Lunch: So I didn’t have breakfast today (which sucked) and I didn’t pack a lunch (which really sucked) so I went all elementary (big ups to Taylor elementary. Go Trojans.) up in this and bought a Lunchable for my lunch date with Megan. It was the lowest point lunch I could buy at Circle K. It was 8 points which was not bad and it was actually pretty filling.
Snack: I was going to make popcorn at work, but I burned it which made the whole office smelled like crap. And then everyone hated me for the office smelling bad, so I blamed it on Andrea, my co-worker. So I had a 2 point granola bar. I also had 4 points of almonds.
Dinner: After a day of a crapton of classes and work and cage fighting, we were both ready for a good meal. So I grilled up some turkey burgers with a little Cavender’s seasoning (which is amazing on anything. It could make a rock taste like a filet mignon.) We decided to pick up an order of fries from Wing Stop. If you haven’t had their fries, they are easily the best fries you will ever have. To quote Homer (Simpson, not the philosopher) “this is what angles must taste like!” Anyways, dinner was only 10 points. Deliciousness FTW!
Snack: I had a 4 point bowl of cheerios while watching Fraiser. Awesome.
So today I’m at 28 points which is fine. I really have an urge to run so I’m going to hit that up tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be the good ol’ Wordless Wednesday, but I’m going to have a greatest hits of pics. Get stoked. See ya tomorrow.
Happy late anniversary brother! Congrats on the milestone. Is is too late in the day to request a wordless wednesday video? It’s been a while…. just saying. Sarah and I are officially back in Abilene so you and Meg give us a call next time you guys come back.