Day 61

Deathly Hallows was so good. Go see it now.

This was an awesome Friday. We are one day closer to my parents coming in to town!!!!! I’m so stoked.

Breakfast: We didn’t get home until pretty late and I had to get up pretty early to work on a final project (fun stuff) so I just made some peanut butter toast. (7 points)

Lunch: After I got back, I warmed up last nights chili and basked in its delicious glory. Left over chili is just so good. Plus, since it is only about $3 to make it it basically 75¢ per person when you eat it over 2 meals and I’m all about delicious cost efficient meals. I had 9 points which is for the chili and rice.






Exercise: I found my own secret garden park right in my own backyard. Instead of running on a treadmill, I went out on road in front of our house and then run through the neighborhoods. As I ran down this one street, there was an asphalt path that went in to the woods so being the curious cat that I am (what does that mean?) I made my way down the trail which opened into a beautiful park with a lake. I immediately realized how awesome of a decision this was. I then went back in to the woods and I ran. Not jogged, not walked, not wogged. I ran. It was just me and nature in a Whitman like fellowship. I didn’t worry about how I looked when I ran or how embarrassed I would be if someone else saw me try so hard. It was so liberating and free. I can’t wait to do it again tomorrow. I totaled out at 3 miles and it was 4 exercise points. If you ever feel like you are in a running funk or you just feel over stimulated by… well… life, find a park and run a trail.

Dinner: Before the Iron &Wine concert, we went to Sahara which is a Greek/Lebanese restaurant in Tallahassee, with some of our friends in Megan’s department. It was our first time there… and most likely our last. It was pretty pricey so we split some vegetable dolmas (which were so good and only 1.5 points for 3) and then we each had a bowl of red lentil soup which came with a fried pita. The soup was pretty good, but again, it was over priced and the service sucked. They were really rude since we had a large party and they did even fill up my water cup (which in my book is a cardinal sin.) Anyways the soup was about 4 points and the fried pita was about 3 points. Pretty good dinner sans the crappy service.

This was our second time to see Iron & Wine play this year. I dare say this time was better. The whole band played instead of just Samuel Beam so they did a lot of variations of their original songs. He opened with 4 acoustic songs and then they threw down. It was interesting and impressive to hear them transform all of these acoustic songs I love be transformed in to Funky and Dirty South renditions. They also played some new stuff of the new album that’s being released next year and it’s going to rock. If you get a chance to see them, definitely do it.




Snack: I just made a piece of toast and pb which was 3.5 points and then a 1 point fudgesicle Good times.

So I got to 29 points which works just fine for me. See ya tomorrow.

Day 60? Whoa.

Harry Potter Midnight Showing!!!!!!

I am soooooooooo stoked. It’s going to rock.

So right now I’m watching Man vs. Food for the first time I have been losing weight. I use to watch it religiously, thinking that one day I would try all of those challenges (at one point, that’s what this blog was going to be about. No joke.) It would also make me hungry for terrible foods, which also created problems. As I’m watching it, it makes me a little grossed out. Don’t get me wrong, the food looks great, but it sends the wrong message to people that it is okay to gorge yourself beyond measure. I’m sure some of you are thinking that I’m over reacting a little bit, but I really think that shows like this pseudo-subliminally send the message that Food=Happiness which is why I am in this mess to begin with. The only way I have made any progress is that I have changed my mindset: it’s eat to live, not live to eat. Do I still eat well? You betcha. Do I over indulge sometimes? Yes, then I gain 4 pounds in a weekend. I still haven’t found that middle ground yet where I have the control not to go nuts. Until I reach that point, I’m going to stay cautious and stay close to my points. What do you think about shows like Man vs. Food? Am I over reacting? Be honest.

Breakfast: My super awesome wife made some toast with peanut butter. Peanut butter is awesome, and that is all there is to it. The breakfast was 7 points which is high but pb in the morning really holds you over.

Lunch: I met up with Megan at Pitaria to grab some lunch. I had the super awesome falafel pita (13 points) and their unique pita fries which are fried pita strips with Greek seasoning. With the Tzaziki sauce it was about 6 points. A 19 point lunch is pretty high also, but it’s worth it.

Dinner: Instead of going out for Chick-Fil-A college night, we made some awesome chili but this time with rice. We use to always make it with rice but it has been a while. It was fantastic and it really hit the spot. For 2 cups of chili was 5 points and a cup of rice was 4 points.

So today was a meatless Thursday. I like these vegetarian days. I think I might try to have a meatless day once a week. It wouldn’t be a goal or anything just something to try to do. Today I got to 35 points so 3 points over. That will do Pig. That will do. (That’s not a fat joke.) See ya tomorrow.

Day 59: Things To Hang My Hat On

Song of the Day: I was a Lover by TV on the Radio. Listen to it now.

Today was such a good day. I worked on some homework and got to hang out with my awesome wife. I then played some racquetball, but more on that later.

Brunch: We (or I) slept in this morning (like until 9) and it was a little chilly outside which was nice because it actually felt like Fall for the first time in a few weeks. Anyways, yesterday I mentioned the yearning to make omelets but didn’t due to time constraint; well I actually made them this morning and they were delicious. All they had in them were onions, jalapenos and cheese, then we had bacon on the side. It was only 9 points for the omelet and bacon which was good for a brunchish time (we didn’t actually eat until around 10:30.) Also, next time you make eggs of any kind, definitely add some green Tabasco to it. It really hits the spot.

Lupper?: I’m not really sure what the time frames are for respective meals (I’ve been in college way to long to really know. Maybe you can let me know.) So since we were still full from brunch, we didn’t go to find lunch until around 2:30. I had a coupon for this new sports grill by campus and Megan needed to do some stuff up there anyways so we went to try it out. We walked in, sat down, looked at the menu options, saw that they served their nachos on a large pizza tray, and left. It was not the place we needed to be. I don’t know what made us think it would be any different. Don’t get me wrong, the food looked really good, but after this weekend I didn’t think I needed to eat anything else that would be disastrous to my colon. So we did what we needed to do on campus, and went to Monk’s grill. It was a beautiful day and they have picnic tables under trees so it was a nobrainer for us. I ordered the Vegan Veggie Burger with their Hot Chipotle BBQ sauce on wheat berry bread with a side of sweet potato fries. Oh boy was it good. I really have taken a liking to veggie burgers and I’ve been looking for a good recipe. If you have a good veggie burger recipe, send me the link!!! Anywho, Their sweet potato fries are so good but they have cinnamon and sugar so I’m sure they are not great for you but they are the best fries I have ever had. I went all Harriet the Spy on this meal to figure out the points. McCain’s sweet potato fries, which I’m pretty sure that’s what they are, were 7 points. Not bad for happiness. The bread was 3 points, and the patty was about 4 points. I was stuffed after and I had only eaten half of the burger and the fries! So awesome! For dinner part II I had the rest of the burger.

Racquetball: After Lupper, I was went and played racquetball with Matt. Probably not my smartest choice. We played pretty hard and I was exhausted. This weekend was catching up with me but it felt good to get a really good sweat going. 12 exercise points of awesomeness.

Snack: After church we stopped at Starbucks and I had my iced chai which was 6 points. I really need to make my own at home to save some money.

A few things to hang my hat on: So during grad school orientation, they handed out FSU grad school shirts and the biggest size they had was a XL. Since then, that shirt has been hanging up in my closet, laughing at me. You see I haven’t been a XL since… 4th grade. I have flirted with that XL/XXL line in the past but never have fully been there. Well, today I tried on the shirt and it fit. Not just fit, but it fit comfortably. In fact, I wore it to church tonight. It fits like most of my XXL use to fit. Keep in mind, I still have a long ways to go, but it’s a great start. I look forward to the day where I’m too small for a XXL and a XL (or even further in the future, a L) is all I can wear. Someday, and when that day comes, it’s going to be legit (and skinny!)

Now, Page 2. Megan and I took a lot of pictures this weekend and I am so stoked about how much better I look. It’s one of those things where you have this image of what you look on the outside, but when you see pictures of yourself you cringe in gluttonous horror.

After looking at these pics side by side, I really feel great. It was just what I needed after the frustration of this weekend. Definitely something to get me through next week which will be full of temptations.

So today, I got to 29 points. Legit. See ya tomorrow.

Day 58: Back on the Wagon

Hooray for Tuesday. (I just said that because it rhymed and for no other reason.)

Today was about getting back on that weight loss horse and to pick up from where I was on Thursday. I was worried that it was going to be hard to get back in the swing of things but I avoided the temptations that came my way and I feel good about it. I’m ready for a good week and a good weigh in on Sunday. In my first post, I wrote that around this point (around week 6) of other weight loss attempts, I would crash and burn hard and gain everything back. Sunday I was worried that was going to happen. I thought I had screwed up that bad. But thanks to this community and the great encouragement I receive from you made the difference. I don’t even know half of you, but you still encourage me and for that I am truly grateful. Thank you for reading and thank you for being awesome. Alright, let’s talk food.

Breakfast: I had this awesome intention of making my awesome omelet of awesomeness (yes, the word awesomeness is required twice to describe it) but alas, sleep got in the way and I woke up a little to late. Anyways, I just had a Kashi cereal bar that was buried in out pantry so only 2 points.

Lunch: We just made leftover black bean and cilantro lime rice burritos which are just fantastic, even great as leftovers. For two burritos and chips and salsa it was 9 points. (Both of us have been on a Mexican kick today. More on that later.)

Exercise: This afternoon I hit up Leach to get some running in for #NovGTD (which I am way behind on.) It felt good to be back at the gym and it was much needed. I went to get on the treadmill and went to run and the belt kept stopping with every step. Super annoying. Has anyone else had that happened to them? Anyways, I told the staff about it and then I went upstairs to run on the track. I had tracks, especially .10 mile tracks because you have to run around 10 times for 1 mile. It was like a hamster wheel as my wife put it. I only got 2 miles before I went stir crazy. 8 exercise points. Hooray.

Snack: I knew dinner was a while away so I thought it would be smart to grab a smoothie. Somehow I got the worst one. Crap. I got the Blueberry Bay which was a whopping 8 points. Lame. Sorry this is the only picture I have today by the way.






Dinner: Back in Abilene, almost every Tuesday we would go to Rosa’s for Taco Tuesdays. Three tacos, beans and rice and extra tortillas for $3.99. Such a deal (but also almost 30 points for one plate. Yes, you read that right.) We found a new alternative tonight at Tijuana Flats. 2 massive tacos, chips and a drink for $4.99. I’m no Frugal Novice, but that’s quite the deal. It was delicious, but they have fat free sour cream and cheese and we both totally forgot to order them that way (#fail.) Their website is a little hard to navigate, but from what I can decipher dinner came out to about 14 points. A little rough (the cheese was 10 grams of fat. Yikes.) but it was still so good.

So today I ate 33 points which is a point over so not bad and with the exercise points it evens out. See ya tomorrow.

Weigh in Day 57

It feels like it has been forever and I have missed you (yes you.)

So it felt like after my invigorating post on Saturday, it went downhill fast in an insane, high caloric downward fashion. Up until that point, I had done pretty well with my eating. Granted I didn’t know any of the points, but I did what I could to keep my portions down. Then we went to the wedding. Oh boy. All day I was a runner, getting and doing anything that was asked from me. It was stressful, but the wedding went of without a hitch, except the DJ never showed up so I got to DJ and MC which was really tight. Anyways, by the time the wedding rolled around I was in this stressful eating mode. I went overboard on with the chocolate fountain. If you could dip it in chocolate I would eat it. The dinner was Christmas dinner with ham and the whole shebang. I ate a lot and didn’t feel bad about it. I also drank regular soda. One half of my brain was like “this is so delicious” and the other half (the skinny half) was like “what is wrong with you!?! You’re losing all the ground you made this week.” Even after feeling that way, after the wedding, we went and ate at Bubba Gump’s and had fried shrimp. I was sick, I felt disgusting. Not from being such a Fatty, I literally got sick and was sick up until the morning. So here comes the moral of the story: on Thursday I weighed and I was down to 320.6. I was set to break out of the 320’s for the fist time in a loooooooong time. I weighed this morning and I was at 324.2. Although I lost .4 pounds from last week, I completed undid everything I had worked for all week. I have been really mad at myself all day and frankly all weekend but I am trying to put it behind me and look forward to this week.

So here we are. A new day,a new week, and a new set of points. Here we go.

Breakfast: After that fiasco, I made some eggs and toast. Not too shabby and 5 points so that will work.







Lunch: All day I’ve been working on this paper so we took a break to buy a bigger coffee maker (we have a Keurig which we love but we need more coffee at this point in the semester.) We also got some lunch and I went with Amy’s Tamale Verde which, if you haven’t tried, the best frozen and filling meal I have ever had. It was 9 points and then I added some chips and this new World Table salsa we bought which was 3 points for the chips. It was good that I ate something so filling for lunch because we didn’t have dinner until 10:30. (Ah the joys of a super busy schedule.)




Dinner: I made us our new favorite staple: black beans and cilantro rice burritos. For the first time making it, I have to say it was pretty good. For two burritos with sour cream and a few chips it was 9 points. It really hit the spot because we were starving at that point. Both of us have working since we got up the morning.

So overall I’m at 26 points. I’m not hungry at all (probably because I drank like 8 cups of water) so it’s all good. It’s good to be back. See ya tomorrow.


A Short Blip: Day 57ish

I love the beach.

I use to never be able to decide if I was a mountains or a beach guy. I grew up driving through the Rockies to see my family in Montana and I lived in Alaska for a summer (which was beautifully awesome) so I always thought I was a Mountain guy. Then my family started going to Florida every couple of years so then the idea of being a beach bum was just stellar to me so then I thought I was a Beach guy. I think fate made my decision for me because for grad school it came down to University of Colorado (mountains) or Florida State (beach) and we headed to the shore.

Anyways, this morning I woke up to the ocean air blowing in my face and I thought “I have to go run. God made this beautiful day so I need to make the most of it.” I put on my Nike’s, set my iPod to Running Mix, and hit the sand running. The tide had been earlier this morning so the sand was packed pretty well and it felt just like a road. The wind was cold and the sun was beating down, but it felt amazing. The crashing waves sounded like cheers and applause (it also sounded like water hitting other water.) I totally forgot my pedometer (I have no clue why I suck at remembering that stupid thing) but I went for about 40 minutes and I only stopped a few times but that was just to enjoy my surroundings. So far it’s been a pretty awesome morning to say the least.

Food News: I’ve been pretty good all weekend. Tomorrow I’m going to go in to more detail about this weekend and everything that’s been going on. We are going to a wedding this afternoon (congrats Brandy and Chris!) and I’m not too worried about it, however there are going to be 3 chocolate/other delicious flavors fountains so that will be quite the temptation but I think I might have one chocolate covered pretzel and call it good. We’ll see how that works out and see how much running I’ll need to do tomorrow morning. See you tomorrow.

Day Double High Five!

Curt Schilling had the bloody sock, I had the bloody finger (I cut open my finger this week while chopping onions and holding the racket was torture.) I had lost two games already and was at the threshold of loss #3. I stood my ground, dug deep and went berserk. I finally beat Matt. It was glorious. As I was in the zone and gearing for win 2 (well.. maybe not,) the the room went pitch black. No, I didn’t pass out, all of the lights went out in Leach with no flood lights. So I think it might have been God saying “quit while you’re ahead” or something along those lines. And that was my exercise for the day.  I know this is out of order but I figured this would make a good introductory paragraph.

Breakfast: Before my group meeting, I grabbed two waffles for the road hooray for a 3 point breakfast. When I got to Club Stroz, I got a venti iced non fat chai latte from The Bucks. 6 points of caffeine happiness.






Lunch: I’m sure you’re thinking “Wait a cot dang minute! This isn’t Monday or Thursday! Why are they eating at Chick-Fil-A!?! WHAT KIND OF CHICANERY IS THIS???” Don’t get your chaps in a wad, Megan and I signed up for a Facebook fan appreciation day at our local Chick-Fil-A. We each got a free chicken sandwich and then we split a diet coke. I haven’t had a chicken sandwich there in such a long time since it’s more points than the nuggets, so it was a real treat. It was particularly delicious for 9 points.




[This is when the racquetball victory happened]

Dinner: Megan, my stud wife, whipped up this awesome dish we had a while back. What is it you ask? Oh, I don’t… maybe THE BEST PASTA DISH EVER!!! (That’s not Alfredo based.) You got it: The WW Pasta Primavera with Provolone. It’s a vegetarian dish with bell peppers, steamed tomatoes, onions and cheese. Keep in mind that this bowl pictured it pretty big so this is a big heaping helping. For this much it was 10 points which totally hit the spot after racquetball.The 1 point glass of milk was also a good choice here.



So right now I’m at 29 points so I think I might have some cereal or something. Maybe some fruit? See ya tomorrow.

Day 54 Galore!

Tuesdays are Legit. Why?? I don’t know.

Since we don’t have class on Thursday, I have officially started my 5 day weekend. So awesome, I have a lot to do, but so awesome.

Breakfast: Before I hopped on the bus to go run at Leach, I grabbed 2 waffles with no peanut butter since we are out 🙁 but luckily my parents are bringing some organic PB from my favorite grocery store in Texas (H-E-B. So awesome.) Those 3 points held me over pretty well. Waffles are awesome. Let’s just leave it at that.

Exercise: I really needed to get some running in for #NovGTD so before class I went and treadmilled it up. I decided to try out my 5K time to see where I was at. I ran 3.1 miles in 43:15 which was about 4 minutes slower than my 5K in April, but I still a few weeks to get that number down. Plus I feel like I run faster on the ground. Does anyone else notice that?

Lunch: In keeping with Unofficial Healthy Choice Steamers Week, I “made” the Red Pepper Chicken Alfredo. Unlike yesterday, I was actually able to sit down and enjoy it. Also unlike yesterday, there was plenty of chicken in it and the alfredo was very tasty. I would add some pepper to it for a little more flavor because even though it is a meal, it’s still a frozen diet meal. Anywho, this meal was only 5 points which was really worth it. We also had some of that 6 grain bread leftover from Sunday so I chowed down on that which was 2 points and then a behemoth of a honeycrisp apple which was also 2 points.


Dinner: We decided to take a look at drive around town and to check out the Turkey Trot Track on the other side of town (is it just me, or does the race actually look like a Turkey? I wonder if that was intentional..) Luckily, there weren’t too many hills or severe elevation changes and it’s in a beautiful community so we are both really stoked about it! So after we check that out, we drove around town and ended up at Tijuana Flats, a Mexican joint that we had heard nothing about. When we walked in, it looked like what I think Jerry Garcia’s dreams were like, so many murals with stuff hanging from the ceiling. It was pretty trippy. Anyways we took a look at the menu and they had some really great healthy options including Powerlite Options which were fat free sour cream and cheese. How awesome is that!?! Plus, they have an under 500 calorie portion of the menu. They also had a lot of facts about their food (as seen above) which is always impressive to me. I had the Veggie burrito with a side of chips and salsa. Are you ready for this? The meal total was only 11 points! It was really good and I want to go back already!





After we went to Tijuana Flats, we walked by Gold’s Gym to check out this Gold-Getter’s promotion where you social media (can that be a verb?) while you go there to train and work out. That also included 5 months free membership. I think they have already picked their 5 people, but I wrote on the Gold’s Gym Tallahasee’s Facebook mentioning my blog and to see if they might still consider me (if you are from Gold’s Gym and reading this, you should definitely give me a shot! I’ll make Gold’s Gym Tallahassee famous!!!) So we will see what happens there.

So far today, I’m at a whopping 23 points? Weird… plus I have some exercise point too so I’ll probably have some cereal here in a bit. See ya tomorrow.