Well today was another win (or lose, however you look at it) for weight loss. I stayed within my calories and did my share of exercise. Let’s talk…
Breakfast: This morning, I had two eggs in a burrito format. I found these whole grain tortillas at Publix that had 13 grams of fiber and low in fat. It was delicious!
Lunch: Today was my first meeting with the FSU Communicators’ Network since I was an intern. It was awesome to see my old coworkers and I’m excited to work with them in the future! Anyway, they had pizza for lunch along with a veggie plate. I stocked up on veggies and had one slice of cheese pizza. The only thing I did “wrong” was I did have two delicious chocolate chip cookies. Don’t worry, I did what I could to burn them off later in the day.
Dinner: In case you haven’t noticed, we are Skinnytaste fiends up in here. Tonight, Megan made this awesome Lighter Eggplant Parmesan. Basically it was a lasagna with eggplant instead of pasta. It was fantastic and it feels like you’re indulging like crazy. Fantasticness.
Exercise: Tonight, I decided to go for a swim and did some laps. It felt good to stretch out via swimming. When I got done with that, I went in and Megan and I did yoga. We did Rodney Yee’s Ultimate Power Yoga. Again, it felt amazing. To re-cooperate I had watermelon. Awesomeness.
So that’s about it for the day. Good times. See ya tomorrow.
I made eggplant parmesan tonight too! But not a light version, I see that this version doesn’t fry the eggplant and uses reduced fat cheese, which seem like good ideas if I ever make it again.
You can also make lasagna with squash and zucchini and slice it thin — it’s delish!!!