Stuff I Support

Hoping to Tinkle – Sarah’s Kidney Fund!

Sarah is a 30 year old Ph.D. student in ethnomusicology at The Florida State University. She recently received a letter from Shand’s Hospital in Gainesville, FL stating that after spending two years on daily dialysis, she is now approved on the kidney transplant list. This is Sarah’s story:

I was 14 years old when I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, also known to medical professional as SLE or to the common public as “Lupus.” At the time of diagnosis, I didn’t think it was a big deal. Yes I had a possibly deadly disease, but I decided way back then that I wouldn’ t let it stop me or use it as a crutch to live life. So, needless to say, I think I coped pretty well with the bad news. I graduated high school, college, and worked three jobs (sometimes four) with no major problem until 2009. In 2009 the Lupus brought me Pancreatitis, which caused a host of things to go wrong. In 2010 the Lupus brought Renal (kidney) failure. In 2011 the renal failure caused shingles and a heart infection (endocarditis).  I came to the realization that I’m thirty years old and have flat-lined three times. Currently I have three doctor’s appointments per week and take thirteen types of medication daily. Every night I have to spend an hour hooking up to a dialysis machine, which I have named Stella, and every morning I unhook it to go about my day. I am ready to start a healthy chapter in my life, ready for a new kidney, and ready to pee again. At any time I could receive a phone call saying a kidney is available for me, and I will have to leave in a moment’s notice for 2 months recovery in Gainesville. As a graduate student, the expenses for the procedure and recovery are overwhelming. Any little bit helps.” 

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