Day Flippin 700

I can’t believe it has been 700 days since I have started this crazy weight loss thing.

I can’t believe that 700 days ago I made one of the best decisions of my life.

I can’t imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t made that change.

Over the past few years, I have heard a lot of people say things like “I’m going to make a change tomorrow” or “I have lost weight before so I know it’s possible, but I just can’t give up my [insert favorite food here]”

I think about how many times I have heard that and how different their lives could have been if they had just started that day.

I’m not saying that to be preachy (this is a weight-loss-pretentious-free zone) I’m saying it as a challenge. I think about this every time I don’t do the 25 sit-ups and pushups I plan to start at the start of every week. I have counted it out and if I had started six months ago, I would have done around 4,500 sit-ups and 4,500 pushups already. I would be in better shape and way close to my goal, but since I haven’t I’m further away.

This is why I’m telling you that if you are thinking of losing weight start now. Not tomorrow. Not after breakfast. Now. 

Because this…

Looked like that 700 days ago.
Get to it. Trust me, it’s worth it.

Day 694: Weigh In Stuff

King of the Hill is awesome. That’s all that needs to be said about that.

So I knew that I wasn’t going to be down to where I was before our Disney trip weight-wise, but I was definitely shooting for at least a loss. I am definitely hoping to be back where I was and then some by my two-year blogaversary on September 18th. This week, I lost 1.6 pounds which is a pretty good lost considering the way I ate on Saturday (more about that in a bit…)

Breakfast: I had a bowl of Back to Nature Cranberry Pecan granola cereal. IT was delicious and filling. I also had a banana and drank a bunch of water.

Lunch: I went home and made a sandwich. The turkey we bought from Publix tastes the way Pay-Less Shoes smells. Anyway, I also had some chips and salsa with some Corn Flakes. I also had a Fiber One bar for my afternoon snack.

Dinner: I had some leftover chili from last night. Nothing too fancy. Then I had a banana before it was time to go for a run in Southwood.

Brutal Run: Today was one rough run. It had just rained so it was particularly humid. It felt like I was wearing a sweater when I was running. By the first half mile I was already covered in sweat. Today, I didn’t break any land speed records, it was more of a detox run. I ate a lot of junk (delicious junk that is) this weekend so it felt like my body was sweating all of that out so I could get back to my regularly scheduled weight loss. It also didn’t help that I was still sore from playing softball. My quads and groin were completely sore from sitting down all day so running was pretty rough too.
fun stuff.

Snack When we got home, I had some popcorn while watching Adventure Time (also an awesome show.)

So that’s all for today. Wordless Wednesday next. See ya tomorrow.

Day 693: Gaining Confidence


I can’t flipping wait for college football. It’s only a few days away and it feels like flippin’ Christmas morning.


So sorry about not post the last few days. We went out to beautiful St. George Island for the annual Musicology beach trip. We swam with dolphins, ate delicious food and hung out with great friends.

Yesterday I was going to post, but then I fell asleep while watching an episode of Doctor Who. On Sunday, I had a massive non-scale victory. Our church is putting together a softball team for a city league and our first practice was yesterday afternoon. The last time time I played softball, I was embarrassing and when I say that I mean I felt embarrassed when I was playing. All during undergrad, I was the intramural team joke. I had fun and I made people laugh, but in all reality I was a waste of a player. The last time I played softball, I went to swing, I farted in mid-swing and struck out. I uttered “I hate my life.” While I meant it in a humorous way, the reality was that I was in a dangerous position. I was on the cliff of my life taking a turn for the worst. Sure, I was a pseudo-active 350-pounder, but I knew I was one injury away from gaining a lot of weight because that’s what happens when you’re that size.

As I was saying…so yesterday, I was a little worried about how it was going to go, but I that all changed when I went up to bat and clocked it. In our scrimmage, I was 5 for 5, had an RBI and had 4 runs. I was whipping around the bases like crazy. It felt awesome. Don’t get me wrong, I’ sore as all get out today, but I feel awesome. Earlier this week, I thought about what would happened if I did gain a significant amount of weight from just being laxed about food. After being actually competitive in sports affirmed the doubts I was having. This work is paying off, I won’t lose sight of that again. See ya tomorrow for a weigh in that could go either way.

An Awesome Blog To Follow

Sun Salutations my little reading friends!


So I didn’t write a post last night (as you made have noticed,) so in lieu of some ridiculous thing I’ve written, I think you should check out this awesome blog instead! 

Once upon a time, Megan and I were BFFs with a guy who loved the tuba. While I was always apathetic to the Medieval instrument, that all changed when I met James Green. James is a tuba stud. He is currently at The Ohio State University pursuing a Doctorate in Tuba Performance. (I personally think James should change his name just to “Dr. Tuba” which sounds like an awesome comic book villain name.)

Anyway, like me, James has always struggled with his weight and he recently started C25K! His blog is about everything from weight loss to the joys of school and other awesomeness. So check out his blog Soon to be Doctor Tuba, Well in 3 Years!

Now here’s a picture of Lil Bub, the cutest cat on the interwebs.

Day 689: Thursday Stuff

Why hello!

Today was pretty good stuff. I did snack some, but nothing too major. It’s hard not to when you run in the evening and you come hungry. No bueno.

Anyway, let’s talk food.

Also, Arrested Development is amazing. I heart this show so much.

Breakfast: I just had peanut butter on a bagel thin because I am creative when it comes to breakfast.

Lunch: Megan and I met up for lunch at Subway and then went over to Atomic for some amazing caffeinated deliciousness (it was a busy morning.) I had a medici latte and Megan had a honey bear latte (which is deliciously pictured to the left.)

Also, this is me in a bow tie.








Run: Today was Runday Thursday! We went out to Southwood when it looked like the apocalypse was about to hit (but evidently that’s coming early next week) and I went for a quick 3.5 miler. I got my mile time down which felt pretty good. I’m going to run 6 on Sunday which is going to be beastly. Also, I wore my favorite sweatband. Princess power all the way (wait…)


For dinner, I had some spaghetti. Nothing too fancy but it did the trick.

So that’s about it for the day. Huzzah. See ya tomorrow.

Day 687: Tuesday Weigh In!

Wait…I have a blog? What the what!?!

So I am back from the Happiest Place on Earth and it was epic! It was so awesome to see my family and to help my sister Brittany start her career at Disney!

It was also awesome to eat at the delicious places at Disney and around Orlando.

Which brings me to tonight’s weigh in…

Although I was relatively good (or at least tried to be) snacking was an issue the whole time. It is what it is. I gained 4.2 pounds but I know a good amount of that is water weight. I’m not mad about it. Sometimes you just have to move on.

Speaking of moving on…

For breakfast, I had a peanut butter on a bagel thin. It was filling and delicious.

For lunch, I had tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich. It doesn’t get much better. Oh wait…check out dinner.

When my dad and sis came through town, we made an epic trip to Sam’s Club! We are officially ready for any sort of zombie apocalypse. Anyway, we got a pack of frozen salmon so Megan the Magic Chef whipped up some spaghetti with a light oil and garlic mixture. It was amazing. I heart salmon.








Megan wasn’t feeling too well so I skipped out on my weekly run in Southwood. Tonight, I did not want to run. I was tired and I just wanted to stay at home. But I knew that if I did go run, it would be a big win in the discipline column. Anyway, tonight was a four miler and I decided to take on new road. For those who don’t know, Tallahassee has massive hills. Tonight, I conquered some hills like a boss. Yeah it wasn’t my best time, but I got my mile times down each mile which is good and in mile 3 I hit an awesome stride. Tonight was the first night that I thought I could actually run 13.1 miles right then. (It also helped that the weather was perfect tonight: low humidity and cool. A rare combo in late August.) I think my week running break really helped. Granted I did walk 35 miles over four days, but that’s beside the point. Anyway, when I got home I had a bowl of popcorn and water…gallons and gallons of water.

So that’s all for today. Wordless Wednesday will by full of awesome Disney pictures. Get stoked. See ya tomorrow.

Day 680: Weigh In Day

So today is the anniversary of losing 100 pounds. That’s right folk, I have kept at least 100 pounds off for one whole year. I feel that’s a pretty awesome accomplishment. I’m just going to keep looking forward and being awesome.

Speaking of awesome, today is weigh in day! I lost .8 pounds this week! I am down to flippin’ 231.2. I know it’s not a ton, but I have been consistently losing. While I want to be below 200 now, I’m absolutely cool with going low and slow. I’ve got nothing but time.

(I’m going to speed this up a little because I have to get up extra early tomorrow for work and it’s already past my bedtime.)

Breakfast: I had 5 points of 1.5 tbsp peanut butter and toast.

Lunch: I had leftover macaroni from last night. I also had some cheerios too. 9ish points

Snack: We weren’t running until around 7 so I had another round of peanut butter toast 5 points

SAWS: Today was a four-miler and luckily it is cooling off during the evening (since it monsoons every afternoon. I think I am finally acclimating to this bizarre Tropical/Deep South hybrid of a climate.) Anyway, I ran a pretty rough trail while having to pee the whole time. Not gonna lie, I was ready to run in to the woods and answer nature’s call, but with my luck, I would have gotten caught and send to straight to jail or some ridiculousness. Anyway, it was an awesome run. Good times.







Dinner: We had to stay on that side of town for a little while, so we decided to get some Sonny’s deliciousness. Megan and I both did the smoked turkey sandwich combo. Instead of fries, I had the baked beans. It was only 17 points which isn’t bad for BBQ since it’s generally pretty high.

So I got to 36 point and I burned about 667 calories so I’m in good pretty good shape. Hooray! See ya tomorrow.