Day 67 Turkey Day Post Part One: The 5k!!!

What a great way to start off Thanksgiving!

It was a beautiful morning in Tallahassee. When the race started, at 9:00… 30 minutes late, it was in the low 60’s with no wind. You couldn’t have asked for a better day!



























Like I said, the race started late and it was too packed (about 6,000 folks) for a small road one way road in a neighborhood. We were far back in the line and you had to run through a lot of walkers and strollers (which weren’t suppose to be allowed, dogs too, but people still had them.) The course was had two big hills, but with big hills comes big downhill running. One house that we ran by had their doors open and you could smell them deep frying a turkey. It was complete torture. I blitzed the first mile (the one mile timer said 13:00) and I didn’t stop at all through out it. If I felt like I couldn’t go any more, I would power walk the crap out of it. I was really proud of not completely giving up any any moment in the race.

Results… Kind of

Overall, we all did awesome! I’m really proud of my parents because they were booking it the whole time! I’m especially stoked because I broke my personal record which I really didn’t think I was going to do (that’s not said for dramatic effect. I really thought I was going to suck it up today.) So here are the times:

Me: 37:58

Megan: 43:47

Brittany: 47:37

Mom and Dad: 53:35

Legit! I almost beat Megan’s personal best by 10 seconds. Next time… Next time… Well my house smells delicious and if I stay on here any longer I will drool all over my keyboard. Food blog later. See ya tomorrow.

Day Route 66!

My parents are here!!!! Hip hip hooray!!!!!!!!!!

They got here around 9:30 this morning (the left at 5:00 yesterday evening and drove through the night because they are legit like that) so we have been showing them the lovely sights of Tallahassee. It’s been a pretty awesome day.

Lunch: Since it’s my sister’s birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIT!) and she loves sushi, we went to Mr. Roboto’s since they have sushi along with cooked food for the rest of the family (except for me, I love sushi too!) I wasn’t really sure what to get, but I was trying to avoid cream cheese and avocado… oh yeah and something fried. So, in hasty decision, I got the Avalanche Roll because I had had it the first time I was here and I knew it was good but I couldn’t remember what was in it. Then I remembered when I got it. It was a shrimp tempura roll with a creamy sauce with imitation crab on it. At first I felt a little guilty about it, but then I just decided to enjoy it. I’m glad I did and not to worry about it because I looked it up and it was only about 10 points! I don’t think I’ve ever been full from one roll of sushi (much less a 6 piece roll) so I’m pretty stoked about that.


Dinner: For dinner, we went to Barnacle Bill’s which is a Tallahassee classic. If you ever come in to town that should be one of the first stops you make (first stop is Doak and the second stop is Bruster’s.) On the outside it looks like kind of a dump… and when you go inside it still looks like kind of a dump. Regardless, the food is fantastic. This is the first time we had been to a seafood joint since we started our weight loss journey and I used to just get fried anything even though it would make me feel disgusting (even though it tasted soooooooo good. I personally think that’s when you know that you have a problem: when you are willing to eat something even when you know you are going to get sick from it. But I digress…) Brit, Dad, and I all got the crab legs which were just fantastic. I was going to avoid the butter at all cost because it’s one of those things where I don’t need it but if it’s close by I’ll eat it. When we got our food, the butter container in mine had fallen over and it was all over the crab (#Fail) Luckily, dad was willing to trade with me so that crisis was averted. I thought the crab was going to be kind of bad, but one pound of crab leg meat is only 4 points (can I get a What? What?) and the potatoes were only 3 points! What a legit meal!

So if I think I’m only at 17 points right now which is just insane because I’m really full and I felt like I was cheating all day. A very rare feat. Tomorrow is the Turkey Trot (Gobble Gobble) and I’m pretty stoked. I thought about going on one final run before the big race, but I decided to take it easy since my Achilles tendon was really tight (I’m assuming that is racquetball related.) I’m hoping I can beat my 5k time in April which was 39:32, but if I don’t awe well, it’s just going to be fun to do a run with my family. I’ll probably do two posts tomorrow: one for the 5k time and one for the post thanksgiving day report (sponsored be Maalox.) Happy Thanksgiving, and see ya tomorrow.

Day 63: The Ballad of My 10th Weigh In Day!

This is going to be an awesome week. How can you not love Thanksgiving? I love this time of the year so much, but I have never experienced it while being healthy so this is going to be quite a test. Bring it on yo!

If you recall last week, I had a really rough time at the wedding taking my eyes off the prize and focusing on a beautiful chocolate fountain. Well, I worked hard this week to try to make up what I didn’t lose last week and I think I did okay. I lost -3.6 this week! I’m really happy with it! What could make me happier? Um.. I don’t know, maybe being in the 310’s for the first time since my freshman year of high school!!!! It’s such an awesome feeling when you realize that you have found a system that works for you and works so well. What’s even cooler is that I am only 2.6 pounds away from being at the 40 pound mark (I can’t believe it as I just typed that!) So right now I am at 319.6 and I am 79.8 pounds away from my goal.

Breakfast: Didn’t happen. Yikes.

Lunch: After church, we went to Tijuana Flats and had their super awesome burritos. We had a BOGO coupon so it was super awesome cheap too! I had the Chicken and Black Bean burrito on a Wheat Tortilla with fat free sour cream and low fat cheese. The burrito looks small in this picture, but I was so stuffed after lunch. They pack it in there. I just emptied the contents of the burrito and put it on my chips to make nachos. So good, and the burrito and chips was 14 points.





So after lunch, we drove around and did some clothes window shopping. We went to Old Navy and I tried on a few things. It nice to actually to be a chooser and not a beggar while clothes shopping again. There was a time when if it fit, I bought it because it was slim pickens. I got a nice V-neck t-shirt for like 4 bucks. Then we went to Dillard’s which is where I buy most of my nice clothes because they have a pretty good Big and Tall section. One of the last times I was shopped there it was August and I needed to buy a pair of khakis. I had a hard time trying to find my size (which was a pretty high number. There are 3 numbers I will probably never say on this blog: my GRE score, my social security number, or my pant size (that is until it is much lower.)) Anyways, I just remember all of the frustration and the internal embarrassment of walking out of the fitting room time and time again trying to find a bigger size, trying on pair after pair of pants with them being too tight. Today, I tried on a pair that are 6 sizes smaller than the pair of pants I bought that day. They fit, maybe not perfectly, but the button didn’t shoot off killing an old women while I put them on. They fit. That’s when I realized I’m actually doing it. This is actually working. So after that awesome experience, we went and registered for the Turkey Trot and the shirt sizes on the registration form only went up to a XL but when they got there they had XXL’s so that was pretty cool. The shirt is legit. It’s a Under Amour-like long sleeve and it’s pretty light. I actually almost wore it to racquetball today it was that comfortable. Do you like my action pose?

Dinner: There are some days where I think I could become a vegetarian, then there are meals like this… We got some Turkey brats from Wal-Mart (as if we aren’t going to have enough turkey this week…) and we bought this huge vat of sauerkraut which will probably last longer than me because it was the only size. Anyways, the brats were only 3 points and they were really good. Plus sauerkraut is only 10 calories for a 1/4 cup! The buns were 3 points because we got white instead of whole wheat (oops.) I had the two legit brats pictured and then had one more with no bun. (Of course it came in a pack of 5 so we had an extra one so I took one for the team. ) It was a 15 point dinner which was so worth it for how good of a dinner it was.



Racquetball: Well I figured since tonight was a Blue Moon, I would have a good chance at winning. I got really really close 2 games, but I couldn’t pull out the W (I would make a terrible closer pitcher.) It earned about 13 exercise points.

So today I had only 29 points which is pretty awesome for how well I ate. See ya tomorrow.

Day 61

Deathly Hallows was so good. Go see it now.

This was an awesome Friday. We are one day closer to my parents coming in to town!!!!! I’m so stoked.

Breakfast: We didn’t get home until pretty late and I had to get up pretty early to work on a final project (fun stuff) so I just made some peanut butter toast. (7 points)

Lunch: After I got back, I warmed up last nights chili and basked in its delicious glory. Left over chili is just so good. Plus, since it is only about $3 to make it it basically 75¢ per person when you eat it over 2 meals and I’m all about delicious cost efficient meals. I had 9 points which is for the chili and rice.






Exercise: I found my own secret garden park right in my own backyard. Instead of running on a treadmill, I went out on road in front of our house and then run through the neighborhoods. As I ran down this one street, there was an asphalt path that went in to the woods so being the curious cat that I am (what does that mean?) I made my way down the trail which opened into a beautiful park with a lake. I immediately realized how awesome of a decision this was. I then went back in to the woods and I ran. Not jogged, not walked, not wogged. I ran. It was just me and nature in a Whitman like fellowship. I didn’t worry about how I looked when I ran or how embarrassed I would be if someone else saw me try so hard. It was so liberating and free. I can’t wait to do it again tomorrow. I totaled out at 3 miles and it was 4 exercise points. If you ever feel like you are in a running funk or you just feel over stimulated by… well… life, find a park and run a trail.

Dinner: Before the Iron &Wine concert, we went to Sahara which is a Greek/Lebanese restaurant in Tallahassee, with some of our friends in Megan’s department. It was our first time there… and most likely our last. It was pretty pricey so we split some vegetable dolmas (which were so good and only 1.5 points for 3) and then we each had a bowl of red lentil soup which came with a fried pita. The soup was pretty good, but again, it was over priced and the service sucked. They were really rude since we had a large party and they did even fill up my water cup (which in my book is a cardinal sin.) Anyways the soup was about 4 points and the fried pita was about 3 points. Pretty good dinner sans the crappy service.

This was our second time to see Iron & Wine play this year. I dare say this time was better. The whole band played instead of just Samuel Beam so they did a lot of variations of their original songs. He opened with 4 acoustic songs and then they threw down. It was interesting and impressive to hear them transform all of these acoustic songs I love be transformed in to Funky and Dirty South renditions. They also played some new stuff of the new album that’s being released next year and it’s going to rock. If you get a chance to see them, definitely do it.




Snack: I just made a piece of toast and pb which was 3.5 points and then a 1 point fudgesicle Good times.

So I got to 29 points which works just fine for me. See ya tomorrow.

A Short Blip: Day 57ish

I love the beach.

I use to never be able to decide if I was a mountains or a beach guy. I grew up driving through the Rockies to see my family in Montana and I lived in Alaska for a summer (which was beautifully awesome) so I always thought I was a Mountain guy. Then my family started going to Florida every couple of years so then the idea of being a beach bum was just stellar to me so then I thought I was a Beach guy. I think fate made my decision for me because for grad school it came down to University of Colorado (mountains) or Florida State (beach) and we headed to the shore.

Anyways, this morning I woke up to the ocean air blowing in my face and I thought “I have to go run. God made this beautiful day so I need to make the most of it.” I put on my Nike’s, set my iPod to Running Mix, and hit the sand running. The tide had been earlier this morning so the sand was packed pretty well and it felt just like a road. The wind was cold and the sun was beating down, but it felt amazing. The crashing waves sounded like cheers and applause (it also sounded like water hitting other water.) I totally forgot my pedometer (I have no clue why I suck at remembering that stupid thing) but I went for about 40 minutes and I only stopped a few times but that was just to enjoy my surroundings. So far it’s been a pretty awesome morning to say the least.

Food News: I’ve been pretty good all weekend. Tomorrow I’m going to go in to more detail about this weekend and everything that’s been going on. We are going to a wedding this afternoon (congrats Brandy and Chris!) and I’m not too worried about it, however there are going to be 3 chocolate/other delicious flavors fountains so that will be quite the temptation but I think I might have one chocolate covered pretzel and call it good. We’ll see how that works out and see how much running I’ll need to do tomorrow morning. See you tomorrow.

Day 54 Galore!

Tuesdays are Legit. Why?? I don’t know.

Since we don’t have class on Thursday, I have officially started my 5 day weekend. So awesome, I have a lot to do, but so awesome.

Breakfast: Before I hopped on the bus to go run at Leach, I grabbed 2 waffles with no peanut butter since we are out 🙁 but luckily my parents are bringing some organic PB from my favorite grocery store in Texas (H-E-B. So awesome.) Those 3 points held me over pretty well. Waffles are awesome. Let’s just leave it at that.

Exercise: I really needed to get some running in for #NovGTD so before class I went and treadmilled it up. I decided to try out my 5K time to see where I was at. I ran 3.1 miles in 43:15 which was about 4 minutes slower than my 5K in April, but I still a few weeks to get that number down. Plus I feel like I run faster on the ground. Does anyone else notice that?

Lunch: In keeping with Unofficial Healthy Choice Steamers Week, I “made” the Red Pepper Chicken Alfredo. Unlike yesterday, I was actually able to sit down and enjoy it. Also unlike yesterday, there was plenty of chicken in it and the alfredo was very tasty. I would add some pepper to it for a little more flavor because even though it is a meal, it’s still a frozen diet meal. Anywho, this meal was only 5 points which was really worth it. We also had some of that 6 grain bread leftover from Sunday so I chowed down on that which was 2 points and then a behemoth of a honeycrisp apple which was also 2 points.


Dinner: We decided to take a look at drive around town and to check out the Turkey Trot Track on the other side of town (is it just me, or does the race actually look like a Turkey? I wonder if that was intentional..) Luckily, there weren’t too many hills or severe elevation changes and it’s in a beautiful community so we are both really stoked about it! So after we check that out, we drove around town and ended up at Tijuana Flats, a Mexican joint that we had heard nothing about. When we walked in, it looked like what I think Jerry Garcia’s dreams were like, so many murals with stuff hanging from the ceiling. It was pretty trippy. Anyways we took a look at the menu and they had some really great healthy options including Powerlite Options which were fat free sour cream and cheese. How awesome is that!?! Plus, they have an under 500 calorie portion of the menu. They also had a lot of facts about their food (as seen above) which is always impressive to me. I had the Veggie burrito with a side of chips and salsa. Are you ready for this? The meal total was only 11 points! It was really good and I want to go back already!





After we went to Tijuana Flats, we walked by Gold’s Gym to check out this Gold-Getter’s promotion where you social media (can that be a verb?) while you go there to train and work out. That also included 5 months free membership. I think they have already picked their 5 people, but I wrote on the Gold’s Gym Tallahasee’s Facebook mentioning my blog and to see if they might still consider me (if you are from Gold’s Gym and reading this, you should definitely give me a shot! I’ll make Gold’s Gym Tallahassee famous!!!) So we will see what happens there.

So far today, I’m at a whopping 23 points? Weird… plus I have some exercise point too so I’ll probably have some cereal here in a bit. See ya tomorrow.

Day 5-0

Day 50. Wow. So stoked.

It feels like Friday sucked up all the good for the week which explains why this week pretty much sucked but today was so awesome. I woke up this morning to a beautiful November morning so Megan and I put on our robes and drank coffee on the porch. Definitely a great way to start off the day.


Lunch: Before my group meeting, I made a ham sandwich (5 points) and Campbells Chicken Noodle soup (5 points) because I knew things were going to get bonkers this afternoon. Nothing too exciting.






Exercise: So after my group meeting, I went to Leach to getting some running in for NovGTD. I usually do around 4 miles or so, but today I wanted to hoof it. I got to 4 miles and when I was done with the cool down, I was at 4.62 miles, so I turned the treadmill back on and ran the extra .38 miles to get up to 5 miles. I was really stoked because now I know I can push myself like that. So I burned 980 calories and 18 exercise points.









Dinner: We went to eat dinner with some people from Megan’s department at Super Perros (yes, that means Super Dogs,) the Colombian restaurant in Tallahassee. We had to sit outside and it was cold and windy… and I was wearing shorts. The food made up for it ten fold. Megan and I split Godzilla (no really, that’s what it is called!) It’s a massive fried tortilla stuff with chicken, peppers, and other delicious ingredients. It also came with salad and rice, plantains, and tostones which are fried banana chips. It was more than enough food for the both of us so I’m really glad we split.

So today, I’m not really sure how things added up so I’m going to do my standard thing and count it as my day and my remaining weekly points. Overkill? Most likely, but awe well. I’ll be good tomorrow… or pending on your timezone: today. See ya tomorrow (or today.)

Day 40

Yes… It’s been 40 days since I have started this Internet phenomenon. Legit.

Breakfast: After lusting at it on A Girl Who Loves Cupcakes, I decided to finally make my own Wafflewich except I made a bigger version. I bought the Eggo Multi-grain waffles (the Publix ones are better) so I used 2 waffles (3 points,) 2 tbs of pb (5 points,)  and half a banana (1 point.) It was so epically amazing.







Lunch: I decided to buy the Smart Ones Swedish Meatballs and I was disappointed. I already had some preconceived notions of how I was going to like it and I was exactly right: nice idea, but doesn’t work as a diet food. Luckily it was only 5 points so whatever yo.







Exercise: This afternoon I really had the urge to do some form of exercise and I wanted to go jog because I need to start training for the Turkey Trot. Today in Tallahassee is was like August all over again. This afternoon it was 80 but with the humidity it was 89 and the A/C was way to nice to be outside. After a contemplating Facebook status, my FB support team (which also included A Girl Who Loves Cupcake) encouraged/guilted me to go so Megan and I went for a jog! We went up and down our street (which is super hilly) and went 1.03 miles. I was pretty slow so it was the wakeup call I needed that I need to get ready for this 5K that’s less than a month away. It’s awesome to have that kind of encouragement so thanks again guys.

Exercise: After the jog, I had a Honeycrisp Apple (2 points of amazing awesomeness) and a Fudgescicle (1 point)

Dinner: Megan use to always make curry and she finally made it again!!! I was so stoked/starving and oh man did it hit the spot. It was green curry with onions, potatoes, and an orange pepper. We use to put chicken in it but we both think it’s better without any meat and it saves us points. With brown rice it was only 11 points. We were both so full after.






Snack: After our church bible study, we went out with a few people to Chili’s. Luckily we had already eaten the aforementioned curry. We just had Diet Coke and chips and salsa. At first we weren’t going to get any chips but I borrowed my friend David’s iPhone to check up the points. (All the more reason for me to get an iPhone (YOU HEAR THAT SANTA!?!)) The basket was 12 points so we split it was 6 points for each of us. The icing on the cake was that the salsa was perfect tonight! It wasn’t watery at all like it usually is so that was awesome.

Today I came out at 34 points. Soooo awesome. See ya tomorrow.



Day 29 It’s Friday!!!!!

Happy National Hug an Asian Day! (Have you hugged an Asian today?)

It is cold and beautiful once again in Tallahassee! As soon as we woke up this morning we opened the windows and let the fresh air blow through. It finally feels like Fall again.

So this morning as I was cooking breakfast I was thinking about Cracker Barrel and how awesome it is (don’t ask me why. I think we all day dream about Cracker Barrel every once in a while.) I was thinking about how awesome it would be to go there for breakfast tomorrow morning before the FSU/BC game so I decided to do some nutritional investigation. I was disappointed, not because of what I found, rather what I didn’t find. This is what the Cracker Barrel’s Question section says in response to nutritional information:

“Is nutritional information available for your menu items? Here at Cracker Barrel, we pride ourselves on using recipes and ingredients that are authentic, genuine, and of the highest quality available.  We strive to prepare and present these food items to you in a way that upholds those authentic traditions of days gone by. Cracker Barrel certainly understands the health-conscious concerns that some of our guests have. While we are unable to give you any exact calorie or fat content information, the following choices may help you in your selection:”

Through all the clever PR wording of this paragraph, all I read is: “If you knew how many calories you were eating when you were here, you would be hacked.” Why are they not able to disseminate this information? As consumers, I think we have a right to know what we are paying to put in our bodies. I understand that smaller Mom and Pop, single location establishments don’t have that information available on hand; but Cracker Barrel has 588 locations in 41 states! They really don’t have an excuse. To be fair, they do have alternatives, but I fell like that’s not enough because the healthier options still aren’t always the best. I also know that sites like The Daily Plate and Diet and Health have some of their nutritional information, but I still don’t think that’s enough. This is something that I hope will change nation wide soon because I think when people see the calorie and fat content on the menu, it might make them think twice and thus slowly open people’s eyes to the overall problem with obesity in America.


Breakfast: I made eggs (4 points) and bacon (2 points) for this crisp fall morning. Like I’ve said before, we use to never eat breakfast but it’s really nice because a lot of the time Megan and I don’t see each other at all during the day so it’s just nice to sit and talk about the upcoming day (and to compare bizarre dreams.) So even if you aren’t dieting or whatever, I would still sit down for breakfast (even if it is at 6:00 am) and mentally prepare yourself for the day and enjoy the peace and quiet. Just don’t fall asleep in your bowl of Cheerios.




Lunch: I went to Publix to pick up a few things around lunch time and I was starving. Our pantry was running thin so I went to the freezer aisle to find a meal. I was about to buy a box of Boca Burgers (not because I’m vegetarian, I just like Boca Burgers) and then I saw my dream diet food: Pot Stickers. I love pot stickers and dumplings so much and I haven’t had them in 6 months (I like them that much I actually remember) and since I have started WW I figured I would never taste them again :'( then I found this. I dropped everything, sped home, threw it in the microwave, and then savored these amazing little bits of Heaven wrapped in wonton. I was really impressed with this dish and for only 5 points I’m definitely getting this again.



Snack Fail: I wanted to eat something to hold me over until our epic steak dinner (more to come on that) so I popped some waffles in the toaster (3 points.) Then I forgot how high in points peanut butter was so I put a serving on there and it was 5 points. Ouch. On the upside, the peanut butter is a lot better than the day I stirred it so it was worth it.

Steak Dinner Awesomeness: In keeping with trying new meals week, we concluded our testing meal week with the London Broil out of the WW cookbook (yes: what you’re seeing is considered a diet food.) The marinade was 1/2 cup of wine, rosemary, salt, pepper, and garlic. It marinaded overnight in the fridge and then we broiled them 4 minutes on each side. We then cut up some asparagus and sauteed it with butter. It. Was. Epic. We were really impressed with how the steak turned out, and really impressed with the price: folks, this meal was $3.75 a person. So all of you people who think it is worth it just to eat out all the time, this is what $3.75 can get you. What can you get for $3.75 at McDonald’s? The answer: not much. Just saying. So the 8 oz sirloin was 6 points and the asparagus was 1.5 points. This meal would great with boiled potatoes too or even a mashed potato. Definitely check out this recipe.

So today I’ve totaled out at 26.5 points so not too shabby of a day. I’ll find something to snack on during the Rangers game. Last game I had a bigger bag of sunflower seeds which was only 4 points so I might do that again.

Announcement! So my folks and sis are coming to Tallahassee for Thanksgiving (I’m super stoked!) and my mom was talking about them joining the Anytime Fitness that is about to open in their neck of the woods. We were talking about the challenges that the Holidays are going to bring. Then I jokingly mentioned that there is a Turkey Trot 5k Thanksgiving morning and she was pretty psyched about it. So our family is going to do the 5k! I’m super stoked about it but we have a lot of running to do between now and then. Megan and I ran one in April and my time was 39:32 so I want to try to break that time. So we have 5 weeks (yes… Thanksgiving is 5 weeks away) to get back in to it so we are pretty stoked. If you have read this whole blog, you are awesome and thank you. See ya tomorrow.


Day 19

Hey Good Lookin’ What Ya Got Cookin’?

So I forget to mention yesterday about something awesome on Monday! This summer I bought a Polo cardigan that was pretty snug but I still bought it because I knew eventually I would look good in it. So Monday, which was the chilliest day so far, I wanted to wear and it fit great! I was so stoked. Also, my button-up shirts usually had a lot of pulling at the bottom but most of them are starting to fit without any pull. At this point, that is just as good as pounds off! I mean I’m not at the point where I have to get a new wardrobe (yet) but even just having your clothes fitting right is such a great feeling.

Alright, let’s talk about food.

Breakfast: Since I was going to workout and I knew I wasn’t going to get to eat until around 1:30, I had a big breakfast to keep me full. Plus the other day after I was done working out and I hadn’t really eaten breakfast and I got the shakes which are no fun. Anywho, I made some scrambled eggs with a splash of fat free half and half. I know there are healthier options other than to add half and half, like water and bread crumbs, but frankly that pretty much what they did in the Depression and it was probably just as gross then as it is now so it’s worth the point. So 2 scrambled eggs came out to 5 points and a piece of toast for 2 points. The other day I talked about foregoing the toast to keep the points for later, but today I realized I might as well eat the points when I want instead of eating something late at night when I’m starving. For the record, I know my scrambled eggs look weird, it’s just easier to divide them if you make them like this. The still taste amazing.

Exercise: Today was one of those days where I felt like I could just run forever, but I was pressed for time so I just ran for 30 minutes. My first mile was about 13:30 which I was super stoked about, but after that I didn’t push as hard as I should have. I burned 450 calories and ran a total of 2 miles. It felt great to run again. I really need to find a 5k around here and sign up for it and start to train again. (Know of any?)

Lunch: I made a can of Campbells Classic Chicken Noodle and it was great. It totally redeemed Campbells for me after that Steak and Potatoes fiasco the other day. I think so far it’s my favorite chunky soup they make (my overall favorite is their tomato soup hands down.

After a while, I was in this weird place where I wasn’t sure if I was still hungry or full (listening to your organs fight is interesting) so I ate 2 points worth of almonds and I felt fine.

By the way, 1 point Fudgesicles were created by God.

Dinner: We ate our favorite Orange Chicken recipe from the WW cookbook. It was particularly good, maybe because I was super hungry, (have you bought your WW cookbook yet?) With the rice, the orange chicken was 9 points. I forgot to take a picture mid way through dinner. For dessert, I had a glass of  Chai Tea that I made from this Food Network recipe except instead of whole milk I used skim milk so its pretty much 1 point a serving.

After dinner: About 2 hours after dinner I had that weird hunger thing and then I realized I had only eaten 24 points plus I had worked out so I made a 5 point sandwich and 5 points of Orville Redenbacher 94% Fat Free Kettle Corn (5 points is for the whole bag!!!!!)

So after my evening snacking I came out to 34 points. So a point over is not too bad. I think I need to eat more at lunch which is hard because a noon class during the week. Before I leave one question? How do you like (or hate) the new BL10 layout? Let me know. See ya tomorrow.