Day 837:First Post of 2013!

GO NOLES!!!!!!

If we don’t win…well, let’s not even go there.

So today was the first day living under the tyranny of the Skinny Rules! (I use the term “tyranny” psuedo-lightly, and by that I mean it’s going to be quite the adjustment.) It probably wasn’t the right day to run 7 miles while burning 1,200 calories. On paper, I should be emaciated. But the way the rules work, I feel pretty full. I think it’s the combination of A LOT of fiber and protein along with a gallon of water.

Here are rules 6-10:

Rule 6: Eat Apples and Berries Every Single Day. Every. Single. Day. 

That’s a lot of fruit. Good thing we live in Florida: the delicious fruit capital of the USA. (I made up that, but the fruit is good.)

Rule 7: No Carbs After Lunch

I can see this being rough eventually. Like you, yes you, I heart carbs. I love crunchy things like chips and cereal, things I would always eat after work. It’s going to be important to have my snack planned out before I come home from work to avoid being tempted by the carb beast. (There are carbs in fruit, but thankfully Bob says that’s okay…because it’s fruit.)

Rule 8: Learn to Read Food Labels So You Know What Are Eating

I’ve been doing the whole reading labels things for a while, but I haven’t paid close attention to looking at ingredients. Since I’ve had to do that because of Skinny Rules, it makes you realize what you really are putting in to your body.

Rule 9: Stop Guessing About Portion Size and Get it Right-For Good

It’s so easy to just guestimate your portion sizes because it doesn’t require a a measuring cup or a food scale. Time to get back to that.

Rule 10: No More Added Sweeteners, Including Artificial Ones 

This might be the hardest one for me. I LOVE Diet Coke. No more sodas…well no more a lot of things. This will be a challenge, but if it’s off limits, it’s off limits!

So here’s the breakdown of the day…

Photo Jan 01, 10 27 26 AMBreakfast: We started the morning right with a glass of water, followed by another glass of water and then breakfast! A delicious veggie omelet with strawberries and an Ezekiel English Muffin made with sprouted grains. The muffins taste more like a thick bread but tastes great! Not to mention high in fiber!


Snack: I had a sliced apple and one ounce of Cabot’s Seriously Sharp Cheddar. Great snack to keep you full.







Photo Jan 01, 2 17 40 PMLunch: Bob is a big fan of ground turkey. It’s a great alternative to beef, especially when you get the ground breast. (That means it hasn’t been ground with dark meat.) Anyway, Megan made these delicious turkey burgers with diced tomatoes and a spring mix salad with light dressing. The turkey patty was juicy and the salad…was salad.






Photo Jan 01, 8 38 20 PMRun: For the first run of the year, we decided to do it in style and run on the St. Mark’s Trail. I’ve been having issues with my toes bruising on my right foot so I looked up some remedies. One of them is relacing your shoes a certain way. I gave that a shot and my foot was in even worse pain. No bueno. I think I might just go back to the way I had them. Anyway, the run was rough since I haven’t ran in about a week or so. Either way, the first two miles were solid 8:34’s but then the others weren’t as awesome.


After Run Drink: We made a kale green drink that was gross-looking but still drinkable. I’ll spare you from posting a photo of it.





Photo Jan 01, 8 10 49 PMDinner: Tonight I grilled some chicken and had a mountain of green beans. It felt like a lot of food…because it was! I also had a glass of milk.

So that’s all I’ve had today. A big difference from the last few weeks in December. I was not doing too well with the whole eating well thing.

Weigh In: This morning I weighed in at 236.2 which is up 6.4 pounds from two weeks ago. I know that’s bad, but before we went to Texas, I was already up to 235 that morning we left. It was a combination of stress and just plain eating bad. I feel lighter and healthier than I have in a long time today which is awesome.

So what’s the deal with the number 58?: So I haven’t really laid out my New Year’s resolutions yet, but I do have one big goal for 2013: to lose 58 pounds. I am 58 pounds away from being half the man that I used to be. That will put me past the 178.5 pounds mark which is the half way point. I was shooting for it in 2012, but I honestly didn’t put in the work that it was going to require. After a year oh just being meh with weight loss, I’m ready to melt off some weight! Time to get busy. See ya tomorrow.




Day 836: New Rules For the New Year

I hate clothes that fit.

I’ve spent the majority of my life wearing clothes that were to snug, that made me feel uncomfortable. In 2010, after having to buy a pair of size 54 pants, I decided it was time to make a serious change in my life. I revolutionized my diet, I started to run and I started this food journaling on this little blogernio.

Fast forward to now. On the threshold of 2013. My life has been completely changed and has even been elongated by a few years. Now instead of worrying about dying while incapacitated in a hospital bed, I worry about being attacked by a mountain lion while hiking or taking a racquetball to the temple and/or jugular. (Or insert some other awesome way to die here.)

So although I have been exercising like a boss in 2012, my eating was less than awesome. I cheated…a lot. You can ask anyone who has been doing this weight loss thing for a while and they will tell you that it just gets tough. It gets hard to choose the steamed veggies over the mac n’ cheese, it gets hard to not eat that second serving and it even gets hard not to eat fast food when you are in a rush on a road trip. The old me (the Year One of losing weight me) would not have stood for it. It’s time to get back to that. I’m sick of my clothes fitting. That first year I was having to buy a new pair of jeans every few months. I’ve been wearing the same pair for seven months now. Time to break out of these 40’s into the pair of 36’s I bought this summer.

Enter Skinny Rules.

A few weeks ago, Megan downloaded Skinny Rules by Bob Harper and got inspired. She said “We should totally try this” and naturally I gave an apathetic “sure.” Then I started to read through what I had signed up for. Oh boy. In his newest book, Bob lays out a set of 20 rules that will make your friends think you’ve turned in to a crazy-mung-bean-eating-nature-loving-wheat-hating health geek. So I guess that’s my new year’s resolution: to become a crazy-mung-bean-eating-nature-loving-wheat-hating health geek.

Not gonna lie, I haven’t done well with being restrictive with what I eat. Like most people, I like having the freedom of eating what I want (i.e. the dieter’s dream.) In the past, I have had that had that freedom with Weight Watchers, but with WW you have the responsibility of recording what you eat. For about a year now, I haven’t been doing that. I have eaten what I wanted and then acted like I was recording it with an imaginary pen in the sky. This hasn’t gotten me anywhere. I only lost something like 10 pounds this year. I act like I’ve been plateauing while in reality I have just gotten lazy and have gotten good at maintaining. So this is the next logical step to kickstart my weight loss. From what I’ve read, a lot of people who have been in the same situation as me have gone through the Skinny Rules and have lost some serious weight. 

Now…I’m not treating this like some fad diet. I know the keys to successful weight loss, and these rules are it. With that being said, I’m trying this out for the month of January to see how it goes. I fully anticipating it become my lifestyle from here on in. Either way, good things are going to come out of it. Between new dietary outlines, my new spin bike (your butt stops hurting from the seat eventually right?), my access to Leach once again and the half marathon in Feburary, I’m ready to demolish some goals in 2013!

The Rules! 

So there are 20 rules, and I’m going to go through them over the next four posts. Here are 1-5…

1) Drink a Large Glass of Water Before Every Meal-No Excuses!

Seems pretty easy to me. Lately I’ve been drinking a ridiculous amount of Diet Coke and when that happens I don’t drink the amount of water I should. Luckily, we have a few big Tervis cups lying around the house and my folks bought us an awesome PUR water filter that’s attached to our faucet. So there’s no excuse not to gulp down some water before dinner. Not to mention you feel full so much quicker after you’re all H20’ed up!

2) Don’t Drink Your Calories

This is definitely an issue for a lot of people. Between drinks of the libatious nature and such, it’s easy to drink all of your calories and not even realize it. I know that can be something that you “forget” to record when you’re tracking calories. Normally I don’t drink things like tea or coffee with any sugar or milk so I’ll definitely be drinking more of those.

3) Eat Protein at Every Meal-or Stay Hungry and Grouchy

When you’re not eating a meat-heavy meal, it’s easy to choose carbs over other protein to get full, even if it’s only for a while. As you’ll see in the rules later on, carbs are restricted down to where they probably should be in our diets anyway. Eating more protein will be rough for a while, but your body eventually adjusts. Plus, I love things like canned tuna and peanut butter which are both packed in protein (and no, I don’t make peanut butter and tuna sandwiches).

4) Slash Your Intake of Refined Flours and Grains

This is what Bob has to say about refined flours and grains:

Grains-mainly in the form of refined flours-dominate our modern diet. Pasta is king. Bagels are everyday. Grains in all kinds of shapes and sizes are cheap and tasty and everywhere. (Yes, he wrote that run on sentence…not me.) They might be marketed as ‘low in fat,’ ‘all natural,’ ‘whole’ and even ‘heart healthy.’ But if they are all refined-from rice to bread-they make you fat. That’s because grains are a lot like liquid calories once your body processes them.

He’s not really saying anything different from what we’ve heard for years, but for some reason we always return to our delicious master: the grain seed. (That was kind of a Seinfeld reference. Except in the episode it’s about the cocoa bean. BOSCO!) Anyway, Bob suggests breads with sprouted seeds like Ezekiel Bread (the kind you find in the freezer at the grocery store.) In reality, they are not much more than regular bread. In fact, the Ezekiel English Muffins (that I’ve only seen at Earth Fare) were only 20 cents more than the Thomas English Muffins at Publix. Not to mention they look a lot yummier than the Thomas muffins.

5) Eat 30 to 50 Grams of Fiber a Day

It’s a lot of fiber.

So those are the first five rules. You think you could handle them? See ya in 2013!

Day 834: Christmas Recap

What a trip.

Driving in Louisiana is a nightmare, but man is their food amazing.

Instead of spending a crapton of money flying, we rented a car and drove across four states to spend Christmas with my folks in Texas! It was great to spend time with my parents and to see some old friends.

I’ve been on the road for a long tine this weekend so I’m going to recap a little more tomorrow. All in all though, I did eat a lot this past week, but I really did make an effort to be mindful with what I ate and I ate a lot more fruits and veggies than I have in a long time. With that being said, I did overdo it a few meals and I have retained a bit of water. Hopefully that will go down soon. Either way, I’m about to start Skinny Rules in a few days which is going to change everything. More on that tomorrow. In the mean time, here are some photos from our trip. From chicken n’ waffles to Molly the Dog, it was a great trip. See ya tomorrow.

Photo Dec 29, 8 00 22 PM Photo Dec 28, 12 12 10 PM Photo Dec 28, 11 55 45 AM Photo Dec 27, 7 05 12 PM Photo Dec 25, 11 21 36 AM Photo Dec 24, 5 07 47 PM Photo Dec 23, 8 13 41 AM Photo Dec 23, 1 53 53 PM Photo Dec 22, 11 30 07 AM

A Christmas Message From The FFK Edition

Christmas time is here
Happiness and cheer
Fun for all that children call
Their favorite time of the year

Snowflakes in the air
Carols everywhere
Olden times and ancient rhymes
Of love and dreams to share

Sleigh bells in the air
Beauty everywhere
Yuletide by the fireside
And joyful memories there

Christmas time is here
We’ll be drawing near
Oh, that we could always see
Such spirit through the year
Oh, that we could always see
Such spirit through the year…

Day 823: What Up Weigh In!


Been trying to meet you!

BTBubs…did you know that I have a Facebook page? Today starts my journey to get at least 1,000 fans by Labor Day 2013 (kind of obscure I know but just go with it…) Check it out! I put up some mildly funny things and other weight-loss-related banter. so check it out!

Okay, WEIGH IN DAY!  I am finally back in the 220’s…barely. I weighed in this morning at 229.8 pounds so I have lost 2.2 pounds this week! I was pretty stoked about it! This might be my last official weigh in for 2012 so ending on a high/low note like this will work with me.! My last weigh in post from 2011 was at 241 pounds so I have been ssssssssssssslllllllllllllloooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyy making progress to the top of Mt. Fitintoskinnyjeans.

That’s all I really have to say about today…other than Megan makes one epic pecan pie. Today was kind of a splurge day. Tomorrow will be better. Wordless Wednesday! (With video?) See ya tomorrow.


Day 822: Monday Post Stuff

I have no clue why I put “Day 221” on last night’s post. I would have gone back in time… to this post! (Well…close to it.)


Today was another big day in the weight loss win column. I was super good with my points! I will end up a little over because we are making Christmas goodies for friends and family so how can you not steal a cookie or a gum drop?

Breakfast: Now the hordes of college students have gone back to their homes in South Florida, this town is empty. It’s glorious. Not only can I get to work in less than five minutes, the caravan of cars in the drive thru lane at Starbucks is minimal! So I decided to head over there to get a breakfast sandwich and a cup of coffee. I got the turkey bacon, egg white and cheese breakfast sandwich. Turkey bacon is generally hit or miss, but this was pretty good despite the fact it was kind of gray. Anyway, the sandwich was only 6 points and it kept me full the whole morning.

Lunch: I went the Jimmy John’s route today for lunch. I had the Turkey Tom with avocado spread instead of mayo. (Seriously Jimmy John’s, get a low fat option for the mayo!) I also bought a thing of Thinny Chips which were awesome! The only thing was I thought they were only 3 points because that’s what the nutrition facts say online. That’s only for one serving and a bag is two. Way to be sneaky Jimmy! Tisk tisk tisk. Either way, the sandwich was 7 and the chips actually came out to 5. 12 points 

I had a 2 point Fiber One bar. Yum.

Dinner: We had leftover spaghetti with Al Fresco sausage. We both had a massive salad before which helped along with some green beans. It was only about an 8 point dinner!

After Dinner: Like I said, we are making some Christmas goodies so when we were out and about, we got some Bolthouse Farms Holiday Nog. It’s only 80 calories and 1.5 grams of fat for a glass compared to 200 a cup for other brands! Now I’m not a huge egg nog snob, but I know what I like: thick, not too much vanilla, and  creamy. It passed my test! 2 points. 

So I’m at roughly 30 points today so I’m going to try to be good for the rest of the night since I have the weigh in in the morning. Excited to see how that goes. See ya tomorrow.

Day 221: Sunday Update

WARNING: this is going to be a hodgepodge of a post.

So today was pretty good with food. I did have a cinnamon roll and eggs for lunch but even that wasn’t too bad (wasn’t really filling though.)

A few months ago, Megan and I bought Bob Harper’s Skinny Rules book  which has a crapton of fantastic guidelines for weight loss. Bob Harper is a stud. Anyway, we are going to commit to the Skinny Rules for the month of January. It involves a lot of eating just real food. Something we have kind of deviated from recently. So with that will come some challenges, but ultimately a healthy kickstart to 2013! More on that later.

On Friday, we went with our friends Andrea and Phillip to Victorian Christmas in Thomasville and ate at the incredibly delicious Sweet Grass Dairy. If you come to Tallahassee, we’ll take you there!

Photo Dec 14, 7 54 27 PM Photo Dec 14, 10 06 56 PMPhoto Dec 14, 10 06 56 PM

Photo Dec 14, 8 08 47 PM-1


Finally, here is my favorite Will Ferrell skit. The week of awesome Christmas videos has begun! See ya tomorrow.

Day 818: Thursday Time!

For the interest of time, let me break this food down:

Breakfast: Toast with peanut butter 4 points 

Snack: Fiber One bar (that was oddly juicy…) 2 points 

Lunch: Leftover delicious chili! 11 points

Snack: Fiber One bar 2 points

Dinner: Peanut Butter Sandwich 4 points 

SAWS: Played Ultimate Frisbee with some friends from work. (Shout out to my Admissions peeps!) Followed by going for a very very cold run in Southwood. There were also some awesome Christmas lights out there!

Snack: Popcorn 5 points 

So today, I totaled out to 28 points! Hooray for being back on track! Megan and I did a lot of planning about how we are going to be weight loss studs in 2013. Get stoked. See ya tomorrow.



Day 817: A Worded Wednesday!

If you aren’t watching the 121212 concert, YOU ARE A FOOL! PRetty epic stuff.

So I haven’t been on here in a while…well a week…which is pretty long for this Fotographing Fat Kid. Frankly, I’ve been pretty bummed. Mostly just about weight loss. I’ve been looking in the mirror and for the first time in a while just not liking what I see. I just feel flabby. My clothes fit the same, but I feel and look softer than I did when I was training and hitting the gym. (SOOOOOO READY TO HIT THE GYM!!!!) If you have gone through that, you know how frustrating that can be. It felt I was still where I was a few years ago. It felt like I was back to square one.

That all changed today…

This morning, I had a sharp pain in my chest that dropped me to the ground which really shook me. Luckily, Megan was quick on her feet and got my two baby aspirin. I felt fine after, but I still went to the doctor to see what was up. (Don’t worry, I just had a sharp muscle spasm. Either way, that ish was scary.)

The doctor wanted to do an EKG to find out to see how my heart was doing. Then the nurse looked at my EKG reading and  asked me the question every guy loves to hear: “You exercise don’t you?” It was like a movie when the girl asks the meat head “Do you work out?” then they guy flexes his muscles until his bicep turns into objects like ships and stuff like Popeye. It was the most encouraging thing she could say at that moment since I was shirtless with my glorious man boobs and loose-skin exposed for all to see.

What I’m trying to say is that while my body might not be ripped, my insides know the truth. My body knows the miles I’ve ran, the hours of racquetball and the crapton of calories I have avoided. It was the reaffirmed that I am still on the right path even if I did gain this week. It was awesome.

So that’s all I have for tonight. Points and other fun things to come. See ya tomorrow.