet (just kidding… I put a little blush on.) (Thanks again Catherine for the cup!) One of my favorite snacks in the world are the Nature Valley Honey Oat bars. Today, I think they took 2nd place to the Kashi Pumpkin Spice Flax Granola Bars These bars are so good! They have pumpkin seeds and enough flavor wake up your taste buds. For two bars (which are about the same size as the Nature Valley bars) it’s only 3 points. They are really filling, but sadly I’m pretty sure they are a season item like all awesome pumpkin flavored products. :'((If I was president, I would make sure that pumpkin flavored things were sold year round. MacDonald/Schwarsenegger 2036 y’all!)
Lunch: Today at lunch we met up and this awesome little hole in the wall Greek shop on the strip (is Tennessee st considered “The Strip” in Tallahassee?) called Pitaria. It was a nice treat because we haven’t been there since WW so it tasted even better. I had the falafel pita and it was amazing. They leave their falafel in the fryer a little too long so it’s sometimes a little burnt but it’s still so good. It was 13 points according to this Generic Food’s Weight Watcher Points site. It might not be exactly correct every time, but it really is a good site to have bookmarked for those everyday things. The pita also had Tzatziki sauce which was 1 point. Opposite of my amazing pita is Megan’s hummus plate. She couldn’t finish everything so I ate half of a pita (2 points) and a little hummus (1 point.) It was the first time since I’ve started that I really felt stuffed. I overate and my body was a little hacked at me. It was one of those things where there was only so much left that it wasn’t worth saving and we didn’t want to waste it so I ate it. It was really common for me to eat my meal and half of Megan’s but I haven’t done that since WW and now I know why I shouldn’t. I still need to get out the habit of having to clean my plate and not let anything go to waste.
Exercise: After much persuasion, I finally got Megan to give racquetball a try. We had a lot of fun. She made a lot of really good shots for it being her first time. Most of it was just us hitting around and trying not to run in to each other. I don’t if she’ll play again but regardless we had a good time.
Dinner: We decided to be adventurous and make chili fries. Yes… chili fries. We made our Uncle Jim’s veggie chili and made the baked fries from the WW cookbook. The fries soaked in the juice but stayed crunchy. It was Heaven. 2 cups of the chili was 5 points and the fries were only 3 points. You could easily add cheese to this and I would have but I would of had to of grated the cheese. (I might not be as fat, but I’m still lazy 🙂
Dessert: After our Tuesday night Bible Study with the college group, we went over to Hiro’s: that amazing yogurt place we always go to. I had the Taro as usual, but I had to take a picture of this awesome flavor. I know I’ve talked about it but I had to take a pic of it. The Taro yogurt was 2 points, the strawberries were 1 point and the sugar cone pieces were about 2 points. Such a great treat.
So the total for today was 33 points. Right on par. Today was also an unintentionally vegetarian day, but I was more full than any other so far. Not too shabby. See ya tomorrow.