Day 111: Weigh In Day!!!!!!!!

Sorry this post is so late. I got home a little later than I had expected to. It was worth it though because I hung out with some friends from church and we had a blast. So this week had its’ share of challenges and I got through it but not as well as I had hoped. Regardless, I still lost 1.8 pounds which is pretty awesome! I’m at 303 so I would have to lose 3 pounds in about 3 days to break 300 by my 24th birthday. It’s so close that I can feel it. Time to buckle down and do it!

I have a confession to make to you, I’ve been really bad about habitually checking my weight not just through out the week, but through out the day. I’ve been doing it to out of fear that I’ve gained any but all it does is makes it where it’s all I can focus on and it rules me. I’m not going to lie, I was in a really bad place this week, but I’m working to steer away from doing that week. Plus, your weight fluctuates so much through out the day, there’s no point! It’s not telling you anything. So, I’m making myself not weigh until Thursday morning to see if I broke 300 by then and we’ll see. I think I’ve been doing this because I’ve been under this ridiculous delusion that everything will be better after I’m below 300 which is not the case. I still have a lot to lose and it’s going to get harder to lose as much. I really had to snap myself out of these thoughts today and move on.

Oh yeah, this week we are trying eating six small meals a day to see how that goes. Some people have said it has helped them lose weight.

Breakfast: I had a bowl of cereal with milk. Hooray. 4 points.

Lunch: Megan made this awesome egg white scramble with onions, peppers, and bell peppers. It was awesome. That plate was 5 points of deliciousness!!! Holy smokes!







Snack: We bought some Trail Mix from Earth Fare that was super on sale. It’s mostly pumpkin and sunflower seeds but it is really good. A 1/4 cup was only 3 points!

Snack: Megan made 3 point Strawberry Banana smoothies. So good.


(Sorry if this picture terrifies you, your small child, or your chihuahua)






Dinner: We were going to have mac and cheese but we ran short on time so we ate salmon instead! (A fair trade off I should say.) The salmon was just the way I like it, a little more on the rare side. We also bought a leafy mix salad and I had some Fat Free Honey Dijon which was awesome also. Surprisingly, I haven’t eaten a lot of salad since I started losing weight but I want to start because I really like it. Anyways, that plate was 9 points. So good.





Snack: While we were hanging out, some of the guys went and got food from Wendy’s so a couple of us just chilled and I had some cheerios. I haven’t eaten dried cereal in a while and I forgot how long it took to eat a cup of it! I’ll have to do that more often. That was only 2 points.

So today I only got up to 26 points but with the small meals, I wasn’t hunger at all during the day. However, I really need to be better about eating my daily points. This week, I learned that no matter how long you try to lose weight, you still learn a lot along the way. I was worried that I was becoming complacent but I think I have snapped out of whatever funk I was in/developing. It’s a new week, a clean slate. Should be a good one. See ya tomorrow.

Day 110: The Tale of Two Exercises

It’s been a pretty tiring day, but the lack of homework makes it okay. (The lack of homework actually means the lack of doing any.)

Breakfast: I was going to play basketball at noon so I bulked up with some peanut butter and waffles. It’s such a great breakfast before any kind of exercise. Hooray for 8 points.

Exercise: Basketball was great. It was a heckuva lot better than the last time we played when it was 20 degrees outside. We played 4 on 4 half court and I made a few decent shots. Overall, basketball is a lot easier than it use to be (a lot less wheezing and begging for death.) That was 13 exercise points.

Lunch: After bball, my friend Kyle wanted me to try his favorite salad at Chick-Fil-A really bad so we picked up Megan and went over there (I’ve never seen a guy so ecstatic about a salad.) We all had the Chicken Tender Salad and I went with Fat Free Honey Mustard. The salad definitely lived up to the hype. It was 15 points so a little high but really filling.

Exercise Round 2: Megan really wanted to go for a run but I was pretty tired. I went anyways :). We decided to start up Couch to 5K since there is a 5K at Disney during ESPN The Weekend that’s 8 weeks away that I really want to do. The first workout wasn’t too bad (and would have been a piece of cake if I hadn’t had played basketball earlier in the day.) I’m really excited to see how it affects my time. We’ll see how it goes. Anyways, I went 2.2 miles and burned 4 exercise points.


Dinner: We had chili and watched the Seahawks defy the odds and whip up on the Saints. It was fantastic and 8 points. A lot of food for not a lot of points.

So I had another good food day in my effort to finally get down below 300. (I’m so close!!!!) Anyways, I got to 31 points and with the exercise points I was well under. Other than my snafu on Thursday, it’s been a pretty good week. I’ll definitely have to keep it up! Before I go, I just want to give a shout out to my Parents and my Sister who tore up their 5k today! My parents shaved off more than 10 minutes on their times from the Turkey Trot and my Dad even won a prize for his age category! I’m so proud of y’all!!!!

Weigh in on Sunday. Bring it. See ya tomorrow

109: The Day After the Doozie

So… sorry I didn’t have a post last night, I’ll explain a sec but let’s get to it. Since on Thursday I made some bad food decisions so Friday I decided to make up for it and I think I did pretty well. I’m still trying to get back in to the swing of things after vacation which is always a little hard but I think Friday set me in the right direction.

Breakfast: I just had a a banana and tried my hand at making a smoothie. I just put strawberry, banana, and orange juice. Oh yeah… and cinnamon? I was watching the Today and they said that putting cinnamon in food serves as an antioxidant. I put 1/2 a tsp of it before I blended and I actually couldn’t taste it. Anyways breakfast was 4 points.





Exercise: Matt and I played racquetball and it was awesome. It felt good to get a good sweat out. Then we worked out for a little bit but the gym was still pretty packed. (Plus they were playing Jonas Brothers so the music was very uninspiring.) I worked out 13 points worth.

Lunch: Lunch, which was like at 3:30, was really good. I baked 3 chicken tenderloins and steamed some broccoli. This is possibly the densest meal you can eat for the points. This plate is only 4 points!!!! Since the broccoli is free. I was really full after. The chicken took a while but it was worth it.






Dinner: We were invited over to the Schuberts house for dinner and to get to know each other better. We know the Schuberts from church and Sharon has had her own success with her weight loss journey. She has lost more than 50 pounds too! We had spaghetti and this awesome salad with dried berries, pecans, tomatoes and croutons. I put this home made sesame dressing on it. I had seconds on both since I was still not even out of my exercise points for the day. For dessert we had some angel food cake with heated up blueberries and some cool whip. It was really good.

So we were both really exhausted from the week and we got home around 10:30. I went straight in to the bedroom to watch TV, thinking that I would write my post in a bit. Then Antiques Road Show came on and I was glued in (I’m a loser.) Then before I knew it, I woke up and it was 6:00 am. I woke back up a little later and I realized I forgot to write it. So now I’m doing it. Overall Friday was a good day. Today I’m playing basketball with some guys from church. Should be a blast. See you… later.

Day 108: A Doozie of a Day

So just a heads up, today was a bad day for food. I haven’t had a day like this in a while but that’s how it goes sometimes right? It was one of those things where you expect a day to go to certain way and then it goes a different route. I’m not mad at all, it’s like Megan told me: there’s no reason to be mad about it because it’s a lifestyle change not a diet. There are going to be days like this and I’ll just have to do a better job next time.

Breakfast: I had a 2 waffles with pb which was 8 points but then we went up to campus so both of us to do schoolwork (already… yes it is still the first week. Welcome to Grad School) at 8 so I got a Venti Iced Nonfat Caramel Machiatto to stay awake and it was 6 points. I thought that I had the points to eat this much but I was sadly mistaken.

Lunch: I finally left the library around noon and we met back up at the lovely Pitarita. We were going to get some of their low point soup but they were out so I went on the complete other end and had a gyro and we split some pita fries. Isn’t weird that you have these intentions of being good and then you go on the complete opposite of the spectrum? It’s so weird! Anyways lunch was 15 points so by now I was pretty much already at my limit.





Dinner: (Here’s where it got fun) we were invited to dinner with Catherine (check out her awesome blog!) and Tristan so we went to this Mexican restaurant close to campus. I was scrambling to figure out what I wanted to eat and I spazzed out and got that. Looking back I could have gotten a billion different things that could have been a better choice but I didn’t and that happens. I got refried beans, a chicken quesadilla and a burrito covered in cheese full of ground beef. At first I thought “I’ll just eat the inside of the quesadilla” then I ate the tortilla. I ate the beans and then I wasn’t going to eat any of the burrito but I ended up just eating half of it. I have no clue how bad it was but I know it was bad.



So I haven’t done this in a while but I’m going to do it. I haven’t used any of my weekly points this week so I’m not going to use any at all for the rest of the week. Here’s what I think: my jeans still fit and it was one day meal. I’m not back to 357. I’m not backtracking. I’m not quitting. It was just a hiccup of a day. But it was providential that Matt texted me and asked if I wanted to play racquetball tomorrow. I have a feeling I’ll be making it up then. See ya tomorrow.

Day 107!

Day 2 of my second semester is in the bag. It wasn’t too bad other than it was cold and rainy but it almost felt like winter so I don’t mind. Anyways…

Breakfast: Since I have a class from 11-12:15 and I wanted to work out after, I had to make something that was going to stick with me so I made an awesome wafflewich with pb and banana. It really held me over for most of the day actually. I mean, it was 9 points so something that high in points needs to stick with you.

Lunch: I put 6 points of cereal in a baggie and munched on that after class and when I was running around doing errands. I had some left over so I ate the rest with milk when I got home. I highly recommend doing that on days when you are in a pinch for time. (Plus, it’s a heck of a lot cheaper than buying those individual bowls of cereal!)

Exercise: Again, since it was pouring I was ready to get indoors to work out (weird huh?) Anyways, I got on to the treadmill and hit the ground running like a boss! I didn’t really warm up, I just got on there and went fast. It was the first time where I felt more liberated from my weight. I didn’t feel handicapped from where I was in September. I really felt like a different person on there today, it was pretty cool. I burned 12 exercise points. Pretty tight yo.





Dinner: It was my turn to make dinner so I made Chicken Spaghetti with Spinach and Cheese Marinara. We just got a cheap bottle of Classico Spinach and Cheese and it was actually really good. We were a little apprehensive because H-E-B (our favorite supermarket from Texas) had their own version and it’s amazing but this competed with it. Anyways, I baked six boneless skinless chicken tenderloins and then cut them up in to the sauce (oh yeah, I sauteed a chopped onion in to the sauce too.) And I just put it over angel hair. I think it turned out pretty well. For the whole plate was 13 points so a really great dinner!



Dessert: After church, I had a bowl measuring cup of Edy’s ice cream/yogurt blend while watching Modern Family. And now Top Chef is on… and I’m getting hungry. 4 points.

So today I got to 32 points and with the exercise points I’m below that but I feel good (plus it’s way too late to eat anything anyways.) See ya tomorrow.









Day 106: The Storm Has Begun

Well today was the first day back and it wasn’t too bad! I have classes straight from 2-6 on Tuesdays so that’s going to suck but it’s worth it not to have any classes on Fridays (holla.) I waited at a bus stop for 30 minutes today and that was annoying but other than that it’s been a pretty good day. Tomorrow I just have the one and it should be interesting as well. I really stoked because I’m going to hit up the gym for the first time in 2011 tomorrow! I’m worried it’s going to be packed, but that’s how it works the first few weeks on January. Sad but true (if only there was an inspirational blog they could read to get them motivated…) Anyways, enough chit chat. Let’s talk food.

Breakfast: Just a bowl of Kashi Berry Crisp. I think I realized why I love it so much: it tastes like Crunch Berries but it actually has berries in it! (Instead of discolored milk.) 4 points

Lunch: There was one slice of pizza left so I ate it. I knew I should have eaten something better and I really realized it when I felt sick around 4:00. I guess a bad dinner the night before and a bad lunch is not a good combo. Anyways, it was only 4 points which is even more of a reason to have eaten more during the day. I’m not freaking out though, I’m still trying to get my groove back (and no, my name is not Stella.)

Dinner: I didn’t get home until around 6:40 and my awesome wife had made boneless skinless chicken tenderloins with asparagus and mashed potatoes with sour cream. It was fantastic, a real stick to your ribs dinner. That whole plate was only 8.5 points. This semester, we are going to switch off dinners so I get to try my hand at some new recipes! If you have a good one let me know!

Snacks: I had another bowl of cereal (4 points) and Megan made some 3 point mixed berry smoothies which were also awesome.

So today I’m at 23.5 points which is incredibly low. I didn’t intentionally mean to do that but I’m not starving. I might make some popcorn because we are finally about to watch Inception. I know I know I’m super lame. Sue me. One more thing, what did you think of tonight’s Biggest Loser? I think this season is going to blow mediocre Season 10 out of the water. It should be a good one. See ya tomorrow.

Day 105: The Calm Before the Storm

Here we go. Round 2. I’m pretty stoked for this semester. I finally got my semester my classes figured out (which sadly does not include Graduate Photography… at least not this semester.) I’m taking Media & Conflict, Account Planning (which doesn’t involve accounting) and Foundations of Integrated Marketing Communication. I’m also TA’ing an online Hispanic Marketing class. It should be a pretty awesome semester, but we will re-evaluate that in 6 weeks.

Breakfast: It was a pretty cold morning (especially in our house) so we made some steel cut oatmeal. It was fantabulous beyond belief. A heaping bowl was only 3 points. Oatmeal is so filling.






Lunch: For lunch, I just ate some left over Hoppin’ John (you know, to keep that New Years good luck going.) It was still pretty good and again, very filling. It was 8 points for 2 cups. Pretty good stuff.

Dinner: Tonight, we decided to have pizza by candle light. We thought we would take it easy before the semester gets fun. We ordered a thin crust cheese from Pizza Hut and it was pretty good. It was only 4 points a slice and I was starving so I had 4 slices which was 16 points. I know it’s a lot but it was pretty awesome.






So today I’m at 27 points. It works for me. Sorry for the brevity of this post. It happens. See ya tomorrow.

Day 104: First Weigh In Of 2011!!!

Why hello January!

Well, so far 2011 has been pretty good to me. I mean, I know we are only two days in, but if keeps going this way (aka nothing too catastrophic happening) it should be a pretty swell year! As far as weighing in goes, so far it’s not too shabby either! I lost 2.2 pounds in my short week! So now I’m down to 304.8 pounds, less than 5 pounds away from breaking 300. I’m so freakin’ stoked! Can I lose 4.8 pounds in 11 days? Stay tuned dear reader!

Lunch: After church, Megan and I went with some people from church to Chipotle to catch up from winter break. As you may recall, I should be the president of the Chipotle Fan Club, but today I was pretty disappointed. We split a vegetarian burrito, like we usually do, but they hardly put anything on the dad gum burrito! I’m no professor of burritology (but I should be) but there shouldn’t be more guacamole than rice on the burrito. I feel like we got gypped pretty bad. (Plus you know it’s small when someone trying to lose weight complains about the portion size. I mean really!) Anyways, for half of the pathetic burrito it was 7 points.

Snack: Since the burrito sucked, by around 3:00 I was pretty hungry again so I had some Kashi Cereal of Awesomeness which is only 4 points with milk.


Snack: The Sequel: Later, Megan and I decided to hit up Starbucks since we were both working on stuff. (I was working on my Fitblogger article for the 1oth! I’m so stoked!) I changed it up today and had a Iced Nonfat Caramel Macchiato which was only 4 points. Yum to the power of awesomeness.






Dinner: Luckily, dinner made up for lunch. Yesterday, we bought some wild salmon at Earth Fare so we made that. I love salmon so much. I lived in Alaska for a summer and that was pretty much all I ate. It was Heaven. Anyways, we sauteed some asparagus and mashed up some red potatoes with non fat sour cream. (I married the perfect woman.) That whole plate was only 11.5 points with a glass of milk, it took 30 minutes to cook, and only cost us $4.00 a person. Yeah you read this right. If this meal wasn’t the best case for cooking at home vs. eating out, I don’t know what is. I mean, even look at the difference between lunch and dinner today! The burrito was $3.20 a person and wasn’t near as much food. Just saying…

Exercise: We are trying to do this stupid Jillian Micheals Last Chance Workout video six times a week and it might be the end of me. Personally, I hate it (I would much rather play racquetball or run) but it’s a great muscle workout which is what I’m starting to really need. Anyways, I got 9 exercise points out of it. Hooray.

Snack: The Trilogy: Megan made use strawberry-banana shakes with frozen yogurt/ice cream blend after working out and it was amazing. It was 5 points.

So overall today, I’ve downed 31.5 points which is fine with me. See ya tomorrow.

Day 103: Food and Resolutions

The first post of 2011. Here we go.

It was a rainy New Years Day here in Tallahassee which is good because we haven’t gotten much rain lately. Last night we watched the Noles dominate in the Chick-Fil-A Bowl and then I watched Back to the Future until around 4 am. Then the Three Stooges came on after that and it took a lot not to just stay up all night and watch my favorite comedy trio. Anyways, I got up around 11 and watched football. (New Years Day is definitely a lounging holiday.) Then we finally got cleaned up and just drove around, enjoying each other until grad school dominates our lives once again. Anyways, on to food and resolutions.

Breakfast: I went with the staple Peanut Butter and Banana Wafflewich. Oh so filling and oh so delicious. It was 9 points which wasn’t too bad.







Lunch: We kept it simple for lunch. We bought a can of Spaghetti O’s because it’s such a cheap meal. For half of the big can was only 4 points which isn’t that bad at all.







Snack: In the middle of our drive around, we decided to hit up Starbucks to get out of the rain. My parents gave us each a gift card so we put them to good use. If you ever get one, you should register it the Starbucks site and you can get different rewards like free syrup shots and even a free drink on your birthday. Pretty legit. Anyways, I got an Venti Iced Coffee with Non Fat Milk which is only 3 points which isn’t too bad.







While we were out, we made our way to Goodwill (because that’s what you do on random trips around town) and I came across this bright piece of fashion. I have to admit, it’s a lot of yellow for a fellow of XXL stature, but it was only $3.99 so how could I say know (especially because new it would be like $50… well maybe less because of the color.) After Goodwill, we went to Earth Fare, a knew Whole-Foods-Like Store that just opened up in Tallahassee. It was a pretty awesome layout and the prices were actually pretty reasonable. We got some salmon for dinner tomorrow which I am pretty stoked about. (I freakin’ love salmon.)






Snack: After we got back, dinner was going to be a while so I had some of what is know my favorite cereal in the word: Kashi GoLean Crisp! Berry Crumble (move over Lucky Charms!) 3/4 of a cup has 7 grams of fiber! It’s only 4 points with 1/2 a cup of skim milk. It’s quite the hearty cereal to say the least.






Dinner: Since it’s New Years Day, we definitely had to have black eyed peas to ensure good luck for 2011, so Megan made Hoppin’ John which is a Southern New Years classic. All it is is black eyed peas, ham, and rice. It’s super hearty and really low in points for how filling it is. I had 2 cups of it and it was only 8 points. Luckily we made a lot so we definitely be eating on it the rest of the week.








So overall, I was pretty good today and ate 28 points. I wanted to have ice cream after dinner then I had a tall glass of water and then I was full. Funny how that works out. Alright, on to resolutions.

I usually do monthly goals, but today while at Starbucks, I laid out a few goals for this year:

Beat my 5K time: In 2010 I ran two 5K’s (which was two more than I thought I would ever run) and my time got better each time. I really want to get my time down in to the 20 minute range which is going to take some training but I’m ready to start! I really want to do this 5K around Disney Hollywood Studios during ESPN The Weekend at Disney in March but we’ll see what happens. Regardless, there is some serious running in my future.

Warrior Run: If you don’t know what that is, it’s a 5K on steroids with a bunch of crazy obstacles in between. There’s one in Jacksonville in a month but I want to wait until a little later in the year when I’m a little more fit. If anyone is interested in doing one with me let me know.

Do More Photography: Before we moved to Tallahassee, I did quite a bit of senior and engagement photos for friends. I really enjoy it and miss it. I also like doing landscape photography which is a lot better here since Florida is gorgeous and West Texas was… well… a different kind of pretty.

Visit a New State: Why not? We live 15 minutes from Georgia but I haven’t really been there (as in I had a layover in Atlanta for 30 minutes one time) but I really want to explore the Southeast.

Lose 75 more pounds: My goal was to lose 100 pounds by the time I graduate in May 2012 and if I lost 75 more by the end of the year, that would totally obliterate that goal which would be awesome. So far I’ve lost 50 pounds in three months and hopefully the next 50 will go just as well.






Go to a Blogging Seminar: There are some pretty awesome ones for fitbloggers but even just a general one would be pretty cool.

Do a Blogging Seminar: That’s a little lofty, but I can dream. Just speaking to five people about blogging would be tight.

Beat at Least One Video Game: I need to play more video games. Everyone does.

Finish the HP Series: I just read the Goblet of Fire so I’m getting there slowly but surely.

I know what you are thinking and yes, that is a super random list (especially at the end) but if you don’t have a few fun things on your resolution/to do list it’s harder to stick with. So tomorrow is weigh in of a short week. Hopefully I will make more headway towards breaking 300 before Jan 13th (my birthday.) See ya tomorrow.

Day 102: 2010 The Year of the Catalyst

Well 2010, you felt like you flew by but looking back it was a packed year. 2009 left a horrible taste in my mouth so I was excited to see what was next in my life. If I were to put a title to 2010, it would be “The Year of the Catalyst.” This is the year I started to get my life back. What most of you don’t know is that I really did try to live healthier and eat better, but I had so many personal obstacles in my way. I just get going through spurts of eating well and then just eating crap (figuratively of course) for long periods of time. I would have a pretty good running regiment going and then I would just quit. I also didn’t have the same support system. I always thought that telling people you were trying to lose weight always set yourself up for failure because it was just more people to let down and the more guilt you would feel if they saw you eating or being lazy. The fact is that telling people you are going to be better doesn’t produce guilt, rather it builds a support system around you. Another thing was that I wasn’t trying to lose it for any reason. I was just doing it. When we moved to Tallahassee, I really took a good look at myself, along with pictures of me, and I said “I have lost control of my life and I need to do something about this. I’m pushing 400 pounds and I have two choices: eat all the unhealthy crap you want and die young, or make the effort now so I can live the life that God wants you to live.” So on September 14th 2010, I took my life back and I haven’t looked back ever since.

This year was full of change not just because of this, but because of many other things. At the beginning of this year, we had no clue where we were going to end up. Megan graduated in December of ’09 and we were on the hunt for graduate schools. It was about four months of a lot of uncertainty and living on faith. We had toured the University of Colorado in October of ’09 which was awesome, and then we made the trip to Tallahassee to visit The Florida State University in February. As you may recall, FSU was my dream school growing up, but I really didn’t have the grades or the GRE score to get in but I visited the department anyways. Megan fell in love with her department and I fell in love with mine as well as the city. I then made a checklist to compare CU and FSU which involved such things as Big 12 vs ACC, Mountains vs. Beaches, Cold Winters vs. Humidity, etc.  more importantly we prayed a lot about it. We finally decided on Tallahassee so then I started looking for a job with no luck. As the saying goes, the rest is history. We moved here on July 15th, I got in to the department as a non-degree student, worked my butt off and 50 pounds later I’m a full time student.

I also had some sad times this year but also some closure things that deeply needed it. In March of 2009, two of my dearest friends Travis and Rachel Joiner were murdered by Rachel’s ex-boyfriend. It was a great blow to me, along with everyone who had ever met them. Nothing more terrible could have happened to better people. Travis and I were best friends when I lived in the small town of Eldorado, Texas. I was awkward and portly, but Travis and I were both in Boy Scouts together and we both had a great love for Legos which is how our friendship grew. Even after I moved, we would spend time at each others houses over the summer and I went to visit him a lot when he went to college. This year, the trial finally happened and Rachel’s ex-boyfriend was found guilty and got the death penalty. This summer before we moved, we went down and saw their parents and their little brother. It was awkward at first since I hadn’t been back since before the tragedy, but then we reminisced about all the fun and crazy times we had with one another and it really brought it all together. I miss Travis and Rachel greatly, but their memory still beats in my heart.

This year I also lost my dear Grandma Knote. She was a great lady who loved all of her grandkids and great-grandkids very much. I’ll never forget the summers we would go up to Montana and stay with Grandma and Grandpa. We would always go up around the Fourth of July and they would save the fireworks coupons for us so we could buy an arsenal of explosives. Every morning, I would wake up, watch Nickelodeon, watch Grandma and Grandpa read the Bible and pray together, and then we would eat breakfast. A few hours later, we would go to McDonald’s, then go swimming. It was like every summer you knew what to expect, you had a schedule of fun. I miss those days. Grandma was another one of those that would love you and treat you as if you were her own no matter what. I miss you Grandma Knote.

Okay, now on to happier things… THE RANGERS WENT TO THE WORLD SERIES!!!!!!! How cool is that!?! A lot of us thought it would never happen but it finally did! I know I know, we lost. But we still beat the Yankees and the Rays which was just awesome. There’s always next year… and the year after that…. and the year after that. Either way, it was a special season to be a Ranger. My dad and I went to the Season Opener and I kept saying “this is the year” (not that I’m taking credit or anything.)

Overall, this year has had it’s ups and downs, but more importantly it has been a year for new beginnings and a new lease on life. I’m stoked to see what 2011 will bring. Should be an adventure. See ya next year.