So since November, I have been in a weird plateau that has kept me in the same weight area off and on. I’ve been ready to drop enough weight to get in to the 230’s and stay there. All of the work I did this week helped put me in the right direction and to drop the weight that I need to! I lost 3.8 pounds this week! I haven’t lost that much since the week before Thanksgiving! (Except for that time I lost nine pounds in 24 hours thanks to food poisoning, but that doesn’t really count.) So now I am down to 239.2. I think if I can lose some more this week, it will take care of at least this plateau. I was looking at the Insanity calendar of doom and this week is cardio power and balance every single day. Then, Phase Two of death starts. This ought to be fun.
Breakfast: This morning, we actually got up early enough to get some breakfast before church. We went to our old standby Jim and Milt’s for their cheap $2.55 breakfast. The coffee is always good and I think I have figured out the best way to eat plain grits: brown sugar, butter and Louisiana Hot Sauce (give it a whirl and thank me later.)
Lunch: After church, we went to Publix on the hunt for some lunch. It’s always dangerous to go to Publix while your starving, but we decided on something delicious: roast beef sandwiches! (Billy… don’t forget your sandwiches! Did anyone catch that reference?) So Megan made some roast beef sandwiches with au jus and topped with some reduced fat gouda we bought last week from Earth Fare. They were flippin’ epic, and as you can see they were delicious.
Also, we both ate some Cape Cod chips when we were in the car after Publix (yes, were ridiculously hungry.)
Dinner: Since it was Chinese New Year… at some point, our great friend Julie invited some people over to celebrate the occasion through the act of eating and watching Mommie Dearest (those ideas were mutually exclusive.) Anyway, since Julie lived has lived in China, she knows how to whip up some wicked awesome Chinese cuisine. I started out with rice, dumplings and cold cucumber. After I tried a few other things, Julie brought out this awesome kung pow chicken that was the best I have ever had. We had a great time and the food was fantastic. Thanks for a good tie Julie!
So that’s about it. I can feel a cold/allergy craptasticness coming on so I’m going to bed almost immediately after this. This week is going to be nuts with Insanity, but if I count my points and drink water like a fish (hey George… the ocean called…) I will be in good shape. See ye tomorrow.