It’s one of those days when I just eat whatever. It all began with me not preparing my food in the morning which lead to just eating random things (not like tin cans or other random random things…I’m not a goat.) Really, it would have been considered a terrible day, and I guess other than second breakfast the content of the meals weren’t bad, but I’ve just been stuffed all day. Even after working out, which is a gross feeling.
But before all of that, there was a weigh in…and it went way better than I expected! I lost .6 pounds this week! I’m back in the 220’s! Sure it’s 229.6, but things are going well! I have a good feeling about where things are going…DOWN!!!
Alright, back to food journal stuffs…
Breakfast: I had a sliced hard boiled egg (yeah…I eat a lot of those now) on top of a sprouted-grain english muffin. That was delicious…then the roof caved in.
Breakfast Part 2: So like many offices around the U.S. (and like in Office Space) there are monthly activities such as potlucks to boost morale and to feed the poor college student workers. Today, everything looked amazing. There were casseroles, monkey bread (sadly not made of monkeys) and even deer sausage (God bless the South.) I stacked my plate. While it was pretty delicious, it threw the rest of my day off. Next time: all fruit. (Fun Fact: I ate everything on my plate in a counter-clockwise fashion. No clue.)
Lunch: I didn’t prepare my lunch and since I had my class, I resorted to buying the most overpriced sandwich of my life. I even ripped off the price tag to hide the fact that I paid so much for a tuna salad sandwich. Either way, it held me over. Between that and the banana I had in my backpack.
Dinner: So we needed to go across town to run some errands and since by this point we were both pretty hungry, we decided to go to dinner at Newk’s. We haven’t been there in a long time, but I had remembered that their salads were the size of small children. I had the Ultimate salad that had ham, chicken, cucumbers, and other salad stuff. Not to mention their awesome honey mustard. The salad was filling beyond belief, and really the only non-skinny rules thing about it were the croutons. But like I said, I’m still full which is always weird.
SAWS: After all of this eating and such, I was ready to come home and workout. I’ve been wanting to try this spin workout for a while, but I’ve been a little worried about it. I thought today would be the day to break through my eating funk.
So here’s the breakdown:
5 minute warm up
1 minute mountain climbers
4 minutes on the bike with 80% resistance (aka biking through mud)
2 minutes of slowly decreasing resistance
2 minutes of sprinting on the bike as hard as you can
1 minute of bicycle kicks on the ground
Repeat intervals three times and then finish off with a 5 minute cool down.
I burned 541 calories in something like 46 minutes. I pushed myself a lot harder than I have in a while and it felt awesome. It was what I needed to reset from today. I’m going to be sooooooooore tomorrow. #Jellolegs
So even though it was just an off day with my eating, it’s just a day. Time to brush them shoulders off and get back at it on Wednesday. No pity party. No frustration. No down talk. It’s just a part of the process. Keep your chin up folks! You got this! See ya tomorrow.
Fact: 850 is my area code. Random.
I’m so stoked for Day 1,000!
So today was the first full day of being 26. So far, so good!
Let’s do a quick break down the day shall we?
Breakfast: A cup of oatmeal AND (yes…and) a 1/2 cup of greek yogurt with blackberries.
Snack: I had an apple and an ounce of white sharp cheddar cheese. So filling!
Lunch: I had leftover chili from last night and 1/2 cup of instant brown rice. Epic meal indeed.
Snack: I had a banana and a tablespoon of peanut butter. It was scrumtralescent.
Dinner: I made an FFK classic: Monterey Cheddar Turkey Burgers. We ate them without the bun and with Brussels Sprouts. It was sooooo good! I forgot how amazing those burgers were!
I know this is a short post, but I have a couple things I need to do tonight. Tomorrow is weigh in day! I’m not sure if my body has completely recovered from the combination of my birthday weekend and running a half marathon, but either way I’m keeping strong with the Skinny Rules and that will mean next week will just be even better! See ya tomorrow.
Have you been watching The Biggest Loser this year? What do you think so far?
So I’m 26.
Another year older.
Another year to be healthier so I can add on a few more birthdays.
It’s been a crazy passed few days. A lot of celebrating, a lot of fun and a lot of miles ran. Lots and lots of miles.
Yesterday, I ran a half marathon just to prove to myself that I could do it. Three weeks from today, I will be running in the Tallahassee Half Marathon. Up until yesterday, I had only ran 10 miles. Yesterday, the first 10 miles were bearable…but the last 5k was brutal with a capital holy crap. I pretty much walked the last mile. My body was tired, my joints were sore and my feet felt like cement blocks. Either way, I maintained a good pace. My first mile was 9:16 and my last mile was 15:53 so my average was 11:40 which really isn’t that bad. I thought I had kept enough in the tank for the last 5 miles but evidently I didn’t. It’s also worth mentioning that I didn’t stop to stretch or drank any water for those two and a half hours.
Regardless of my time, I am the guy who could barely run a 5k in April 2010 to the guy who can run a half marathon in January 2013. I’ll take that as a win any day.
So today I got back on track from splurging yesterday. Going in to the day with a 2,100 calorie deficit yesterday was hard. I needed to recover from the run but I might have overdone it a little. It is what it is. Either way, I kept within the rules today and my body already feels better.
Tomorrow is a new day. Make it count.
See ya tomorrow.
Hello everybody!
So today, it was time to get on the scale and see if my hard work had paid off. By that I don’t mean “I hope this hippy-dippy eating is worth it” but more of “I pushed it hard on the bike and one my runs. I’ve torched my share of calories this week.” Well boys and girls, my hard work paid off! I lost 6 pounds this week! So I am down to 230.2 pounds and have lost a total of 126.8 pounds. I am 52 pounds away from my 2013 goal. Things are going awesome so far! Like I said last night, my birthday is this week so I’m going to do what I can to stay on track because this hard work is totally worth it. Time to keep on keepin’ on!
Breakfast: I had a hard-boiled egg, a handful of strawberries and a piece of toast.
Snack: An apple and string cheese.
An Oops Moment: So Jimmy John’s brought a sleigh of delicious mini (like a quarter-sized) sandwiches. I accidentally grabbed a Turkey Tom without thinking about it. I ate it in all of its white flower glory and I moved on. It is what it is and I am totally okay with it.
Lunch: After my class (which is going to be awesome) I had leftover chili with brown rice. It was even better as leftovers like all good chili batches.
Snack: A banana and some peanut butter from a bag. That I found on the ground.
SAWS: Did a 5k run out at Southwood. It was a rough run, but my time was still decent. I’ll take it. I’m running a crapton on Saturday so that should be interesting.
Dinner: I had some delicious leftover salmon and peas. YUUUUUUUUMMMMM!!!!
That’s all I got for tonight. Take it easy yo! See ya tomorrow.
Also, I have no clue how people on the West Coast deal with not having a show spoiled by being three hours behind. Do you guys just stay off Facebook and Twitter during the 5-8 pm PST hours? Can’t wait to have that problem one day because that will mean that I will be living on the Best Coast. Worth it.
In other news, tonight they showed Biggest Loser contestant Joe Ostaszewski working out in the weight room inside of Doak Campbell at Florida State! Then I found this article by the Tallahassee Democrat from December about how he was going to be on the BL and how he was a lineman for the Noles from 1988-1991. I’m really hoping that he will go pretty far because when Antone Davis was a finalist, he went back to the University of Tennessee, where he played college fooball, and they had a huge thing for him. That would be awesome if they did that at FSU. Either way, I’m going to try to meet him at some point. I know I sound like a Biggest Loser-crazed loon right now, but it’s such an inspiring show to me. Always has been. I remember watching it when I was newly married and eating a fast food cheeseburger thinking “shoot, I would beat them all” then I probably started wheezing because I used to eat so much so quickly that I would lose my breath. However, there were other plans for me. I took a different path to weight loss awesomeness and I have never looked back.
Oh yeah…and Bob Harper replied to one of my tweets tonight. Consider myself swooned.
Alright, let’s talk food!
Breakfast: 1/2 cup of oatmeal with a pinch of brown sugar (an actual little pinch, not a grab) and a 1/2 cup of nonfat greek yogurt with blackberries. This was definitely a “stick to your ribs” kind of breakfast, but not the “stick to your ribs” kind that sticks to your internal organs and kills you. What I’m trying to say is that it’s super filling.
Snack: A string cheese and an apple. The best snack for the 11:00 am hour.
Lunch: So for lunch we made what I’m affectionately calling “Bob’s Dump Soup” since it doesn’t have an actual name (even though it’s a recipe in Skinny Rules.) All it was was chicken broth, a bag of frozen gumbo mix veggies (Publix brand), a can of cannellini beans and a can of chickpeas. All it was missing was the pasta and it could have been the minestrone from Olive Garden. I added some red pepper flakes and crushed red peppers for a little more flavor. It was incredibly filling for only being something like 100 calories for a cup! Then I just had a piece of bread for dipping and a pineapple spear for dessert!
Snack: I had a banana with a tablespoon of peanut butter. I didn’t have a decent container for the pb so I put it in a ziploc which was pretty weird. I cut the corner with my scissors and spread the pb on the banana like I was frosting a cake. Props to my friend Melanie for giving me that idea a looooong time ago. She said that’s what she does with her hummus so it made sense for pb too!
Dinner: At this point, I hadn’t really eaten a ton of calories but I wasn’t starving at all during the day. Pretty awesome feeling. It’s nice because when you eat an afternoon snack, you don’t come home hungry and crazy. You can actually relax for a while and then think about dinner. Anyway, tonight I grilled some salmon and some squash. I brushed a little olive oil on both (I used a total of three cap fulls for three sliced up squash and three large salmon steaks) and put the salmon on some aluminum foil in the grill. I was absolutely thrilled with how it turned out. (Another reason to move to the Best Coast: I LOVE salmon. Especially the good stuff from Alaska.)
So as you can see, I did pretty well!
Rule 16: Banish High Salt Foods
I’m not really a fan of adding salt to food anyways so this isn’t a huge issue. What is an issue is how much sodium is in most foods. That’s why it’s important to read your labels!
Rule 17: Eat Your Vegetables-Just Do It!
Well…you heard the guy.
Rule 18: Go To Bed Hungry
We usually eat dinner around 6 or 7 so since that is the last thing you eat, it’s easy to go to bed hungry. I’ve always been bad about late night snacking, but I’ve just been keeping myself accountable not to snack after dinner. Even if that means not going back in to the kitchen for the rest of the night. Does that sound crazy? Probably. Awe well, it works.
Rule 19: Sleep Right
Trying to get in to that habit so let’s wrap this up so I can go to bed…
and finally…
Rule 20: Plan One Splurge Meal A Week
We did our splurge meal on Saturday at lunch which kind of turned in to a splurge day, but like I said yesterday, we weren’t crazy or anything. I am going to have to pick my splurging carefully this week because my birthday is on Sunday and I don’t want to overdo it and put me back a few steps. Food isn’t worth it to me anymore.
So that’s the whole list. What do you think?
See ya tomorrow.
So Skinny Rules are still going strong. Yesterday we had our first splurge meal which really turned in to a splurge day. We went to Momo’s and we shared a medium pizza (I had about four slices of pizza) which was really my real splurge other than “splurging” by having a Subway sandwich for dinner. (CARBS FOR DINNER???? AHHHH!) So really my splurge day would just be another day before Skinny Rules.
Today I was back to my new normal and it felt great. Clean eating just makes me feel better, so much lighter. I feel like it has cut out the calories that were just waste in my diet. I wasn’t counting those extra handfuls of chips or that extra plop of peanut butter which kept me from losing the weight. It’s those extras that you see on the scale. Can’t wait to see what the scale will say on Tuesday! Either way, I’m going in the right direction for me!
Breakfast: I had a sprout grains English Muffin with a tablespoon of peanut butter and of course a cup of water when I woke up and a cup of water before breakfast.
Snack: Like I was a toddler, I had my own little snack while sitting in church. Instead of Cheerios in a ziploc, I had a cut up apple and a stick of string cheese. It was perfect, because after church you go in to “I’M SO STARVING! LET’S EAT OUT RIGHT NOW! I’M SO HUNGRY I COULD EAT THE LINT IN MY BELLY BUTTON” (Don’t worry, it never came to that.) But what usually happens is we go eat out and not always at the healthiest place. Since I had had a snack, I was thinking clearly and we made lunch instead of undoing anything.
Lunch: Megan made a small batch of chili. It was glorious and I didn’t overeat which was even more glorious.
Snack: During the Seahawks game (BEAST MODE!!!!) I made a protein plate of deliciousness. Now, I’m notorious for hating hard boiled eggs by themselves. The smell drives me nuts (just ask Megan or our friend Julie who eats them in our car sometimes.) But they have slowly grown on me. I’m starting to really like them sliced with a little cheese on my apple that I use as a cracker. Pretty delicious looking plate huh?
SAWS: Also during the game, I did 40 SAWStastic minutes on the bike. I would speed up during certain plays. I was really pushing it when Marshawn Lynch was beasting out those runs. I heart the bike.
Dinner: Megan made a tofu stir fry. It was the first time she had ever cooked with tofu and she rocked it! Deliciousness.
So that’s it for tonight. I’ll talk about the rest of the Skinny Rules tomorrow night. For now, watching the Biggest Loser weigh in. Fun stuff. See ya tomorrow.
Why hello!
I didn’t post last night because Megan and I were having an in-home date night. Sometimes cuddling with your wife while watching Fellowship of the Rings and eating kale chips is more important than blogging :).
So let’s get to it!
Here are Skinny Rules 11-15
Rule 11: Get Rid of Those White Potatoes
I heart potatoes. Sooooooooo much. I thought this was going to be an issue, but it hasn’t been yet! Plus I love sweet potatoes and there’s always purple fingerling potatoes which are awesome too!
Rule 12: Make One Day a Week Meatless
We’ve been trying to do that for a while and sometimes it just ends up happening.
Rule 13: Get Rid of Fast Foods and Eat at Fried Foods
Fried food has been an issue in the past. Sometimes it’s just easier to get something “healthy” from Wendy’s. It’s probably my biggest trigger food. With that being said, when I first started Weight Watchers, if it was fried brown, I would not eat it down. I’m just getting back in to that mindset. That’s been the biggest deal with these rules. I would have handled them fine when I first started losing weight 120-some pounds ago. There’s no reason why I can’t do them now!
Rule 14: Eat a Real Breakfast
I also heart breakfast. A lot. I love an excuse to eat breakfast. I’ll take it.
Rule 15: Make Your Own Food and Eat at Least Ten Meals a Week at Home
This has been pretty awesome. We haven’t eaten out at all since we started which is pretty crazy. We love to eat out and it’s so easy when school is going on. This is going to be a challenge when school starts back up because there is a lot of prep for these rules. We’ll probably do a lot of it on Sunday afternoons so we’re ready for the week!
So that’s about it for tonight. What do you think about these rules so far? Doable or just straight-up cray?
I know it’s a short post. More on Friday. See ya tomorrow.