So this was a frustrating week. Every time I felt like I was making progress, I would peek on the scale to keep myself honest, I would be up. I know, I know don’t peek, but that was the key to my success the last couple of weeks. I would weigh on Wednesday and change my habits accordingly. So this week, I flippin’
gained 3.6 freakin pounds. As you can tell, I’m really frustrated about it but I think I know why it happened.
First, I’m in a midterm paper part of the semester which had lead to stress-induced eating. Second, I think I had issues with sodium this week. I had three turkey bratwursts and each was 23% of your daily sodium. Third, I didn’t drink my water. Finally, I didn’t fuel my body well after my workouts. I worked out plenty this week, but I’ll just do more this week. So yeah I’m mad, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to catch my breath in my class after Wednesday along with get to work out more. I want to keep doing Insanity, but when I did the Max Recovery session, I got really really bad carpet burn on my arms (no bueno) so I might go buy a yoga mat for the recovery days to make it bearable. Also, I’m going to cut back on my diet soda intake. I need to be keeping that pee clear yo!
After this gain, I’ve thought a lot about my points and how much I have deviated from them recently (which has directly correlated to my ups and downs.) This week, I’m really going to stick with my points and not go over my weekly points. Between that and exercising, I might just lose some weight this week!
Breakfast: This morning, I had two waffles with peanut butter and honey. I put a lot of peanut butter which was dumb because I could have used those points in the day. I know breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but I should have added a banana and had less peanut butter. 8 points
Lunch: Our freezer is a frozen mosh pit of random food that needs to be eaten, so for lunch we tried to eat down on the freezer stuff. (Freezer stuff not being the ice shavings on the side of the freezer.) Anyway, I had a Smart One Chicken Suaza. I was good enough, but I was hungry for more. I wanted to go back in to the kitchen and eat anything I could find. After I just chilled and drank some water, I felt fine and I moved on with my day. Recently, I have just acted on those impulses which has lead to a lot of binge eating on chips and other snacks. The worst thing about those binges usually is that you don’t really count those calories. They are annex calories or something stupid like that. Anyway, it was 6 points.
This afternoon, I camped out at Panera to read and mooch off of their free Wifi (side note: Evernote is an awesome app.) I just had a cup of coffee (or six of seven) but every time I would refill my cup, the aroma of cupcakes, cinnamon rolls and cookies would waft in my direction. It took a lot for me not to buy one, and prior to my revelation this morning I probably would have, but I stood my ground and kept to my coffee. I survived a big temptation which has made me a little stronger!

Dinner: For dinner, we continued to raid the fridge and freezer for some leftovers. The other night, I bought these Morning Star buffalo chicken tenders to give a shot. The serving size is 5 pieces so I made some for Megan and I to sample. They were really good! They’re kind of small but they are big on flavor. That was a good little 2.5 point appetizer. Then I had a leftover burger from last night with one serving of Cape Cod reduced fat chips. I was really proud of myself because I actually weighed the patty and then found out the nutritional info online! My 3 oz 97/3 patty was 3 points, the chips were 3 points and the bun was 3 points. A pretty awesome 9 point dinner!
Dessert: So even though it’s freezing here in Tallahassee, we still went to get some froyo after a marathon of grading and studying. I was good and got a little white chocoloate mousse froyo and chocolate froyo (both 98% fat free) along with some sno-caps which are the best topping to get because all they really are are chocolate chips. I went to the TCBY site (which is awesome) to add everything up and I was really impressed with how I did. My froyo was only 3 points! I only took one scoop of topping and when I was dispensing the yogurt, I just counted to three and then stopped even if I thought it wasn’t a lot of yogurt. I left feeling full and good!
So even though this morning was frustrating, it ended up being a pretty good day. I feel back on track and no matter where I’m at this time next week, I have at least made some good progress. I totaled out at 28.5 points which is only .5 over! I’m really stoked. Now off to write a paper. See ya tomorrow.