Breakfast: I had some Kashi Granola Honey Almond yumness. It wasn’t bad for 5 points.
Exercise: I finally made some time to work out today. I really needed it. This week has included a lot of sitting of almost sedentary proportions. I had a hour, and I wanted to pack it with as much exercise as possible. Not always the best idea. I started out by hopping on the stairmaster for 10 minutes. I know this picture sucks, but the elliptical and the stairmasters are on the second floor so it’s like you’re walking in to nothingness. A little weird. After working up a decent sweat, I did a little lifting and then tried to run but my calves started to crap up so I called it good. It felt good to exercise, I really need to make it a priority to keep losing weight. 7 exercise points.
Lunch: I had Pollo Tropical again today. I like it and it’s the best option on campus, but I think I’m going to take it easy for a while. I had the 1/4 chicken with rice and beans (it wasn’t as greasy as it looks) It was 13.5 points.
Snack: I had to run over to Strozier to rent season 2 of Breaking Bad (so awesome) and I had a little extra time, so I had an Iced Skinny Caramel Macchiato. Also it was free! I had a free drink for my birthday. Pretty awesome, not to mention 3 points.
Dinner: When I got home, Megan had made some cajun chicken with broccoli and a potato. It was pretty awesome even it was chicken twice in a day. An 8 point meal. Broccoli is a beast.
So today I got to 29.5 points. Not too shabby. See ya tomorrow.
Isn’t it amazing how some exercise is able tomput us back onto the right perspective. Both chicken dishes look great but I have to say Megan’s looked the best. Keep up the great work, proud of you.