So I haven’t blogged this week because it was the workload from the hot place (and I don’t mean Houston) and I have gotten progressively sicker through out the week. I’m still holding on to the belief that it’s allergies, but we’ll see. Any home remedies? Anyways, I’ve been keeping hydrated like a boss because if I don’t I get super dried out which is a terrible feeling. (Someone said we should get a humidifier, but I refuse to do that on principle since I basically lived in the desert when I was in middle school and we didn’t have one then.) So this post is going to cover Wordless Wednesday (just act like this paragraph isn’t here) and then photos from yesterday which includes dinner at our friends Emma and Stacy’s house. They introduced us to their awesome taco soup recipe with ground turkey. It was flippin’ fantastic! (We introduced them to the awesomeness known as Little Big Planet, it was a sight to be seen!) Well, I’m going to stop talking now. Enjoy this post, and check back later tonight for more blogging awesomeness. (Alright! Double Prizes!)