Day 21


I love Thursdays, like a lot. They are like a Friday Eve and I guess since I like Christmas Eve almost more than Christmas it makes sense that I would like the eve of something more. Make sense?

In other news…

Breakfast: I did the same thing as yesterday because I was going to play racquetball this morning. If you don’t remember (if this is your first reading, welcome!) I had 3 point Publix Multi Grain Waffles, 5 points worth of TFM ground peanut butter (if you haven’t had ground or organic peanut butter go buy some. You’ll taste the difference!) To sweeten it up, I added a tsp. of honey for 1 point. (Yes this is the same picture as yesterday, but rest assured it looked exactly like this.)

Exercise: I played racquetball with my boy Alex before class. I lost… bad. But I got mine, I accidentally hit him in the face with a ball. He took it like a champ though.



Lunch: I had to stay on campus this afternoon so I hung out with some of my AFC peeps at the food court and ate one of my favorite chicken places Pollo Tropical.  As always, it was amazing. I had the 1/4 Chicken combo: the chicken was 8 points, the rice was 4.5 points, and the black beans were 1.5 points. It’s a little pricey (but it’s a campus food court, they’re all a scam anyways) but it’s always great to find a place that’s within your points.





Snack: In keep with what’s becoming a Thursday tradition, Megan and I went get some yogurt, but this week we went to Yogaberry (sorry Hiro’s, it was right next to Publix… plus they have blackberries and crushed up waffle cone.) As you can see from the pic, I made a parfait-like masterpiece. Top layer: Blackberries and raspberries (1 point) crushed up waffle cone (1.5 point) and a cup of Taro yogurt (4 points) I might have over calculated a tad but rather be safe than sorry right?





Dinner: Last week Megan asked if I had any requests for a new recipe to try this week. So I dug around in the WW cookbook and found turkey sausage and peppers. When I was watching the Rangers crushing the Rays (again) the smells from the kitchen wafting in made my mouth water. The smells delivered. Holy cow it was so good! This would be a great recipe if you wanted to have a point conscious Oktoberfest or something like that. To make it even better, it was 3 points per serving! Then we added some potatoes (the ones we got at the Farmer’s Market) which was only 1 point a serving. So dinner came out to 8 points and so decedent. Plus I had 2 points of milk.



So today (so far) I totaled out at 39.5 points. I went a little over but I don’t care for 2 reasons: 1) I got some killer exercise so I really have some exercise points and 2) I ate freakin’ well today. It was worth the 6.5 flex points. See ya tomorrow.

Day 10 Weigh-in Funfest!

Good Sunday to ya!

It has been a cool and rainy day in Tallahassee. It’s a nice change from the sauna it has been. This morning, I hopped on the scale (actually I didn’t hop on because it’s generally dangerous for fat people to jump on anything) and I lost 1.6 pounds! At first I was a little disappointed, but then Megan put it in context for me. She pulled out a can of soup and said “you lost this off your body this week.” That’s pretty cool (my wife is a stud) and considering I didn’t work out at all I’m pretty stoked about it.

Lunch: (I skipped breakfast again unintentionally. Fail.) Today we had a luncheon after church and they had sandwich stuff available so we ate there. It was a pretty good spread and the fruit medley was fantastic (I have always been an endorser of fresh fruit, especially when it’s only 1 point.) They had some bags of chips and I saw that the regular lays had 10 grams of fat in them for the serving of the small bag. Bad news bears. So I snatched the last bag of Sun Chips which was only 3 points. I figured out my sandwich was 5 points (skipping the gross looking processed cheese was worth it.) and I just stuck with ice water.

Snack: So since I started this thing I’ve been going on and on about the Emerald Trail Mix Berry Blend pouches that I thought were only 3 points. Well folks I have been duped. I’m usually really good about reading nutritional facts but this packaging is really confusing. I guess in my mind (even though I’ve looked at the facts many times) something in individualized packets would just be one serving. Turns out there are 2 servings in a 1.81 ounce pack, making it 5 points instead of 3. This is really frustrating to me because it is obviously intended to give the consumer a false sense of how healthy the product is for you. Granted, it’s still only 5 points and they are super filling. Anywho, the moral of this story is to watch out for these traps because next time it could be on something really bad like a doughnut or a candy bar. (This is The Scandal referenced on Facebook BTW)

Dinner: we had some amazing Tacos with Salsa from the WW cookbook. They are super filling and only 4 points for one taco (that’s with light sour cream and salsa.) So I had 3 tacos for 12 points.

Dessert: This evening I learned a lot about how much your eating habits and tastes can change over a short period of healthy eating. Tonight we went to Hiro’s Yogurt on Tennessee which is one of my favorite dessert shops in Tallahassee. It’s one of those places where it’s self serve yogurt and self serve toppings and you pay per ounce. Last time I went there (the first day of my diet pre-blogging) I went a little off the deep end.

Exhibit A: This is what I had the first time I was there. (This picture is named “ice cream fail.jpg” on my computer)

Exhibit B: This was tonight. Instead of chocolate I got Taro flavor and instead of sundae toppings I got strawberries and blueberries. The yogurt was 102 calories for 1/2 a cup so it came out to 4.5 points. I was really proud of myself about this because my sweet tooth is what got me in to this obese mess so I know substituting fruit for refined sugar is going to make this sucker work.

So today I came out at 30.5 points. Which is funny because I was full all day long but yesterday after eating out twice totaling over 40 points I felt empty.

My Tip of the Day: If you want to keep track of your points or to at least try out WW, bookmark this points calculator on your iPhone or iPod Touch (or what ever inferior product you might have) and just try it out this week. All you need to calculate your points is the calories, fat, and the fiber content. So try it on this week.


Sup G skillets!

It’s Friday! I don’t know about you but it has been a long week and I’m ready for some college football and maybe a Cowboys win? (If you are reading this Jerry Jones… call up Bill Cowher and offer him a coaching job… or at least meet me halfway and fire Jason Garrett.)

Breakfast: So I don’t know if this is a trend, but in both at ACU and FSU there have been a Starbucks in the libraries. Which is fantastic because I had an early study group today and I needed the caffeine. But anywho, earlier this week I posted a question about what was your favorite Starbucks light drink. As I was rushing through my iPod Touch to find the responses while I was in line, I was asked what I wanted (I hate it when they ask the people further back in the line what they want. I know it saves time and all but we have been conditioned to know what we want when we are at the cash register, not 4 people back, but that’s for another blog.) In my haste I looked up at the board and saw Mocha Light Frappuccino. So I decided to go with that. I have to be honest it kind of tasted like Chocolate Slim Fast which is not my favorite but my breathe still tastes like toothpaste so who knows how good it actually was (but I’m not optimistic.) One the other hand, its not too bad for you. It only had 167 calories, 2 grams of fat and 3 grams of fiber so it was only 3 points for a Grande. I did miss the whipped cream but you gotta do what you gotta do right?

Lunch: Once again, I was on campus and I didn’t bring a lunch (which I should have brought one but I kind of ran out of time this morning and we are out of lunch meat (Fail2 ) but it worked out because I ate a Pollo Tropical with some people from my class. I tried the Chicken TropiChop with Bean and White Rice. Last time I didn’t get the combo and I wished I had because they don’t have free water cups (lame right?) so I go the combo which came with a side and a drink. Sides are usually what got me especially since one of the sides was mac and cheese [insert Homer Simpson mmmmmmmm soundbite here] but I was good and had the Balsamic Tomatoes which were really good and only 2 points! The TropiChop was only 11.5 points so so far so good today!

Snack: 14 amazing almonds for 2 points

Dinner: We did the leftover dance this evening which was fine for my because I think Uncle Jim’s chili gets better after aging in the fridge for a day or two. Growing up in Texas, Friday nights in the fall (but in Texas it was still summer) were dedicated for high school football and nothing else. My favorite concession food (other than sausage in a tortilla) was Frito pie. Tonight, in honor of Hillsboro playing Maypearl (not really) we made Frito pie with tortilla chips. As always, it was awesome. 12 tortilla chips were only 4 points, the chili was on another 4 points, and the WW cheese was just 1 point!

Dessert: We had some friends over and we made our favorite Disney World treats: Pineapple Floats!!!!! We originally found these treats during our honeymoon at Disney World and it hit the spot during that super hot July. They are a great lighter answer to root beer or coke floats and if you get some Publix Low Fat Vanilla Ice cream it’s the prefect treat. The 1/2 cup of ice cream was on 2 points and a cup of pineapple juice was only 3 points!

(Left) Megan slurping her float down

(Below)Our friend Leah trying not to laugh

So today totaled out at: 31.5 points so not too bad of a day. Enjoy your Friday evening and I’ll see ya tomorrow. Go Noles!