Listening to all of Great Britian singing “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” was the highlight of these Olympic games in my opinion.

I know some people are ragging on the Closing Ceremonies, but I mean come on, they have artists from all time periods, hilariously weird acts and two epic posthumous performances by Lennon and Mercury. That’s pretty hard to beat. (Not to mention The Pet Shop Boys kicking butt with some “West End Girls” while the children of the creepy triangle guy from Silent Hill ride around on bicycles.)

Anyway, so today was pretty good food wise. I ate my share, but I was definitely mindful of an impending weigh in on Tuesday. One thing that I didn’t do was drink enough water. It sucks when you leave your Tervis at work all weekend when you’re use to having it by your side at all times. Awe well, that’s how it goes I guess. Alright, let’s talk food…

Breakfast: I had two servings of the ever-awesome Kashi Go Lean Berry deliciousness. One of the most filling breakfasts you can have.

Lunch: OUR FRIEND JULIE IS BACK!!! So after church, we went and ate some delicious Pho and catch up. I had the rice noodles with pork. It was filling, but it’s definitely the most sodium-intense meal that I eat (which explains why I have been so thirsty today. It is what it is.)

Snack: I had some popcorn and a cup of Cheerios this afternoon while watching these Olympics.
Dinner: For dinner, we had leftover chili with rice. Nothing new. But we did have an awesome dessert: victory bread! We each had a few slices of Megan’s victory chocolate chip bread with some spray butter.

So overall today was pretty good, but I’m interested to see where I’ll be on Tuesday. I didn’t do a ton of exercise today like I was suppose to (some non-running activity) but I was pretty sore from the run yesterday. It took a lot out of me. See ya tomorrow.

P.S. this week is going to be awesome because my sister and dad will be here!!!! Can’t wait!!!!


Day 677: Race Day Stuff

Here are pictures of my day. The race was awesome and I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow (I’m falling asleep as I’m typing this post). All in all, I had a personal best and I placed 5th in the men’s 25-30.

In other awesome news, Megan placed second and our running pal Erin placed third in the women’s 25-30! Their prize? Chocolate chip bread! The race benefitted a local high school athletic program so the prizes were made baked. Needless to say the race had a very small, hometown feel to it. Our friend Becky did awesome too! This was her first 5k!

Anyway, after that ridiculousness, we went to another ridiculous activity: canning peaches. Yes, we canned peaches at Becky’s friend’s house. It is a really intriguing process with multiple steps. I did everything from peeling to stirring the peach mixture to going to Ace Hardware to get more caning jars. It was a fun day, but exhausting.

So enjoy the pics and we’ll talk more on Sunday. See ya tomorrow.

Day 675: Thursday Stuff

Happy #BowtieThursday everyone!










Alright, let’s get busy!

Breakfast: I just had an English MacMuffin. Yumtastic. 4 points

Lunch: Megan and I met up on campus (between thunderstorms) and went to Pollo Tropical for lunch. There is nothing better than chicken, rice and black beans. Fantastic. 11 points

When I was at work, I had four Goldfish crackers and a lemon cookie. Nothing major. 2 points?








Dinner: Megan made some awesome Crock Pot Chicken Enchilada Soup for dinner. I had one and a half serving with a little cheese and sour cream. It was about 9 points. For dessert, Megan and I shared some froyo and it was only 2 points! 

SAWS: I ran a crapton today and burned 671 calories. I can’t flippin’ wait for the Trojan 5k on Saturday. I think we figured out the route and it’s going to be hilly. Can’t wait.

When I got home, I had 5 points worth of popcorn. Stellarkart.

So today I got to around 33 points so with the awesome calorie torchin’ I’m in good shape. See ya tomorrow.

Day 673: First Tuesday Weigh In!

Why Hello!

So today was my first weigh in on a Tuesday and it officially is amazing. I lost 1.2 pounds. Not a ton right? But check this out…I HAVE OFFICIALLY LOST 125 POUNDS!!! I can’t flippin’ believe it! Awesomeness.

Breakfast: I made another Egg MacMuffin which was awesome.

Lunch: Today, my office took a tour of FSU and one of those stops was the awesome Suwannee Room! It’s an All You Can Eat place which haven’t been my best friend at this point. So today I took a new approach to the ol’ AYCE: I made a massive/awesome salad and by that point I was super stuffed. I had one piece of broccoli and one forkful of chicken. Then, I had two pickles and one lemon square. It was a good day for discipline!

Dinner: Tonight, we had the best thing from Skinny Taste ever. Megan made Crock Pot Asian Pork With Mushrooms. It was seriously the best thing I have ever eaten. Make it. Eat it. Cry from happiness.
Run Stuff: It’s Tuesday. You know what that means…RUN TIME!
We found out that there is a 5k this weekend in Tom Brown Park so we (Erin, Megan, Becky and I) are going to beast out that sucker. So today, I decided to see what my 5k time is nowadays. I was suppose to run 4 miles, so I set my Nike+ for 3.1 and then just kept going until I got to 4 miles. I went nuts. I elongated my stride and controlled my breathing.

I burned it and blew my record out to the water! If I can break 28:38 on Saturday, I will flip. Can’t wait.

When I got home, I had some popcorn. It was awesome.

Overall, it was a pretty awesome day. Wordless Wednesday tomorrow. Get stoked. See ya tomorrow.

Day 672: Monday Time

So I’m going to keep the short and beautiful. I promise tomorrow will be good SINCE IT’S MY FIRST WEIGH IN ON A TUESDAY (are you stoked? Well you should be!)

Breakfast: I wanted to make a Egg McMuffin without going to the Gold Arches (I mean…my last name is MacDonald so it’s close enough right?) Anyway, I had a cooked egg on a Thomas 100 calorie english muffin with two slices of ham and a little cheese. It was an awesome 4 points! 

Lunch: I came home and another fantastic Skinny Taste recipe: Baked Potato Soup! It was only 4 points a cup so I had two bowls so it was 8 points!

Snack: I had about 4 points of sunflower seeds. Yumtastic.








Dinner: Tonight, we had a meal that would be have been a caloric nightmare if I had ordered it a place like Chili’s. We had jalapeno poppers and chicken fajitas without the fixins. (It makes a difference to cook at home. Not only is it cheaper, you have a much better idea of what’s going in to your food. The more you know folks.) The poppers were only 3 flippin points! And the chicken and peppers was only 7 points  (5 points for the chicken and 2 points for the oil in the veggies.)

So today I totaled out at 26 points which is awesome with me. I didn’t cheat today and drank water like a fish. I was doing what I was suppose to do. (I also has a 10 calorie Monster energy drink.) We’ll see what the scale has to say. See ya tomorrow.

Day 671: (No) Weigh In Day!


Is something you might have just said after see the title. (If not, it’s okay. No pressure to be confused.)

So I have a big announcement, there has been a change to your regularly scheduled programming.

You see, once upon a time, I started training for a half marathon and other running events. With this new running regiment, I run an epic amount of miles on Saturday mornings which puts my body out of whack (retained water, lactic acid, etc.). Usually, my Sunday has been my rest day, but now it’s on Monday. Since your body needs a day to recuperate from a workout, my weigh in’s are going to be on Tuesdays from now on. A lot of thought went in to this decision and I think it will be a more accurate count of where I’m at in my weight loss. It’s also going to keep a lot more honest through out the week. So enough about that. (For the record, I did weigh in at 235.2 (+2 pounds) this morning.)

Breakfast: This morning I had 2 pieces of toast with a little less than a tablespoon of peanut butter (I ran out in mid scoop. It was sad). 4.5 points.

Lunch: After church, Megan and I decided to go on a little lunch date at Monk’s. My friend Alex and I were going to meet up there last night, but the parking lot is a nightmare when it’s packed so we went to Momo’s instead. Anyway, I did the build a burger and had the vegan garden patty, creamy havarti, jalapenos, hot chipotle BBQ sauce on wheat berry bread along with a side of sweet potato fries. I also downed a bunch of water (and not just because it was so flippin’ hot!) Lunch was about 14 points.

Snack: I had some Kellogg’s Special K Cinnamon Pecan cereal which was about 4 points. 

Dinner: Megan made this the awesome Skinny Taste Flank Steak which was a ridiculous 5 points. It’s so much food!!!!! AAAHHHH DELICIOUS STUFF!!!

Exercise: We went out to the pool and I did 8 minutes of treading exercises and then swam 10 laps. Then, we went home and did planks, ball exercises, weights and burpees during commercials while watching these olympics.

I also had like a half point of sunflower seeds.

So that’s all for today, I got to 28 points which is where I need to be. I felt good about today and I can’t to see what this week will bring. Sorry for no pics, my phone was out of juice around lunch. See ya tomorrow.

Day 666: Happy Number Edition

Like most of the world, Megan and I have been glued to the TV every night to watch America (and Canada) kick butt! I have a lot to say about the lackluster media coverage and the issues with our society’s need to know everything instantaneously. Today, I did my darndest to avoid finding out about swimming and gymnastics via staying off of Twitter and closing my eyes while on Yahoo!, but I was bested by my ESPN and New York Times push notifications on my iPhone. While there is now way to embargo the Olympic results from the rest of the world (especially with our connection to England on multiple levels from being allies to having relatives across the pond) it’s almost like a giant screw you by ESPN to show the results in their ticker while I’m trying to watch Around the Horn. It’s like if Good Morning America on ABC broadcasted the results of the Big Brother finale on CBS that was airing that night. There is no actual solution to this problem, but it wont be an issue for a few years. The Winter Olympics in 2014 will be in Sochi, Russia (eight hours ahead of EST), the Summer Olympics in 2016 in Rio will only be one hour ahead of the EST (btw, I hate living in the EST. It’s all about the Central Time Zone. But I digress…) and the 2018 Winter Olympics will be held in Pyeongchang, South Korea which is an epic 14 hours ahead of the EST. So until the Olympics are held in another “US friendly” country, this shouldn’t be as much as an issue until then… and we will complain all over again.

Geez… where was I going with that?

Alright, so to make this brief until the good stuff, I had some oatmeal for breakfast and some chili for lunch. Nothing too out of the ordinary. I did also have two pieces of dark chocolate before my run. It was magnanimous.

Dinner: Megan made that amazing Eggplant Parmasean from Skinny Taste so we nommed on that deliciousness before we went on our run.









SAWS: It’s Tuesday so it was Southwood run day! It had rained earlier in the day so it was actually cool outside around run time. I went a different route today which was fun but much hillier than my usual route. I ran 3.5 miles in 36:32 which isn’t bad considering I ran a 36:02 3.5 miler on Saturday. (I did stop and talk to a coworker I saw running so that might have been the difference.) I was able to get my second mile time down which I am happy about. I’m running another 3.5 miler on Thursday and then a 4ski on Saturday. Should be fun.

When I got home, I had toast with a tablespoon of peanut butter and a banana. Between that and the fact I was in pajamas by 9:00, life is good.






Bonus Video: So tonight I leave you with this video. When I first saw this commercial, I held back the tears. I was this kid. I am this kid (and not just because his name is Nathan). I spent so much of my life telling myself that I would never be competitive in sports or ever be happy with the way I look. At the age of 23,I had already prepared for an early death from my lifestyle. But with the a lot of willpower, a lot of sweat and a ton of support of friends and family, I have found my inner-greatness. It’s an amazing feel. And I’m just getting started. See ya tomorrow.

Da 665: Monday Yo!

So for those of you who don’t know, I’m a huge fan of social media, blogging and really any kind or marketing or PR. I liked it enough that I have two degrees in it. Well a while back I was asked to contribute an article to a local magazine called Capital Executive regarding blogs and their importance in a professional setting. If you have ever wondered what it sounds like (or… reads like) when I’m not talking about eating food, you should check it out here!

Alright, let’s get back to today. Overall, I ate pretty well… but I guess you can be the judge.

Breakfast: This morning I had a delicious bowl of oatmeal. It’s such an awesome, stick-to-your-ribs kind of breakfast! (Oh yeah, and aren’t those bowl so awesome!?!)

Lunch: I came home and had some quinoa with beans and corn. It was basically the same thing as last night but a different protein.






Dinner: It wouldn’t be a FFK post without another awesome recipe from Skinny Taste! Tonight, we made the Garlic Lime Pork Chops and had leftover quinoa instead of the rice which was an awesome combination! If you want a white meat alternative, buy some pork folks! Yumtastic awesomeness.

Fo dessert, I had two delicious peaches from the farmer’s market on Saturday. If you don’t think you like peaches, buy some locally. It really makes all the difference.

SAWS of Sorts: Tonight, I went over to my friends Mallory and Lynn’s house and mowed their lawn. It was still hot, so I definitely got a good sweat out of it.

When I got home I had a few more peaches and some popcorn. Like I said it was a pretty good day. Tomorrow I’m going on another 3.5 mile run that I am super stoked for.Care to join me? See ya tomorrow.