Day 113: I Have Tuesday Troubles

This semester, Tuesdays are exhausting. Even though I have class from 2-6, I usually get up pretty early to get work done so after I finally get off the bus at 6:45, I am pooped. It’s my only real bad day so I can’t complain but it is compounded by the fact that Megan’s Tuesdays are rough too so Tuesdays are no bueno yo. Anyways, enough of this complaining. Let’s talk food. (Oh yeah, and Florida is the only state that doesn’t have snow right now. ARE YOU KIDDING!?!)

Breakfast: We made some steel cut oatmeal. Oatmeal is like the best thing in the world to me because it’s filling but you can guiltlessly (yep… that’s a made up word) doctor it up with brown sugar and cinnamon so you get the sweetness you always want. It was 3 points of yumness.

Lunch: While I was watching my blog hero Keep it Up David strutting his new stuff on Ellen today, I made a grilled ham and cheese with some spinach. Instead of butter, I just Pam’d the crap out of the griddle since I am notorious for burning grilled cheese. With some Earth Fare chips it was a legit 7 point meal.

(I don’t usually rant at this point in my posts, but I just thought of this so bear with me.) Today in my Account Planning class, a group who was presenting gave out Dove Chocolates to the class. I gave mine to a girl sitting next to me, but when everyone in the class started to unwrap their candy, the room became overwhelming with the aroma of chocolate. It just filled the air and I have never wanted chocolate so bad in my life. It felt like if I had a piece then, my life would have been complete. I loved that feeling. I love having that feeling about food, where it tantalizes your senses and makes you desire for it almost. Before I lost weight, even at my hungriest I never had a interaction with food like that. It was all about filling the hole that was my mouth. It didn’t matter how bad it was I just had to eat consume. At that point I have never been happier that I changed my life. Does that make any sense? Anyways, through out both classes I chomped on some 3 point trail mix.

Dinner: After I finally got home, Megan suggested that we go get some Panera. We haven’t been there in a while so I was stoked. I had the Turkey and Artichoke panini with a cup of creamy tomato soup. The soup alone was super filling and the sandwich was awesome. That plate was 15 points which is high but good.

I had a banana too 2 points.

So overall, I got up to 30 points which works for me. See ya tomorrow.

109: The Day After the Doozie

So… sorry I didn’t have a post last night, I’ll explain a sec but let’s get to it. Since on Thursday I made some bad food decisions so Friday I decided to make up for it and I think I did pretty well. I’m still trying to get back in to the swing of things after vacation which is always a little hard but I think Friday set me in the right direction.

Breakfast: I just had a a banana and tried my hand at making a smoothie. I just put strawberry, banana, and orange juice. Oh yeah… and cinnamon? I was watching the Today and they said that putting cinnamon in food serves as an antioxidant. I put 1/2 a tsp of it before I blended and I actually couldn’t taste it. Anyways breakfast was 4 points.





Exercise: Matt and I played racquetball and it was awesome. It felt good to get a good sweat out. Then we worked out for a little bit but the gym was still pretty packed. (Plus they were playing Jonas Brothers so the music was very uninspiring.) I worked out 13 points worth.

Lunch: Lunch, which was like at 3:30, was really good. I baked 3 chicken tenderloins and steamed some broccoli. This is possibly the densest meal you can eat for the points. This plate is only 4 points!!!! Since the broccoli is free. I was really full after. The chicken took a while but it was worth it.






Dinner: We were invited over to the Schuberts house for dinner and to get to know each other better. We know the Schuberts from church and Sharon has had her own success with her weight loss journey. She has lost more than 50 pounds too! We had spaghetti and this awesome salad with dried berries, pecans, tomatoes and croutons. I put this home made sesame dressing on it. I had seconds on both since I was still not even out of my exercise points for the day. For dessert we had some angel food cake with heated up blueberries and some cool whip. It was really good.

So we were both really exhausted from the week and we got home around 10:30. I went straight in to the bedroom to watch TV, thinking that I would write my post in a bit. Then Antiques Road Show came on and I was glued in (I’m a loser.) Then before I knew it, I woke up and it was 6:00 am. I woke back up a little later and I realized I forgot to write it. So now I’m doing it. Overall Friday was a good day. Today I’m playing basketball with some guys from church. Should be a blast. See you… later.

Day 106: The Storm Has Begun

Well today was the first day back and it wasn’t too bad! I have classes straight from 2-6 on Tuesdays so that’s going to suck but it’s worth it not to have any classes on Fridays (holla.) I waited at a bus stop for 30 minutes today and that was annoying but other than that it’s been a pretty good day. Tomorrow I just have the one and it should be interesting as well. I really stoked because I’m going to hit up the gym for the first time in 2011 tomorrow! I’m worried it’s going to be packed, but that’s how it works the first few weeks on January. Sad but true (if only there was an inspirational blog they could read to get them motivated…) Anyways, enough chit chat. Let’s talk food.

Breakfast: Just a bowl of Kashi Berry Crisp. I think I realized why I love it so much: it tastes like Crunch Berries but it actually has berries in it! (Instead of discolored milk.) 4 points

Lunch: There was one slice of pizza left so I ate it. I knew I should have eaten something better and I really realized it when I felt sick around 4:00. I guess a bad dinner the night before and a bad lunch is not a good combo. Anyways, it was only 4 points which is even more of a reason to have eaten more during the day. I’m not freaking out though, I’m still trying to get my groove back (and no, my name is not Stella.)

Dinner: I didn’t get home until around 6:40 and my awesome wife had made boneless skinless chicken tenderloins with asparagus and mashed potatoes with sour cream. It was fantastic, a real stick to your ribs dinner. That whole plate was only 8.5 points. This semester, we are going to switch off dinners so I get to try my hand at some new recipes! If you have a good one let me know!

Snacks: I had another bowl of cereal (4 points) and Megan made some 3 point mixed berry smoothies which were also awesome.

So today I’m at 23.5 points which is incredibly low. I didn’t intentionally mean to do that but I’m not starving. I might make some popcorn because we are finally about to watch Inception. I know I know I’m super lame. Sue me. One more thing, what did you think of tonight’s Biggest Loser? I think this season is going to blow mediocre Season 10 out of the water. It should be a good one. See ya tomorrow.