Day 872: Half Marathon Recap

I woke up at 5 am the morning of the race. I sat on the couch with my feet propped up, drinking a cup of coffee. I sat there and asked Megan if she ever thought we would get this far. I thought back to our old, 400 square foot apartment in Abilene and thought about how uncomfortable my life was. How getting off the couch was a chore, how no shirt every really fit well no matter how much I would try to stretch it. I realized how those burdens aren’t holding me back any more. That’s when I started to cry. It was just an overwhelming feeling of joy to reinforce that freedom. When you’re morbidly obese, your life is restricted whether you know it or not. Now that I know this freedom, I will never go back to that old way of living, because that wasn’t living.
Yes...there were a few other runners.

Yes…there were a few other runners.

Becky and Erin came by the house and we made our way to FSU. It was a beautiful morning. A little cold, but we had all ran in worse. The crowd was huge, but still not as bad as the Turkey Trot in November. Everyone was ready to book it.

The sirens blared. It was time to run. Feet, don’t fail me now.

The first mile: piece of cake!
Second mile: hey…this isn’t so bad!
Third mile: what a beautiful day
Fourth mile: I’m actually running with some athletic-looking people!
Fifth mile: just kidding…the real athletic people just passed me because they have already reached the half way point.
Sixth mile: WHERE THE @#%#$ IS THE HALF WAY POINT???


I cropped out the marathon runner in the background.

I cropped out the marathon runner in the background.

Then on the ninth mile…misery. I hit a physical wall like you wouldn’t believe. My toes were forming a blister for the first time, my IT bands started to get sore, then the calf cramps kicked in, which never (and when I mean never, I mean even when I was 357 pounds and running 5 miles) ever happens when I run. I had thrown my body into confusion. Mile 9 is when this Sunday morning race turned into a battle.

My mantra became “I will finish…I will finish…I will finish.” Every other step was a struggle. A normal stride followed by a cramp, a normal stride followed by a cramp. Along the way, I met some nice people like a first time half marathon runner like me who was struggling. We talked, I cramped up, he kept going (I somehow still beat him though. We met up after the race.) Then there was the girl who ran up next to me, put out her first and said “pound it!” So I did, followed by me stopping to stretch out.

Before I knew it, I was already at mile 12. The miles had just peeled away. I could see Doak off in the distance, but I knew I wasn’t out of the woods yet. After throwing down cups of Gatorade and packets of GU, (which were interesting) I kept going. Every motion forward was a struggle, but I knew I was closer to the finish.

Still not sure how this photo came out so well.

Still not sure how this photo came out so well.

Finally, I reached the track. The last little chunk of raceway left. After running on miles of concrete and asphalt, running the last almost quarter mile on a rubber track felt incredibly wonky. It was like running inside of a bouncy castle. I could hear all the cheers, my race was finally drawing to a close. I felt amazing.

Final time: 2:11:50.59. I was 434th out of 728 runners. Fastest time? 1:13:40.43. Next half, I’m breaking the 2-hour barrier.


Check out my groundhog bling yo!

Check out my groundhog bling yo!

I hear a lot of people who’ve lost a lot of weight, both bloggers and even people on The Biggest Loser, say “I did it to prove everybody wrong! I’m doing this for all of the people who said I couldn’t do it!” While I thought that way for a while, I realized while I was training for this half that I shouldn’t be looking at it like that. I should be doing this not for the people who said I couldn’t, but for the people who said I could. I did this race for every one of you who have liked my hundreds of running statuses, who have dropped me a line telling me how proud you are of me, and for all of those who tell me how I have inspired them to change their lives. I was able to do this race because of you. You, dear reader, have been my fuel to carry on. For that, I thank you.

Day 871: The Monday After…

Tallahassee Half Photo MiseryI’m sore…
Yeah…that’s all I got for tonight.
I’m working on a recap post, but I want to give that post the time it deserves. Look for it tomorrow.
My weigh in tomorrow is going to be ugly. Your body does crazy things when you put it through hell.
Honestly, it has to be retained water. So I’ve been drinking water like a fish.

Once more thing…have you joined #FFKPlankaDay? DO IT NOW YO!
Click here to get in on the awesomeness everyone is probably talking about!

See ya tomorrow.


So much to talk about!

First of all, I went to an amazing presentation on social media by Inside Higher Ed writer Eric Stoller tonight. Mind. Blown. Check him out.

So at this point, between that, other crazy social media things I have been working for work and for the FFK if you will, I am about to reach cerebral critical mass.


In lieu of talking about my food, here is a photo of me eating a sandwich.
SamwitchOkay… #FFKPLANKADAY TIME!!!!!

I have to start off by saying this is not my original idea. I know plenty of bloggers who put on PlankaDay challenges, but I thought it was time to bring it to the FFK community!

Here are the basics:

What is PlankaDay? 

Every day in the month of February, you are challenged to hold a plank position for as long as you can. Your first one might not be a great time, but it’s your starting point. Your launching pad to greatness if you will. Each day, you’ll begin to see progress as you get stronger. Did I mention that a plank is amazing for your body? It works almost all of the major muscle areas! (Search for a video on YouTube if you need instructions on how to do it.)

Since I am a social being, I want people to post their times, their feelings, their success and their issues. I’ll be posting photos and Tweets and posts about it all through out the month using the hashtag #FFKPLANKADAY AND YOU SHOULD TOO! I’ll be collecting the creative posts and putting them in my Wordless Wednesday posts!

Go to the event page (
Attend said events page
Get planking!
It’s as simple as that!

Any questions? Comment below. GET STOKED! See ya tomorrow!
planking hurts so good


Day 865: What A Weigh In Day Edition

What a crazy day.

Today has been a whirlwind of social media insanity for this kid (this Fotographing Fat Kid that is…)

It all started this morning when I put out a possible weigh in spoiler alert on my Facebook page if I received 8 more Likes.

Well…those 8 turned in to more than 150 over the course of the day. Thanks to the super awesome Michelle and her FB page “Leaving Obesity Behind”. She posted my little challenge on her page for all her 12,417 likes to see. (It’s good to have friends.) I just want to give a shout out to her. Her and I share a special over a special number: 357. Her and I both started our weight loss journeys at that ridiculous number. Awesomely enough, we both have the same goal weight too! What are the odds? Anyway, thanks Michelle for being awesome and thanks for all of the new likes everyone. Welcome my the craziness.

Okay, moving on. So like I said on my FB page this morning, I lost 2.8 pounds this week! I’m down to 227.6 pounds which is crazy! I’m so stoked to break through that 227 barrier and I’m ready for that to be my next weigh in! AAAAHHHHHH CAN’T WAIT!

So let’s get to the whole food tracking thing!

Breakfast: This morning, I started out with an Ezekiel English Muffin with 2 tablespoons of sunflower seed butter. Yes, it’s the sunflower seed version of peanut butter. We saw it at Earth Fare the other day and thought “why not?” It was delicious and ridiculously filling. I really want to try it in oatmeal. Yumtastic.

Snack: I didn’t have time to eat my snack before my class since I was at a FSU social media meeting (a lot of social media on my plate today) so I stopped by Starbucks and had an iced coffee with non-fat milk.

Lunch: I had some leftover chicken breast with some brown rice followed by a banana and some peanut butter. Lunch of champions.

Dinner: I made some tuna salad with two small cans of tuna and a dolip of lite mayo. It was good, but not enough. Megan made some whole-wheat noodles with a little olive oil and veggies so I nommed on some of that.

So that’s it for today! Tomorrow is Wordless Wednesday! Hooray!

Photo Jan 29, 4 10 17 PM
In lieu of decent photos of food, here is a shot of where I work. I love FSU. See ya tomorrow.


Day 864: Monday Yo

After watching an emotional episode of The Biggest Loser, I’m now watching a show about Walt Disney World. I’m so flippin’ ready to go back.

Hello my lovelies!

I know it’s been a while since I have posted, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you and it doesn’t mean that I haven’t been keeping up my exercise and eating. (I fully recognize that was a quadruple-negative sentence. Dr. Mann, my Basic Writing professor would have hated that sentence….awe well.) Anyway, I have been pretty busy with just random things, but I am back and better than ever!

Let’s see…what’s going on this week…OH YEAH! This week, I’m running a flippin’ half marathon!!!!!! I still can’t believe this is happening!!!! Instead of doing massive runs this week, I’m taking it easy with a few short runs and a walk the day before. I’m not even playing racquetball this week which is saying something. At this point, it’s all I can think about (I’m kind of obsessed.) I can’t wait to see how I do and just to see my months and months of training pay off.

WANT TO SEE THE FFK IN ACTION? That’s easy! (That is if you live on the Florida Panhandle…) If you want to come out and support Erin, Megan and me during this race, go to to find out more! What I can tell you is that the race begins at 7:30 a.m. on Sunday at Dick Howser baseball field at FSU and ends on the Mike Long track at FSU. I’m shooting to be done by 9:45 (so shooting for a 2:15 race time). Feel free to stop by and say hi or just look for a bunch of runners south of FSU and cheer us on!

So let’s talk food!

Breakfast: I ate a sliced hardboiled egg on Ezekiel Bread toast.

Snack: I had a packet of Justin’s Peanut Butter and a banana. Aka: the combination from Heaven.

Lunch: I had leftover chili (oh yeah…I had chili for dinner.)

Snack: I ate some Greek yogurt with mixed berries. Holy crap, it was delicious!

Dinner: We made a massive Cobb Salad with chicken grilled on the ol’ George Foreman (which is not a novelty grill, regardless of what Hank Hill says), sliced up egg, romaine hearts, spring mix, cucumbers, dressing, tomatoes, and a little cheese. Massive salads are the jam!

So that wraps that up. Pretty awesome day!

Tomorrow is another weigh in. While I’m hoping to just be in the 220’s this week, I’m SOOOOOO READY to break through the 227 mark that I have gotten to, but can’t get passed. I know it’s coming, but I just need to be patient and be better. Here goes nothing. See ya tomorrow.

Day 858: Weigh In Time!

Howdy! (I used to start each post with a salutation in a different language. Maybe I should start doing that again…)

So today I wasn’t sure how today’s weigh in was going to go, but it ended up going meh. I gained .8 pounds which means I’m back up to 230.4 pounds. Am I mad bro? Nah. In fact, I weighed in after work and I was still that weight. I think I just had some retained water which is just the circle of life. Like I said yesterday, I torched some serious calories last week and I plan on doing the same thing this week. Calorie burning feels awesome!

I have homework and other stuff to do before bed so let me do a quick quick rundown with photos tomorrow.

Breakfast: I had a sliced hard-boiled egg on an English Muffin. Awesome proteintasticness.
Snack: Apple and a cheese stick.
Lunch: I had some chicken I had grilled last week with some Uncle Ben’s microwavable brown rice (which tasted like cardboard.)
Snack: I had a packet of Justin’s Peanut Butter with a banana. I was impressed with how it tasted! I’ve heard mixed reviews from people, but I think the regular PB was delicious and the perfect pick me up for the afternoon.
Dinner: Megan made this delicious Pesto Chicken from SkinnyTaste! YYYYYEEEEERRRRMMM!
SAWS: Megan and I went to the Health & Wellness Center to work out. In August, FSU opened a new Health center which includes a new workout center. It’s smaller than Leach, but it has nicer machines, not as many meat heads, and overall is just a better facility. (But don’t tell your friends about it. I don’t want people to know about it…SSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH)
Snack: After we worked out, I had some Fage yogurt with some deliciously ripe blackberries. Awesomeness.

So that’s it for the day. If feels to be back on the healthy wagon. See ya tomorrow.

Day 857: Back Blogging

Why Hello!

It’s been such a long time!

Here’s what’s been going on with me:






And most importantly…

Being awesome.

While I have been eating a good amount of food, I have been exercising like crazy all this week. I have burned a total of 2,972 calories this week (according to my HRM) which has felt awesome. Now it’s time to get combine the Skinny Rules with torching more than 3,000 calories a week to seriously peel off some weight. Like I said a few posts ago, I’m reading for my clothes not to fit anymore! I want to have my pants fall off! (I know what I said…) It’s time for a new outfit and a new me! Time to get crackin’!

(Anyone watching Biggest Loser right now? Did you see Joe doing bleachers at Doak? I really need to meet this guy!)
(Also, did you notice how many times Jillian dropped the F bomb at Jeff? That was intense. Don’t piss off the Jillian.)

Anyway, so I’ve had my splurging fun, but now I’m ready to get buckle down for the next two week BECAUSE I’M RUNNING THE FREAKIN’ TALLAHASSEE HALF MARATHON THE SUNDAY AFTER NEXT!!!!! It still hasn’t really set in that that’s actually going to happen on Sunday February 3rd! (Come cheer Erin, Megan and me on! It starts at FSU and ends at FSU. If you want more details let me know!) I’ve been training so much for it that’s it’s like I’ve forgotten that it’s for a race! So that’s all the more reason to drop some weight this week and next week, to have less of a stress on my body. Every little counts.

So let’s talk about food shall we?

Breakfast: Egg breakfast sandwich. YERM!!!!!!
Photo Jan 21, 1 15 31 PMPhoto Jan 21, 1 47 47 PMLunch: For lunch, we went over to our friend Julie’s apartment for some chicken n’ dumpling awesomeness! Our friends Tony and Tara brought some delicious acre peas and these cupcakes made with applesauce instead of oil. Hooray for healthy swaps! Overall, it was a pretty fantastic meal with even more fantastic friends!




Photo Jan 21, 8 38 01 PMDinner: I grilled some salmon with some grilled zucchini. There are no photos of the zukes because they are better right off the grill. Have I mentioned we love salmon?

So that’s all I got for tonight.


Couple things:

Updated my Runs I’ve Done page so check that out!

Also, read the reblogged post from earlier today. It is one of the best weight loss posts I’ve ever read. It truly hit home for me.

Weigh in Tuesday. Stoked to see how it goes.

See ya tomorrow.

ONE MORE THING! Facebook has unliked some of my FFK Facebook Page likes. Be sure you are up to date with all things FFK by Liking the FFK FB Page right now! Okay…that is all.

“You’re just at the beginning of your fitness journey. It’s going to be a long and painful road but you are going to feel so much better for making these steps today…So Dear Overweight Person out there who may be too afraid to invest in the gym, just do it. The gym is there for you. People buy memberships to the gym to better themselves. Not to judge others who come through the door.”