Day 680: Weigh In Day

So today is the anniversary of losing 100 pounds. That’s right folk, I have kept at least 100 pounds off for one whole year. I feel that’s a pretty awesome accomplishment. I’m just going to keep looking forward and being awesome.

Speaking of awesome, today is weigh in day! I lost .8 pounds this week! I am down to flippin’ 231.2. I know it’s not a ton, but I have been consistently losing. While I want to be below 200 now, I’m absolutely cool with going low and slow. I’ve got nothing but time.

(I’m going to speed this up a little because I have to get up extra early tomorrow for work and it’s already past my bedtime.)

Breakfast: I had 5 points of 1.5 tbsp peanut butter and toast.

Lunch: I had leftover macaroni from last night. I also had some cheerios too. 9ish points

Snack: We weren’t running until around 7 so I had another round of peanut butter toast 5 points

SAWS: Today was a four-miler and luckily it is cooling off during the evening (since it monsoons every afternoon. I think I am finally acclimating to this bizarre Tropical/Deep South hybrid of a climate.) Anyway, I ran a pretty rough trail while having to pee the whole time. Not gonna lie, I was ready to run in to the woods and answer nature’s call, but with my luck, I would have gotten caught and send to straight to jail or some ridiculousness. Anyway, it was an awesome run. Good times.







Dinner: We had to stay on that side of town for a little while, so we decided to get some Sonny’s deliciousness. Megan and I both did the smoked turkey sandwich combo. Instead of fries, I had the baked beans. It was only 17 points which isn’t bad for BBQ since it’s generally pretty high.

So I got to 36 point and I burned about 667 calories so I’m in good pretty good shape. Hooray! See ya tomorrow.

Day 677: Race Day Stuff

Here are pictures of my day. The race was awesome and I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow (I’m falling asleep as I’m typing this post). All in all, I had a personal best and I placed 5th in the men’s 25-30.

In other awesome news, Megan placed second and our running pal Erin placed third in the women’s 25-30! Their prize? Chocolate chip bread! The race benefitted a local high school athletic program so the prizes were made baked. Needless to say the race had a very small, hometown feel to it. Our friend Becky did awesome too! This was her first 5k!

Anyway, after that ridiculousness, we went to another ridiculous activity: canning peaches. Yes, we canned peaches at Becky’s friend’s house. It is a really intriguing process with multiple steps. I did everything from peeling to stirring the peach mixture to going to Ace Hardware to get more caning jars. It was a fun day, but exhausting.

So enjoy the pics and we’ll talk more on Sunday. See ya tomorrow.

Day 675: Thursday Stuff

Happy #BowtieThursday everyone!










Alright, let’s get busy!

Breakfast: I just had an English MacMuffin. Yumtastic. 4 points

Lunch: Megan and I met up on campus (between thunderstorms) and went to Pollo Tropical for lunch. There is nothing better than chicken, rice and black beans. Fantastic. 11 points

When I was at work, I had four Goldfish crackers and a lemon cookie. Nothing major. 2 points?








Dinner: Megan made some awesome Crock Pot Chicken Enchilada Soup for dinner. I had one and a half serving with a little cheese and sour cream. It was about 9 points. For dessert, Megan and I shared some froyo and it was only 2 points! 

SAWS: I ran a crapton today and burned 671 calories. I can’t flippin’ wait for the Trojan 5k on Saturday. I think we figured out the route and it’s going to be hilly. Can’t wait.

When I got home, I had 5 points worth of popcorn. Stellarkart.

So today I got to around 33 points so with the awesome calorie torchin’ I’m in good shape. See ya tomorrow.

Day 672: Monday Time

So I’m going to keep the short and beautiful. I promise tomorrow will be good SINCE IT’S MY FIRST WEIGH IN ON A TUESDAY (are you stoked? Well you should be!)

Breakfast: I wanted to make a Egg McMuffin without going to the Gold Arches (I mean…my last name is MacDonald so it’s close enough right?) Anyway, I had a cooked egg on a Thomas 100 calorie english muffin with two slices of ham and a little cheese. It was an awesome 4 points! 

Lunch: I came home and another fantastic Skinny Taste recipe: Baked Potato Soup! It was only 4 points a cup so I had two bowls so it was 8 points!

Snack: I had about 4 points of sunflower seeds. Yumtastic.








Dinner: Tonight, we had a meal that would be have been a caloric nightmare if I had ordered it a place like Chili’s. We had jalapeno poppers and chicken fajitas without the fixins. (It makes a difference to cook at home. Not only is it cheaper, you have a much better idea of what’s going in to your food. The more you know folks.) The poppers were only 3 flippin points! And the chicken and peppers was only 7 points  (5 points for the chicken and 2 points for the oil in the veggies.)

So today I totaled out at 26 points which is awesome with me. I didn’t cheat today and drank water like a fish. I was doing what I was suppose to do. (I also has a 10 calorie Monster energy drink.) We’ll see what the scale has to say. See ya tomorrow.

Day 657: 50 Shades of Weight Loss

(This post has nothing to do with the book. I just wanted to be topical.)

So this has been a pretty epic week for weight loss. I was able to drop 2.2 pounds, putting me at 236.6 at this point. So far, my lowest weight has been the bottom end of 235 so I’m really going to shoot to get below that this week. Like I was saying in yesterday’s post, the doctor told me to keep doing what I’m doing: that I need to keep losing weight and to keep exercising to get in to shape. I know that if I got rid of what’s left of my hanging gut that my hips would feel much better. Today we bought matching yoga mats and a yoga DVD to help with stretching and to help start building my core muscles back to where they were when I was SAWSing it up with Joe the Trainer (miss that guy. Joe, if you read my blog, thanks for being awesome.)

While I love to run, I really want to try out some new forms of exercises. If you have a class that you really like or just something that you like doing, comment below! I want to hear what gets your SAWSing goat!

Anyway, let’s talk about food and stuff…

Breakfast: This morning, I had another heaping bowl full of delicious oatmeal with craisins, sliced almonds and brown sugar. Yumtastic.

Lunch: Today, we had a going away lunch for our good friends Stacy and Emma who are moving to Memphis next week. This was the second going away party of the weekend (last night it was our good friends Daniel and Leah) so this weekend has had a certain wompiness to it. Anyway, we went to Bandido’s Burritos and packed the joint. It was even more sentimental to us because one of the first times we went there was with Stacy and Emma so we laughed, we cried and I won a dollar by bouncing a rolled up napkin in to a cup of water. Now, today is going to be my pseudo “splurge” day since it’s my rest day. When I say “splurge” I don’t mean dominating a buffet, but just eating more calories and then being strict for the rest of the week. Anyway, I got the chicken quesadilla which was massive and delicious. I also came with black beans and rice and they were awesome! I thought they were some of the best black beans and rice I had every had (really savory) but I was the only one who thought that. So while it was delicious, I still have that “I ate a lot of sodium taste in my mouth” even though I have drank easily 100 oz of water today. I’ll try something different next time, but it was still pretty awesome. (Oh yeah, I didn’t even touch the sour cream. Small changes folks!)


Dinner: Tonight we went to Publix and bought some wild caught Alaskan sockeye salmon that was on sale. For those who don’t know, I lived in Alaska for a summer as a youth ministry intern and while I was there, I ate salmon for about 70% of my meals. I flippin’ love salmon. I want to move the Northwest just so I can eat salmon and drink Starbucks every day until the day I die (where was I going with that? Oh yeah…) Anyway, Megan made this special Asian sauce that she found on Skinny Taste that is actually suppose to go on drumsticks. It turned out really well! It was spicy and delicious… dare I say spicelicious.
Speaking of spicelicious, we bought this dark chocolate that’s made with chiles and it was epic! I just had two squares and that all I could handle. Megan and I were both sweating by the end. Awesomeness.

So overall today wasn’t too shabby. I’m ready to continue this trend of healthy living and eating that we’ve got going. I’m really reading to break out of the 200’s. Heck, I’m only 36.6 pounds away! I’ve got this. See ya tomorrow.

Day 655: Ouch Edition

So as most of you know, I have been having issues with my hip when I run. While it has been pseudo bearable (even for a guy like who has a lackluster pain tolerance) it was painful to even run three miles last night. I stretched after I was done, which helped, but when I got home I noticed I had a super dark bruise around where the hip meets the femur. After much research (and pending a doctor’s review soon) it looks like I have bursitis of the hip. It hurts to sit in a chair and I have to gingerly walk up stairs. Needless to say, sitting for eight hours straight was not fun.

So what does this mean? It looks like I’m going to have to rest and hold off running for a while. It’s not ideal, but I can still swim and I’m planning on focusing on strengthening my core and arms. Trying to make the best of a bad situation. Good times.

Breakfast: Today I just had two pieces of toast with a little more than a tablespoon of peanut butter. Around 11 I realized that’s not enough breakfast. I was starving by then. All this week, I have been eating either oatmeal or a breakfast burrito. Both of those are full of protein and really sticks to your ribs. PB and toast isn’t going to cut it anymore.

Lunch: I had some whole grain spaghetti with spaghetti sauce (no meat.)

Dinner: As you can see, at this point I hadn’t had a lot of calories. I was tired, I was in pain and frankly, I was still really sad about the shooting Colorado. It was kind of a downer of a Friday. Now, I don’t usually eat my feelings (not like I used to anyways. I’ll write about about eating your feelings sometime.) but today, Megan (who was also feeling really wompy) and I both needed some comfort food. So, we went out for some therapeutic Pho. It hit the spot. The aromatics of the basil and sprouts, the heat from the siriacha and jalapenos and the succulent beef just made my evening. I felt better.

A Little Exercise: After we let our food settle, we decided to take a dip in the pool. I did some laps just using my arms. It was invigorating.

So that’s about it for the day. It’s been a good one. See ya tomorrow.

Day 644: Monday Time People

Why hello!

So today was a little different than planned with the food, but that’s how that goes sometimes right?

I don’t think it was necessarily horrible, but I realized that all you can eat places are not good for me. More on that in a bit.

Breakfast: I woke up this morning to the beautiful aroma of pancakes wafting through the house. Yes, my wife is awesome. I had five silver dollar pancakes with a little maple syrup. It was a nice surprise at 6:30 in the morning. Awesomeness.
Surprise!: During the weekly Monday morning meeting, Jill the Boss brought some mini cupcakes to celebrate my departure. (Does that mean they were celebrating me leaving?) Anyway, they were intensely sugary but awesome.
Lunch at The Suwannee Room: My friend Juan wanted to go to lunch to celebrate my leaving. (Seriously, are people just happy for me to leave?)

Anyway, I haven’t been to a college cafeteria since the good ol’ days in The World Famous Bean. (Yes, that was the name of our old food trough at Abilene Christian.) I have only been to one other All-You-Can-Eat joint since my weight loss journey began and that was for a birthday party. I didn’t anticipating it being a challenge, but it was. Growing up, eating at an AUCE was a place to get your moneys worth. I didn’t get that mentality from anything that a parent had said, it is just the inherent nature of the buffet, plus I wanted to try out what they had. I ended up eating a burger, a slice of pepperoni pizza, two chicken kabobs, two small glasses of skim milk, three slices of watermelon and two chocolate chip cookies. Yeah, that’s quite a bit of food. The scary thing is is that I wasn’t super full after. It all goes back to eating what is in front of you. I would have been fine with the Chicken Suaza I had in the fridge at work, but I was also fine with all of that food. Now don’t get me wrong, the food was really good and the Suwannee Room kind of looks like Hogwarts, but I’m just not that disciplined. Which sucks, because it’s only $7.99! If I could hold myself to a burger, a salad and some watermelon, it wouldn’t be that bad. At this point though, I still have some things to work out until then.

Dinner With The Wolf: (Any time I write The Wolf, I imagine Harvey Keitel in Pulp Fiction. Sorry Andrea, but you are no Harvey K.) So for dinner, Megan made some awesome split pea soup. It was awesome and super filling! Then, Megan also made this faux cookie dough dip with chickpeas. I know it might sound weird, but us three all loved it! (Unless Andrea was just being polite…)

So like I said, today was a little weird with food. My bruise is finally healing up so I’m going to at least go for a wog tomorrow morning. Either way it’s going to be 800,000 degrees outside so sweat will be abound. See ya tomorrow.