Even though this week feels like it has been an eternity, some good did come out of it. I received plenty of really encouragements and “attaboys” from people both at work and within my department. In fact, my professor on Monday called me out in the beginning of class and asked me to talk about my weight loss journey to the class. It has really encouraged me to keep at it this week! I’m at the point that I feel really comfortable to reach out to people who were in my position: overweight guys who are frustrated and ready for change. It’s a really hard topic to approach someone with and it usually leaves the person embarrassed, but I want to find a way to reach out to these people. I was so richly please to get a push from my wife and more of a kick from some other people like my friend Kyle. I think that’s what we need sometimes though. I have no clue where to start, but I’m ready for the opportunity to pay it forward.
Breakfast: I just had the ol’ standby, two Publix multigrain waffles, some peanut butter and honey. Awesome stuff
Lunch: I ate my lunch while at work and I had the Smart One Lasagna Florentine which was surprisingly good! I was surprised how filling it was and how good it was. It’s probably the best Smart One meal other than the chicken enchilada suaza which is epic. Anyway, I also had some cocoa powdered almonds and an apple (I don’t think I’ll ever buy apples from WalMart again…)
Racquetball Craziness: I haven’t had the chance to work out all week so I was super ready for some racquetball today. My friend Alex and I played for two long hours which was exhausting but I felt awesome after. I had a few bumps and bruises this week (I lost feeling in my thumb for a while) but it was totally worth the 888 freakin’ calories that I torched. Awesomeness.
Snack:When I got home, I had another waffle and pb. Fantastic.
Dinner: When I was running around town like a chicken with my head cut off, I landed at the drive thru at Jimmy John’s. I was really good and had the vegetarian with no mayo. It’s the best you can do while still keeping the bread… that delicious, delicious bread. Anyway, I also had a pickle. It was a fantastic dinner.
Dessert: Megan and I went with some friends to Lofty Pursuits after some musicology thingy. I didn’t know what to get, but I went with this sundae that had toffee and other deliciousness. I should have just went with an ice cream cone, but I’ll do better next time.
So overall today was not too bad, but I’ll kick butt on Saturday to lose some weight on Sunday. See ya tomorrow.