Breakfast: I just had two waffles with peanut butter. Standard deliciousness. Definitely nothing new.
SAWS Part One: This morning, I went to Leach and played squash for the first time ever. To quote one of the guys I played with, it was like playing racquetball with a pomegranate. The racket (and in essence, the game in general) is a hybrid of a racquetball racket and a tennis racket. The ball however is basically a small sphere of rubber that has little to no bounce. Anyway, I didn’t do too well but I didn’t care. I’ve never been super competitive in sports. I was just there to learn the basics and burn some calories. Good times.
Lunch: We just went to Subway and again just did the basic ham and cheese awesomeness. Good stuff.
Coffee Break: This afternoon, I spent some time at the newest coffee establishment in Tallahassee: Atomic Coffee. They have a couple of different ways to make iced coffee. I tried the Thai coffee which was sugar, half and half, spices and whip cream (I skipped on the whip.) It was fantastic. I think I have my new place. It’s not Starbucks and it’s not hipster-filled… yet.
SAWS Part Two: Like I said earlier, the weather was fantastic today so I thought it was time to field test my Vibram Five Fingers with some trail running. We ran in the trails behind our house and it felt great. I haven’t ran since I started Insanity and I could really feel the difference in my for and in even my footwork (I had some quick feet!) After running up and down everywhere, I burned a crapton of calories. Between that and squash I burned a total of 730 calories. WHABAM!
Dinner: We have already been to Jason’s Deli three times, but at this point, it’s one of the cheapest places to eat out and some of the healthiest food around! I had the salad bar (as always) and Megan had soup. When you buy them together it shaves off like $3. What a deal. (“There’s still plenty of meat on that bone. Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you’ve got a stew going!”) (the people who are suppose to get that quote will get it.) As you can see, I dominated and made an epic salad. Awesomeness.
So overall was a pretty awesome Saturday. Food was good and I burned a ton of calories. Hopefully the weigh in will show. See ya tomorrow.
Touche’ on the Carl Weathers quote.