So… Week 26… Intense stuff…
I have been on my weight loss journey for about 6 months. 26 weeks has been half a year, and now I am finally starting to feel the strain from this long journey. This week has been nuts. I have been stressed with school and just life in general. I am so thankful that Spring Break is right around the cornered because it is much needed. Yesterday, I could just feel the gain coming on. We ate out for all 3 meals so I just knew it was going to happen. I wasn’t as careful as I could have been; it’s like when you know you’re screwed so instead of trying to do damage control you just say screw it. Well, I paid for it big time and it sucks. I gained 3 pounds this week (I could hear you cringe and say ouch when you read that.) I know, it was no bueno, but I know why it happened: stress from school, eating things I didn’t know the points of, not counting everything, I hurt my leg at some point in the week, so I didn’t work out as much, and maybe the biggest one, I didn’t drink enough water. So, this is a new week and a clean slate. We are both going to hold each other accountable this week and just eat better food. We are still pressing on even thought it seems to get harder and harder everyday. If anyone has some advice about how to keep going when you’ve been dieting for so long I’d love to hear it. Alright, now that that’s over with. Time to talk food.
Breakfast: I just had an english muffin with a little butter and honey. If you haven’t, you really need to get the Nature’s Own 100 calorie english muffins. They are awesome. Anyways the muffin with a little butter and honey was 2 points.
Snack: Between class and service,I had a Kashi bar to hold me over during church and to get my metabolism going. (Megan and I both lost more when we ate 6 times a day so that’s what we are trying to do.) 2 points of yumness.
Snack again!: We got this awesome dark chocolate peanut butter from Earth Fare that is only a point for a tablespoon! I put it on a waffle for 2.5 points.

Lunch: We went back to the food basics (which is the plan for this week) we had the awesome turkey burgers for lunch. We were going to have salads, but since it was a little bad, we went a difference route and made this garlic rice with red and black quinoa. It was this microwave 90 second Uncle Bens and it was really good. The burger was 6 points and the rice was 3 points. Pretty good lunch.
Snack: I’ve been working on a paper all day so this afternoon, I needed some brain food. So I had some Chobani pomegranate. It was beautiful and delicious. After you are done reading this post, run to the grocery store, and grab yourself some Chobani! It was 3 points!
Dinner: Speaking of food basics, we had Mac and Cheese with broccoli for dinner. It was so good! It was nice just to eat the classics like I was going back home. Pretty awesome stuff. I had a serving and a half for 9 points. It was great.
So today I got to 27.5 points which is good stuff for me. Like I said, it’s a new week, and it’s time to kick some butt. See ya tomorrow.