Day 253: Tuesday Totalitarianism

(Rest assured it wasn’t totalitarian at all. Alliterations just make me happy.)

So I didn’t sleep well last night (I’m sure all the coffee didn’t help) so I got home after my class and I accidentally crashed for a hour unintentionally watching Sportscenter. I woke up feeling kind of sick, but thankfully I’m feeling better now. Anyways, food time.

Brekafast: Publix had the new Cinnamon Explosion (I’m not sure what they are called but that’s what it should be called) Cheerios. I had 4 points worth which was for a lot of cereal.

Lunch: I had some awesome Hebrew National 94% fat free hot dogs with some Bush’s spicy beaked beans. A cup of beans was only 2 points so I had 2 cups which turned out to be the whole can (there is a reason I haven’t had an open flame in the house today…) Anyways lunch as 13 points since I had a pudding for dessert.






Snack: I didn’t want to have a lot of caffeine in my system because I actually want to sleep tonight, but I need something or else I would have slipped back in to a coma and rip van winkled it up until next week, so I had a 100 calorie Starbucks frapp. It was delicious. 2 points. I also had a pita with some hummus for about 3 points.


















Dinner: I was getting pretty hungry around dinner time so I went over to Publix to get some fruits and vegetables. Then it hit: a perfect storm of unhealthy food craving. I drove past Wing Stop, one of my favorite places ever while a Wing Stop commercial was playing on the radio. It felt like divine intervention when in reality it was an intervention from a place a little further south. Anyways, I wrote something about it on FB and immediately I had people holding me accountable which was awesome. I’m not saying I have banished Wing Stop from my repertoire, but I didn’t need to eat it tonight. I had healthier things to eat at home, not to mention I didn’t have the points. So thanks for those who held me accountable, especially Tom for his genuine tough love approach. Anyways, I got back home and made some Spaghetti O’s and grilled cheese. It was freakin’ epic and delicious. One of my favorite combinations ever. 8 points. 

Snack: Speaking of super awesome combinations, I picked up some baby carrots at Publix and had some with a 100 calorie pack of Wholly Guacamole! I don’t agree with a lot of what Adam Richman does on Man v. Food, but he did say one time that guacamole makes everything better and that is an axiom I now live by. 2 points

So I’m at 32 points which I know is over and I haven’t worked out today, but I’ll make up for it tomorrow. It’s not like the two extra points were from chocolate covered skittles, it was from carrots and guac so if I’m going to rationalize it that would be the way to do it. See ya tomorrow.

Day 252: Monday Time People!

So this is the second to last week of summer school for me and it’s going to be a doozie. I’m really stoked for it to be over with, but it has been a really good session. Anyways, today has been pretty awesome. I worked hard physically and mentally. I wanted today to set the pace for this week because if I do what I did today, I’ll get everything done I need to and I might even lose some weight. Like said the other day on Facebook, I want the weight loss, but I really want to keep losing inches off my body like I have been. It’s been so awesome going in to stores and getting to buy what I like instead of what I have to because it fits. I feel like I’m on Biggest Loser at this point because of all of the added benefits that have come from this weight loss journey that go beyond the weight loss itself. Obviously getting the weight off in the end is the most important thing for me, but like on BL, I’ve gained a confidence I’ve never had, the clothing selection I’ve always wanted, (hopefully) providing inspiration for other people, and oh yeah losing a crapton of weight. Alright, let’s do some food stuff.

Breakfast: I got up early enough to make some good breakfast so I made a breakfast burrito. I scrambled two eggs, added a little cheese, and added loads of salsa (a dieter’s best friend.) It was alright, I was just ready for something different. Breakfast was 7 points which I knew was high, but in hindsight I’m glad I ate a higher point breakfast.



SAWS!: My class got out early (holla!) so I went straight over to Leach for some workout awesomeness (always leave some workout clothes in your backpack or car. You never know when you’ll get a chance to burn some calories!) Leach was pretty empty, so I got on a treadmill, chose the total body interval (which tells you to do stuff with your arms) and went to work. I stayed with it for 65 minutes of cardio awesomeness. Once I got in to my groove I was cruisin! I got 13 exercise points and burned 862 calories. I felt great after because I felt like I had really accomplished something. Holla for Super Awesome Workout Summer (SAWS!)

Lunch: When I got home, I didn’t want to eat something frozen, so instead I went for my staple of tuna salad. I have figured out my recipe once and for all and it’s epic! (Dill and paprika is where it’s at. Just saying.) Anyways so I had two sandwiches made from one can of tuna along with some Cape Cod reduced fat chips. The chips are 3 points for 23 chips so they really are the perfect crunchy side (except for carrots. But healthy things don’t count.) Lunch was 10 points.





Starbucks Time: I needed to get out of the house, so I went to Starbucks to work on a project. I had an iced coffee with a pump of mocha with a splash of half and half. It was an awesome 3 points.





Dinner: When I was working on homework, I was also working on plans for some dinner. I had these grandiose plans of making massive burritos like Chipotle with grilled steak and grill peppers, you know, the works. Well, I’m still trying to figure out my grill (mostly lighting the charcoal so it stays lit long enough to actually cook anything) so it still turned out well, but I didn’t really use the grill. Anyways, I made cilantro lime rice, black beans, and steak with a grilledish red pepper. It actually turned out pretty awesome and by that point I was just hungry so it all worked out. I had two burritos which was about 18 points which I know is bad, but it’s still not as bad as a real Chipotle burrito so it was a good splurge. (I used the term splurge lightly because it had fiber, healthy fat in the guac, protein, and a lot of veggies.)


So today I got to 38 points which is high, but I had the exercise points to it evened it out. Overall, I still feel like I have set the tone for the week and I’m ready to rock it. See ya tomorrow.

251: Weigh In Day

It’s Sunday! And you know what that means… WEIGH IN DAY!

Once again it was just a weird week full of yummy proteins like steak that I wasn’t used to so I wasn’t sure. I think it turned out well. I lost 1.6 pounds! Which means I have lost a total of 93 pounds even so I am 7 pounds away from the elusive 100 pounds. It feels so close but so far. I’m going to work out harder this week and lose some more!

Breakfast: I had a Smartones Canadian breakfast sandwich for 4 points.

Lunch: Our college group went to Momo’s, this pizza place everyone talks about but I’ve never been to, for some awesome lunch. I had heard that the slices were massive, but I had no idea how big they were going to be. They were gargantuan.  It was not just big, it was also delicious. Not greasey at all. (I was trying to take a picture of it in chunks but instead it just looks like a delicious Christmas tree.)

Dinner: So after the pizza I wasn’t hungry for a while, but I knew I needed to eat something a little lighter for dinner. I had a chicken suaza smartone and as always it was awesome. (That’s the good thing about microwavable meals. You can generally expect the same thing every time.)

Snack: While I was watching the Mavs game, I had some pizza bagels, a ton of watermelon and a jello with some fat free whip cream on top. It was awesome.

There is a minute left… Go Mavs. See ya tomorrow.



Day 250: Weekend Warrior

Hello Friends,

I hope you enjoyed my videos. The last one of the iPhone 4 unboxing is probably my favorite.

Lunch: Anyways, today was a pretty good. I got up at noon for the first time in forever (I must have been really tired.) So I woke up and I was like “Hmmm….. lunch time?” So I got in to the freezer and found this orange chicken smart one. It was awesome, especially when you eat it with chopsticks for it takes longer. It was 6 points.








Exercise: My friend Matt called me up for some frisbee golf and even though it was 1,000 degrees outside we went out. During the front nine the weather was fine but then these dark clouds came in and it started to thunder and lightning off in the distance. Then the wind started go all bonkers so we played a few holes on the back nine and called it good. It was fun to do some physical exercise that didn’t involve the gym.

Snack: When I got home, I had a serving of Cape Cod reduced fat mesquite bbq chips and a thing of chobani. 7 points





Dinner: For dinner I met up with my friend Andrea for some food at Cabo’s. I was in a Mexican mood tonight so I had the spinach enchiladas with black beans instead of refried beans. I took off the olives and some of the sour cream then I saved one of the enchiladas for later. It was a pretty good dinner.






Snack: When I got home a little later, I was still a little hungry so I had the other enchilada, but I was still hungry. I didn’t want to eat a lot but there just a lot of higher point things in the house. Then I remembered… WATERMELON!!! I forgot I had bought some last night in the fridge so I went AWOL on some watermelon awesomeness. What a great dessert.

So overall today wasn’t that bad food wise. I might have a pudding later but nothing to big. Tomorrow is weigh in and like always, I’m just not sure where I’m at. I have worked out and the food has been meh but the worst part is yesterday it felt like I hit a wall. It wasn’t anything food wise, more of a just being worn out from my weight loss journey. I don’t think about quitting, but just the grind of counting and blogging is just hard doing it daily sometimes. Today has been better though, hopefully I’ll get out of this funk soon. Fun stuff. See ya tomorrow.

Day 248: My Favorite Videos

Sup yo!

So tonight I wanted to do something different tonight and if it sucks I’ll never do it again. These are my favorite videos from the interwebs. Most of them are funny but there are a few cool ones in there too. (I know I’m a regular Daniel Tosh.) Just a quick recap of the day though: ate well, the stairmaster dominated my life and the Mavs pulled that sucker out. Awesome.  Alright, lets do this thing. Enjoy!

(These are in no particular order.)

See ya tomorrow.

Day 246: Wordless Wednesday! Surprised?

















































































































Day 245: Tuesday Time!

First let me start with GO MAVS!!!!!! 

Sorry about no post on Memorial Day but I will make up for it with the pictures and a solid video on Wordless Wednesday!!!! Holla! Today was a pretty good day but a little weird with food. You’ll just have to read to see what I mean.

Breakfast: This morning I had to finish up some homework for my class (editing and re-editing and re re-editing FTW) and it came to a time crisis (not the video game) decision: eat breakfast or brush my teeth. Rest assured, I went with the later (I mean, it was time for my monthly brushing anyways) and brought a granola bar from home. 2 points

Lunch: After class, I picked up Megan and we went to Mellow Mushroom for a little lunch date. It was $5 cheese calzone day so we each got our own even though we usually split one. I was going to eat half and save the rest for later but I was starving so I ate the whole dang thing. Holy cow it was awesome. 18 points 









Dinner: As you can see, there is a lack of snacking at all which I was stuffed from lunch until around 8 o’clock tonight. We bought some groceries since I’ll be a bachelor for the next few weeks 🙁 so we each found a Smart One we liked and had that for dinner. I had the Chicken Suaza with some salsa and a 100 calorie pack of Wholly Guacamole. It was a fantastic dinner. Any time you can have queso that doesn’t demolish your diet is a good thing. 8 point awesomeness. 





Dessert: After an awesome dinner, why not follow it up with an awesome dessert? We bought some angel food the other day so I had a slice of that with fat free whip cream, lite chocolate syrup and this awesome raspberry syrup made in Thomasville. It was freakin’ awesome. 4 points 

So after all the craziness of the day, I was still only at 32 points so only two points over. I have no clue how that worked but I’ll take it. I still haven’t SAWS it up yet this week but I’ll rectify that soon. See ya tomorrow.

Day 243: Weigh In Day Yo!

Hooray for Sunday!

So as always, I had no clue what the scale had for me this week and once again I am perplexed. I lost .8 pounds this week which is insane since I worked out more than I have ever since I started my weight loss journey. This kind of happened the week before last where I lost 1.8 and then 2.8 the next week so I’m hoping that happens next weekend. I’m shooting to at be at least 262 (or 95 pounds lost) before we head out to Texas in three weeks. So now I am 8.6 pounds away from 100 pounds. I know I have been a little obsessive with reaching 100, but I feel like after that, I can start setting some new short term goals. I’m just ready to be in the century club! All in all, .8 is still pretty good and I am in no way sad about it.

Breakfast: I had pomegranate Chobani. Yumness FTW!

Lunch: Our college ministry went down to Lake Ella park and had a picnic of sorts to feed the homeless there. We had a great turn out and fed a good amount of people, along with just having a conversation with people that we often over look in society. It was a great experience for everyone. So I just had a turkey sandwich and some chips.

Snack: We didn’t get home until around 3 and since there was a devo at church at 5:30 so I had a pita with a little hummus for a snack.

Dinner: After church, we had to go to Walmart to buy some essentials and then we were going to eat at home. Then we both realized how starving we both were so we went to Genghis Grill for massive bowls of awesomeness. My bowl was mostly steak and shrimp but there were a ton of veggies too! I love that place.

Non Scale Victory: In March, I bought a pair of Old Navy jeans for the first time this century that were 48 inches. Well, I wore them today since they are the only casual pants I have that actually fit but I had to wear two shirts tucked in so they would fit. By the end of the day I was holding them up with one hand. So I bought a cheap pair of jeans at Walmart to hold me off for a while and they were size 42’s! Basically, I have lost A FREAKIN’ FOOT off of my waist since September. A foot of gut, saddlebags, and butt. It’s insane. It’s victories like this that make all of my sacrifice and hard work worth it. Like I’ve said before, I was almost to the point of giving up (at age 23 mind you) and just “live” my life the way I wanted to. It wouldn’t have been living though. It would be a miserable life full of multiple doctor bills and gallons of flop sweat. One time I was at a big and tall shop that was going out of business and there were a pair of pants that were size 60 and I seriously thought to myself “well, I might as well buy these because I’ll fit in to them soon enough.” If you are having those feelings, DO SOMETHING ABOUT THEM! Take steps to change your life!

Okay… [deep breaths]

What I’m trying to say is if you want to change your life for the better, take the steps today so you wont regret it tomorrow.

See ya tomorrow.

Day 242: Back From a Bizzare Hiatus


it’s been Wednesday…


sorry about that.

It’s been just a weird week. I don’t really know why. Sunday was such a high point in my weight loss journey and then the rest of the week went downhill in a frustrating fashion. Awe well. Overall, the week food and workout wise was actually pretty good. I worked out six times this week and each workout was around 500-700 calories so you could say I was a SAWS whore this week. Food wise was pretty good, except on Thursday we went to this place called Leola’s Crab Shack with our friends Emily and Jacob that is known to have the best crabs in the state. We had garlic and fried crabs with fried shrimp too. It was awesome but it was also sodiumlicious. Before we went I had burned like 750 calories and then on friday I burned around 650 so hopefully it evened it out a little. Anyways, let’s talk about today.

Breakfast: I had some chocolate rice cakes. I was going to make breakfast but we got up late so that worked.

Lunch: We went over to Earth Fare for some fresh awesomeness and it rocked. Earth Fare has an awesome hot and cold bar which is a little expensive but it’s a nice treat every once in a while. They had my favorite vegetarian food in the whole world: soy nuggets. They had them in a sweet chili sauce and in a pesto too! The salad today was a bed of spinach with feta and chicken. It was legit.

Snack: While Megan was helping her friend Sam pick out a wedding dress (congrats sam and justin!) I went over to Starbucks to work on some homework. I had an iced coffee with a pump of mocha and a splash of non fat milk. It was really good and perfect for a hot day. (It wasn’t as hot as Abilene, TX where it was 110 today though so I can’t complain.)


Dinner: We went to Red Elephant for dinner to celebrate our friend Tony’s birthday. I had the Oriental salad with seared tuna. The soy ginger vinaigrette is soooo good. Pretty awesome salad.

Dessert: After Red Elephant, we went to Nuberri for some frozen yogurt. I was trying to be good and just have yogurt with no toppings, instead I just got a lot of yogurt. I didn’t eat all of it though so it wasn’t too bad.

Non Scale Victory: My debit card is pretty old so sometimes it doesn’t work. Tonight, it was acting up so the guy asked to see my ID which the picture on it was taken last July. When I showed it, I thought he kind of did a double take but didn’t think much of it. Then when I got to my table, my friend Gerard was like “it looked like that guy did a double take when he looked at your ID.” That’s pretty legit if I’m pseudo not recognizable from last year. My drivers license expires in seven years so I guess I’ll have to get a new one before then so people know it’s actually me. Holla.

Workout: After dinner we had a little more than an hour until Leach closed so we went over for a last chance SAWS workout. I did another awesome cardio workout on the elliptical. The interval training program kept my heart rate up so I was burning calories like a boss! The gym closed at 9 and at 8:58 I was finishing up my cool down. The staff at the gym yelled at us from the first floor (I was on the third floor) to leave. I was like “we are coming!” Losers. Anyways, it was a pretty awesome workout.


So I’m not sure at all if I’m going to lose but I do have muscles in places where muscles were suppose to be. It’s been a building week so we will just see what happens. See ya tomorrow.