Day 765: Weigh in and a fresh start edition

Why hello!

After yesterday night’s post, Megan and I got to thinking about what we were going to do about this whole weight loss thing. It’s easy to get side tracked when you’re incredibly busy and have been trying to lose weight for a while, but Megan and I are back on the same page. Starting tomorrow, we are going to be more strict with our calories and exercise more. Since January 1 is only 10 weeks away (I know, crazy right?) we are both shooting to lose 20 pounds each which would be epic. This week, I gained 3.8 pounds so I am staring at 232 pounds. The idea of being around 212 by the start of the new year is awesome. So here we go. A new chapter in the weight loss game. See ya tomorrow.

Day 764: Monday Roughness

It’s been rough.

I have been binging like a boss today. Frankly, I’m having issues with binging more now than I ever have. I pretty much ate an entire bag of chips on my own today and a bag of popped chips this weekend. It’s been really hard to keep that under control. I knew that this was going to be an issue. I’ve read that your body, in a way, rejects your weight loss when you’ve lost a large amount. This is why it gets harder to lose weight. For me, the issue is that I look at how much more I have to climb up Mt. Fitintoskinnyjeans and I get frustrated/scared/excited/crazy. I know I don’t want to stay where I am, but I know that I need to keep eating well and exercising no matter if the scale doesn’t move at weigh in. On the other hand, I don’t want to become complacent, because no matter how happy I am where I’m at right now, I’m still categorized as obese.

So I’ve been dealing with a lot of uncertainty and confusion lately and I’m finally figuring out what my issue is (by writing it out here on él blõgo). I think that it started when I laid out a list of weight loss rewards that became kind of discouraging. The ultimate one was a new computer when I lost 50% of my weight (178.5) which I have a high hopes for when that is but I have to be real with when that will actually happen. The issue is with The Biggest Loser is that we see the weight loss journey as a race and a competition. I was reading a friends facebook page who has just reached her weight loss goal (congrats Brooke: Not On A Diet!) and someone asked her how long it took. When she told them four years, they said “Really? It too THAT long?” To which she replied “Yes, I’m not in a hurry to end this journey because I’m in this for life. Besides, slow and steady wins the race.” I think she absolutely has it right. I know that if I just keep at it, it will all come in time. I’m going to be persistent.

With all of that being said, I’m going to start looking at this journey in chunks: a few pounds at a time. I might not break 200 by the end of this year…or I might! It might take me some time, but it’s going to happen. I’m going to keep counting points, going to keep training for my half marathon in February and I’m going to start strength training to try to tighten my loose skin.

Game time. Get stoked. See ya tomorrow.

P.S. tomorrow’s weigh in is going to be ugly. Time to be better.

760: Thursday Yo!

Greetings and Salutations yo!

Today I wasn’t great with my food, but sometimes that just happens. I was decently good the past few days and I was doing a lot of walking across campus. Today, I was in my office and not doing much else. Tomorrow, I’ll be doing my share of walking though… 🙂

For breakfast, I had a bagel at work. Nothing special.

For lunch, I had a ravioli Lean Cuisine that was not good and then I had two cups of Cheerios and a leaf-shaped cookie (not a cookie made of leaves.)

Today, I went for a run that started off really well and then just fell off. My first mile and a half was really strong, but then my eyes just started to burn horribly. It was frustrating, but you just deal with it. Either way, I’ll be running 4 miles on Saturday. Stoked for that.

For dinner, Megan and I had a pizza date at Pizza Hut. I had three slices of pepperoni and jalapeños with a salad.

Tonight, I had some Publix soft-serve frozen yogurt with half of a Heath bar and one Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. If you want to put in to perspective how much candy you are putting on your froyo at your local froyo shop, buy your favorite candy topping in its packaged form and then put it on your yogurt. You realize that you’re putting too much toppings on your froyo. (I have no clue if any of that makes sense…)

So tomorrow will be full of walking and eating delicious foods from across the world… AT THIS PLACE!!!!!!


While there will be a certain amount of self control while being at the Food and Wine Festival at EPCOT, the built in cost of trying everything will help with that. We’ll have to break out the pedometer and see how far we walk. So stoked! See ya tomorrow.

Day 758? Weigh in and Stuff

So this weekend, I had a lot of opportunities to make bad decisions with the opportunity to make awesome decisions. I know some people think there isn’t a huge difference between what is organic and what isn’t (which in some cases it’s not much different) but when I spend a little more on organic apples and oranges, I demolish them! I’ll eat an organic apple over some chips any day. Between that and drinking a lot more water, I’ve been making great strides in getting back in to good habits.

With that all being said, I lost .6 pounds this week. Although I’m still at the 228.2 threshold (which is where I’ve been for a while) I feel like I’m due for a pretty big loss.

One thing I need to do is get back in to the gym. I’m starting to feel flabby and soft even if I am losing weight (loose skin?) so I really need to get a pass for Leach and start pumping some iron.

Alright, let’s get to it.

This morning, I had a Smart One breakfast sandwich since you can only eat toast and pb for so long. It was only 4 points which isn’t much at all. (Because it was a doozie of a day…)

Today, I helped put on my first commercial photo shoot. For the past month, I have been organizing, interviewing and other crazy stuff to help this sucker go off without a hitch. It’s a two-day shoot, but day 1 went swimmingly. (Plus I got to drive a golf cart around campus!) Anyway, Florida State University is beautiful, which makes our photographer’s job relatively easy. 🙂

So for lunch, we went to Chili’s to take a break from the craziness. As most of you know, Chili’s is a caloric-bomb trap, so you have to tread lightly. I had the lunch fajitas which are generally safe (again.. trading lightly) because I looked up the nutrition for half of one of the sandwiches and it was close to 400 calories…for half of a sandwich. I had about half of my chicken enchilada soup which was 4 points for half of a small cup and the fajitas were about 7 points (Chili’s has made it incredibly complicated to find out their nutritional information. It’s a little ridiculous.) Anyway, so it was a decent lunch.

When I got home after a long day of driving, walking and more walking, I made some coffee (because I still had a 9:01 pm softball game to go) and then had some Cheerios which was 2 points.

For dinner, I had a Lean Cuisine Chicken Suaza which was no bueno. It was only 6 points but not worth the points. Awe well. I also had 2 points of chips and a 1 point cheese stick.

SAWS: Was at a late softball game, wasn’t feeling well, so I went home because I have a crapton to do tomorrow. No calories burned. Awe well.

So today I got to about 26 points. I might be a little wrong on Chili’s, but I still held my own today. Recently, I’ve been scared of my 28-point count because I’ve worried it’s too low. But today I was fine! I just need to keep it up.

I’ll have some cool pictures of campus tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday. Good stuff. See ya tomorrow.

Day 753: Jacob is a Jerk Edition

Hello my friend (except that I mean actually mean it).

So today, I did really well with food and I conquered an eating out challenge which has always been an issue for me. Let’s get started shall we?

We weren’t going to be able to run tonight (more about that in a second) so Megan and I decided to run this morning. We went over to Lake Ella around 6:30 and I ran with Megan and her Couch25k run program. It was still dark, but the stars were out and the weather was perfect. It was amazing. We ran two minutes on, one minute walk which was a great recovery run for me after a couple of really brutal runs. I think I might start doing that down the line, especially on the Tuesdays after long Saturday runs. Fun stuff!

Breakfast: I had had a piece of toast before running so by the time I got to work I was starving! I had a honey Fage yogurt and when that wasn’t close to being enough, I ran and got a bagel from the little convenient store by my office.

For lunch, I made a Lean Cuisine the Hungry Girl way: I cooked up a sweet n’ sour chicken LC and then microwaved a steam in bag of broccoli to not only make the meal more filling, but to get more veggies in my diet! It made the meal go a lot further! Give it a try sometime!

For an afternoon snack, I just had an apple and some peanut butter. More than enough to keep me full. I also had some sunflower seeds which aren’t bad, but can be high in sodium.

So tonight, I said adios to one of my great friends from grad school. Jacob has always been a huge supporter of my weight loss journey and is a big fan of the blog (or that’s at least what he tells me…:)) He has accepted a job in Fayetteville, Arkansas and Megan and I couldn’t be happier for him and his awesome wife Emily. It’s been great to have had support from the guys who were there from the beginning, who were there when I arrived to orientation, having just bought my first pair of 54 sized pants hours before. It’s been awesome to have gone through the weight loss journey and the joys of grad school together at the same time. Thanks for being an awesome cheerleader yo!

(Alex and Andrea, when you guys move, I’ll gush over you too.)


So tonight, we had a celebration dinner for him and his wife Emily. We went to a seafood shanty called Calico Jack’s and it was AYCE boiled shrimp! Since shrimp are surprisingly low-cal, I ate my share. Thankfully, fried seafood isn’t really my thing so there’s not temptation there. I did however eat a lot of saltines with cocktail sauce (because that’s one of the most delicious things in the world.) Anyway, so I ate two plates of peel and eat shrimp which isn’t as much as you think and then a side of cole slaw which wasn’t that great (but I still ate anyway…)

So that was it for today. Like I said, pretty good food-wise. Now it’s time to stick with it this weekend. Like I said the other night, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays have been my downfall so far. That’s changing this weekend. See ya tomorrow.


P.S. Now matter what your political leaning is, you have to admit these pictures are hilariously weird. (Personally, I like “Pouty Paul” on the left the most.)

Day 751: Weigh In Time!

What up G?
So I’ll keep this brief since I might fall asleep while I’m postingggggggggggggggggggggggg [head on keyboard] So I didn’t know how this was week’s weigh in was going to go. I started out really well with counting and eat my fruits and veggies, but the second half of the week was just full of recuperating from a brutal run and eating making less than great food choices. I usually have an issue with not posting on Friday, Saturday and now Sunday. So from now on, I’m going to at least just post my food portion of it all so I can be accountable.

Anyway, so this week I gained .4 so I’m up to 228.8.

So I would keep going, but my head feels like it is going to explode. To sum it up: I ate a sandwich, I had a lot of fruits and veggies, and I ran like a stud in some beautiful weather. Thanks for reading. You guys are awesome. We’ll talk more soon. See ya tomorrow.

Day 749: Sunday and 10k Recap

Courtney Warren is a stud. Holla atcha girl.

Yesterday was a roller coaster of emotions. I ran in my first 10k race and it took a toll on me. The course didn’t have any flat surfaces, it was all grass and it was hot and humid the whole race. It was insane but what an awesome experience. It made me realize how far I have come in the past two years. At 357 pounds, I didn’t even know how far a 10k was. I had dreams of running a marathon, but I knew that would never happen. Now, I’m on track to run a half marathon in less than 5 months. I’m so blessed to have friends, family readers who have been so supportive. Thanks for being awesome.

So I actually did really well for how beastly the race was. I also had another first this race… I PLACED IN MY AGE BRACKET! I got third with a time of 1:01:16. I was super close to getting second though, the second-place jerk ran it in 1:00:32! LESS THAN A MINUTE!!! Overall, I placed 55th out of 123. Either way, I’m super happy with this being my 10k baseline time. No matter how I place, I’m ultimately racing against myself every time. It was an epic first 10k. Whabam.

Oh yeah…I got two medals. Only 20 behind Michael Phelps.

Anyway…what was I saying?

Oh yeah…

So today I was pretty good with food, but yesterday I wasn’t great. I ate McDonald’s for the first time in almost three years but it’s not what you think. As I crossed the finish line, I went straight to the water station and then over to the abundance of free food everywhere. My body was yelling FEED ME NOW!!!!! so I grabbed the first thing I could find which was a sausage McMuffin. I actually only ate about 3/4 of it when I said that was enough of that. Then I found some bananas and oranges. For the rest of the day, I was just trying to recuperate so I ate my share of random stuff. It is what it is.

So today, Megan and I went to Olive Garden for lunch. I ordered the shrimp primavera and the lunch portion was only 10 points. I had two bowls of minestrone before we got our food because the soup is actually less calories than the salad (because of the dressing). Anyway, I asked for a to go box when I got my food and I brought most of it home and had it for dinner. I also ate four small apples (but not at the same time). They were amazing.

So that’s about it for today. I’m going to start a pushup challenge this week. More about that later. (Thanks for the push Jeff.)

See ya tomorrow.