Breakfast: Jimmy Dean Breakfast Sandwich 5 points (I really need to change up my breakfast…)
Lunch: Had to scrap my initial lunch plans and ordered Jimmy John’s (I know, there are worst things, right?) I had a Turkey Tom with Thinny Chips. I should have scraped the chips. Tomorrow is going to be about making those small changes that are costing me like that. 15 points total.
One healthy choice I did make was I didn’t go to Starbucks because the line was waaaay too long (last week of classes problems) so I came back to my office and ate carrots! Way better option! Not to mention, it was in the high 70’s today. Pleasant, but lame.
Dinner: If you haven’t figured it out yet, I love to grill…like…a lot. Tonight, I grilled up boneless and skinless chicken thighs with a baked potato. It was a pretty epic meal. It ended up being about a 25 point dinner because I had seconds on the chicken. YERM!
So today I got to around 45 points which is liveable. I ended up missing my workout group because of a meeting so I’m super stoked to get in to the gym for the last time with my workout group this semester! See ya tomorrow.