Breakfast: Wafflewich. The best in the west. 4 points.
Lunch: We met up and ate at Pitaria for some lunch. Luckily, they had their awesome creamy vegetable soup today. So we both did that and split an order of hummus. It was great and about a 10 point lunch.
Snack: I had a Kashi bar of awesomeness for 2 points.
Breakfast: So I met up with some people (shout out to Andrea and Quinten what what!) for a group project around 5:30 so we went to Panera. When I got there, I had the dropsies really bad so going there might not have been the best choice. I wanted to dominated their pastries. Instead, I got a plain bagel. No bueno. It was 6 points completely dry. That’s more than a Krispy Kreme doughnut. Fail. Anyways, to add insult to injury, I spilled coffee all over my hand Old-Lady-From-McDonald’s style. That sucked, however the coffee was good and we got a ton done! (Take the bad with the good right?)
Dinner: By the time we were done at Panera I was starving so Megan and I decided to hit Chipotle in its awesome glory. I went with the Vegetarian Bowl with guac and sour cream on the side. It was a pretty awesome meal and 16 points. Pretty awesome stuff.
Today wasn’t the best day but it’s how it works. I got up to 38 points. Should have skipped on the bagel but awe well. See ya tomorrow.
We left the house around 8 am and didn’t get home until 10 pm. It was a doozie. As soon as I got home, I went to bed. It was magical. So, this is Tuesdays post and Wordless Wednesday is still coming your way later today.
Breakfast: Again since we were waffleless, I just ate a spoonful of peanut butter. It was the most filling thing I’ve ever had. If you are in a pinch (or if you want to feel like a kid again) definitely try it out. 5 points.
Lunch: We met up and ate at Pitaria for some lunch. Luckily, they had their awesome creamy vegetable soup today. So we both did that and split an order of hummus. It was great and about a 10 point lunch.
Snack: Since I ate lunch around noon and I knew we weren’t going to be able to eat dinner until late, I bought a granola pack to hold me over. I love Nature Valley bars and they are 4 points. (and yes this was taken during class)
Dinner: After our awesome college bible study, we all went out to dinner at Mr. Roboto’s Sushi Awesomeness. All day, I really wanted to have curry. I had just been jonesin’ for it. We were going to make it that night, but when we the group was going there, I knew they made a killer curry so it was a win-win for my intestinal track. I got the red curry with veggies and the best tofu I have ever had. It was delicious and about 12 points.
Dessert: Since Hiro’s is right next door, we all then went there. I had the Taro with blueberries and strawberries with a little sugar cone for a little crunch. It was pretty good stuff and 4 points.
It was a weird day since I’m not used to eating that late but that’s how some days work. Overall today I had 35 points which was good enough for me. See ya… later. WORDLESS WEDNESDAY!!!!!! GET STOKED!!!!!!
I hope you had a good day full of X’s and O’s. For me, it was another gorgeous day here in Tallahassee and although I didn’t get to spend a lot of it outside, I really enjoyed it when I was. Although I didn’t eat any candy at Halloween, I ate 2 truffles that we were suppose to be giving away. (Oops.) So that was 2 points right there but it was dark chocolate so awe well. (And they were freakin’ delicious so double awe well.)
Breakfast: Since I was waffleless and we need to go grocery shopping, I improvised and made use some breakfast sandwiches. It had an egg, a veggie sausage patty, some spinach and a little cheese. They were 7 points and pretty good! I’ll have to make them again sometime because they were super easy.
Lunch: I was in a super rush to get to my internship so I had to get something fast. Luckily, Megan had made a fresh batch of hummus this morning so I had about a half of cup of hummus and 2 pitas. A really good and surprisingly filling 8 point lunch. Pretty awesome stuff.
Dinner: Since we’ve been dating, Megan and I have always done Pizza Hut dates (back in the day we would get a large stuffed crust pepperoni with breadsticks, but now with the whole eating healthy thing we’ve made some adjustments) so what better time to go on a date than Valentines Day! Anyways, we ordered a medium thin crust with peppers, onions and tomatoes. Before that though, we had a salads! Hooray salad! They didn’t have any low fat dressings (seriously?) so we each got some ranch in a cup so we could dip our forks in the ranch and then spear the salad instead of just pouring it on. It really worked too! I didn’t even use a quarter of the cup! The pizza was great and I had 4 slices (which was a slice too many) but it was still delicious. It was about a 16 point dinner which was good with me. (P.S. sorry the picture of the pizza looks weird. The lighting was just off in there.)
Care Package!!!! My awesome parents sent us a Valentines care package full of my favorite things! They got us some Central Market Peanut Butter (my favorite,) an owl wind chime, some coffee, and an owl washcloth. Pretty awesome stuff. I have the best parents in the world (you might think you have better parents… but you don’t.)
So today I got to 33 points, but I’m about to do some Wii Fit to balance it out. See ya tomorrow!
Breakfast: We bought some Kashi waffles this week and they are good, but they are still not near as good as Publix waffles. Every other frozen I’ve tried have been really soggy (maybe I just need to turn up my toaster… hmmmmm) Anyways, like I said they are good and I had half a serving of peanut butter which was only 4.5 points.
Lunch: After church, we went to the Tallahassee Mall (the creepy near abandoned mall where most zombie movies take place) and ate at their food court. Luckily there is a Subway which is especially good. I had the Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki which is one of my favorites but I haven’t had it in ages. The 6″ with some chips was 10 points.
Dinner: Megan had been wanting to try this new recipe she found in a Taste of Home magazine so we gave it a shot. This beautiful concoction to your left is Tex Mex Porkchops. Basically, the sauce was salsa, green chiles, and sauteed onions. I usually don’t like salsa as a sauce like this, but it was really good! Megan thought it was a little salty but we both think it was the kind of salsa we used. The porkchops were only 4 points (if they are about 5 ounces) so dinner was only 8 points which is sad that it was less points than a sub and chips. (Eating in folks, that’s where it’s at!)
Snack: I just had a 1/4 cup of trail mix for 3 points. Hooray.
Overall today I unintentionally only got to 25.5 points which is kind of below but it’s too late to eat so I’ll just keep drinking my water. This week, I’m going to get back on a consistent work out schedule with healthy food abound. I’m really going to focus on reviving the fire I had to lose the weight and rid any shred of complacency that is left within me. What an epic battle it should be. See ya tomorrow.
Breakfast: I had the last waffle with just a little honey on it. My stomach was pretty messed up this morning so I kept it light. I also had a light bagel and a handful of almonds. Kind of a hodge-podge of a breakfast, but we really needed to go grocery shopping.
Exercise: I’m about 15 miles away from completing my #JanGTD goal so with 3 days to go I still have a chance to beat it. Megan and I walked all over tarnation. The part of Tallahassee we live in is really hilly so we got a big leg work out. We walked a total of 5.27 miles of awesomeness.
Lunch: After our big expedition, we really wanted to find a place with a good salad bar. (Jason of Jason’s Deli, IF YOU ARE READING THIS PLEASE COME HERE!!!!!!) We decided to try out the Salad/Hot food bar at Earth Fare. It was amazing! It’s $7.99 a pound but the spread was awesome. I had a big salad with a little salmon and balsamic vinaigrette, a few pieces of steak with roasted veggies, some quinoa (first time I’ve tried it. Soooo good) and some soy nuggets which were really good. I definitely want to go back soon.
Dinner: Our friend Matt (of racquetball fame) wanted to go out dinner to try out this Korean BBQ place in town. It didn’t look like much from the outside, but the place was awesome! I had the Korean Beef BBQ with rice. You could have as much sides as you wanted so I filled up on kimchee and this miso soup with tofu. It was a pretty awesome dinner.
Overall, it was a pretty good day. Between drinking a lot of water to keep from retaining water and walking 5 miles, I’m hoping that undid a little of yesterday. I’m worried because I’m really starting to crave bad foods again which hasn’t happened for a long time. Regardless of what happens tomorrow, I’m going to get back on track. This race is not over and I can’t forget that. See ya tomorrow.
Breakfast: I had some Kashi Granola Honey Almond yumness. It wasn’t bad for 5 points.
Exercise: I finally made some time to work out today. I really needed it. This week has included a lot of sitting of almost sedentary proportions. I had a hour, and I wanted to pack it with as much exercise as possible. Not always the best idea. I started out by hopping on the stairmaster for 10 minutes. I know this picture sucks, but the elliptical and the stairmasters are on the second floor so it’s like you’re walking in to nothingness. A little weird. After working up a decent sweat, I did a little lifting and then tried to run but my calves started to crap up so I called it good. It felt good to exercise, I really need to make it a priority to keep losing weight. 7 exercise points.
Lunch: I had Pollo Tropical again today. I like it and it’s the best option on campus, but I think I’m going to take it easy for a while. I had the 1/4 chicken with rice and beans (it wasn’t as greasy as it looks) It was 13.5 points.
Snack: I had to run over to Strozier to rent season 2 of Breaking Bad (so awesome) and I had a little extra time, so I had an Iced Skinny Caramel Macchiato. Also it was free! I had a free drink for my birthday. Pretty awesome, not to mention 3 points.
Dinner: When I got home, Megan had made some cajun chicken with broccoli and a potato. It was pretty awesome even it was chicken twice in a day. An 8 point meal. Broccoli is a beast.
So today I got to 29.5 points. Not too shabby. See ya tomorrow.
Breakfast: This morning I went to a panel/advisory board meeting for the Hispanic Marketing Communication Center at FSU. It was a pretty cool meeting with a lot of big wigs in advertising. Anyways, there was a big plate of bagels but I resisted and ate my PB fiber snack bar thing from Publix which was really really good and 3 points. Caloric crisis averted.
Lunch: On Thursdays, our awesome college minister Adam (and sometimes his awesome wife Crystal) come up to campus to have lunch with whoever shows up at the food court. I usually just get Pollo Tropical in the food court, but today I tried the sushi/stir fry place. I got the Shrimp Tempura roll and it was pretty good and not that expensive as far as sushi goes. My roll was 13 points for 8 pieces which is a little high but a nice treat.
Snack: Surprise surprise, I went to Starbucks again (I need to stop!!!!!) and got a Iced Grande Skinny Caramel Machiatto for 4 points
Dinner: Megan made a massive crock pot of pinto beans for dinner and it was glorious. I had 4 massive ladels full. It was really good and that much was a ton of food. Not to mention only 8 points. Hollatastic.
Snack: Just a banana 2 points
So today I only got to 30 points which is actually not bad at all. Again… Thank God tomorrow is Friday. See ya tomorrow.