So today was a cruddy day. The weather was dreary while it looked like fall outside, it was still humid and gross. (There’s nothing worse than looking out a window, thinking it should be 65 outside, but instead it’s 85 with 110% humidity. Way to give it your all Mother Nature.) Anyways, between that, not getting my caffeine fix because I chose water over coffee (go me? I guess?) and my allergies going berserk, it was just one of those days. It is what it is. Luckily, I got through it, and there was a light at the end of the tunnel: the Biggest Loser Season Premier! I wasn’t sure how the new trainers were going to go, but so far I think they are holding there own. I think it’s going to be a pretty good season. What was really exciting is that for the first time while watching a season premier, I didn’t feel guilty about not sending in a video to be on it. Even last season, I still felt like I needed to be on there, but this time around, I feel really good about where I’m at even though I’m still on the hunt to drop more lbs!
Breakfast: I had another bowl of cardboard Uncle Sams cereal. I don’t think it’s filling enough. It’s one of those foods that holds off your hunger, but then when you’re hungry, you get HOUNGRY *pronounced southernly.* I need to figure out something else on the breakfast front. Any suggestions? 4 points
Lunch: Like I was saying, I need to eat more for breakfast because even though I have to eat breakfast at 11 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I’m still hungry at that point. But I digress. Anyways, I brought a sack full of food goodies like Santa (yes, I’m already in the Christmas spirit) but like a fool I ate all of them during lunch. No bueno. So, I had an all-heel sandwich, pretzels, a nut mix, a cookie and a banana all during my super early lunch hour which was a total of 11 points At the time I was thinking I would be okay, but around 2:00, that was not the case… (TO BE CONTINUED… in the next paragraph.)
Snack: By the time I got to work, I must of had really looked pathetic because Andrea offered me some food. I chose her strawberry gummies which were 2 points. So awesome.
Dinner: Megan made the best spaghetti I’ve ever seen. That’s all there is to it. So awesome. 10 points. For dessert I made a cookie sundae with a cookie and some ice cream. It was epic and about 5 points.
So today I got to 32 points so a little over but it’s okay. Tomorrow is Wordless Wednesday and my first day at Leach this semester. Get stoked. See ya tomorrow.
Breakfast: I had heard good things about this cereal called Uncle Sams and being the good patriot that I am I had to try it.. (you know, for ‘murica!) A bowl was with skim milk was 4 points but a 3/4 cup of cereal was 10 grams of fiber! So awesome. It kind of looks like cocoa pebbles but it tastes like cardboard… delicious delicious cardboard with flax seeds.
Lunch: I needed to eat more in the day so I loaded up my lunchbox and went to town. I had the following: turkey sandwich, Oikos greek yogurt (which was really good), string cheese, pretzels and a banana. The most filling 12 points ever. Winning (yes, I’m watching the Charlie Sheen Roast. Don’t judge.)
SAWS!!!: In keeping with my goal to work out like a beast, I went on a run this evening. The weather was perfect: partly cloudy, cool breeze and the temperature ranging in the high 80’s. Anyways, I went for a 5k run up and down the crazy hills of Tallahassee. My first mile was 10:54 which was one of my better times, but the hills got to me which drug my time down a bit. Overall, it was a pretty good run, and I’m really stoked for the “5k season” to start up! SAWS!!!! 8 exercise points
Post Workout Yummy Stuff: I had a peanut butter and banana sandwich with a little honey. Pretty awesome. 6 points.
Dinner: I don’t know how Mondays have become our grilling day, but I’m totally cool with it! Tongith I grilled some burgers and Megan sauteed some baby potatoes and onions. It was a pretty epic meal. 17 points.
Dessert: We were baller and roasted some marshmallows on kabob sticks over the grill. Yeah, we are awesome. 2 points.
So today I got to 41 points, which is crazy I know, but with the exercise points I was just 3 points over. Pretty legit. See ya tomorrow.
Today, I’ve been re-evaluating my goals about why I’m even doing this. Yes, I’ve been doing this for a year and yes, I’ve lost my share of weight, but I’m still a ways away from where I want/need to be. I’m going to get back to the fundamentals of counting (which is going to be way easier now because we aren’t going to eat out as much anymore to save us money), drinking a bunch of water, and really analyze what I’m eating. I used to look at unhealthy things and ask myself if it was worth it, and I feel like I need to get back to that, because I’m at the point where I only have 30 points (which isn’t a ton of calories) a day, so I need to make the most of them instead and supplement them with fruits and veggies that aren’t really any points. I’ve also gotten in to the rhythm of my schedule so I’m going to try to work out a lot more whether it be running, weights, racquetball, or any other sweat-inducing awesomeness. Get stoked.
Breakfast: For breakfast, I just had a bowl of multigrain Cheerios. They were awesome (I mean come on! They are Cheerios!) 2 points
Lunch: For lunch, we went to Pitaria with our friends Julie and Emma and Stacy. Emma and Stacy are new to Tallahassee, so they wanted to try some new places around town. Anyways, I had the Mediterranean Veggie Burger, which was basically a black bean burger with cucumbers, peppers, etc. It was perfect with some pita fries. It’s definitely one of my favorite burgers in town!
Dinner: Tonight, we decided to do breakfast for dinner. I made some scrambled eggs and bacon while Megan made these awesome buttermilk pancakes. It was a pretty awesome dinner and it was about 12ish points.
Dessert: Megan made these Immaculate Baking Co. triple chocolate cookies so I made a little sundae with two cookies which was about 8 points.
So today went pretty well. I know I went over, but this week is going to be much better. Get stoked for some weight loss awesomeness. See ya tomorrow.
Lunch: So I didn’t have breakfast today (which sucked) and I didn’t pack a lunch (which really sucked) so I went all elementary (big ups to Taylor elementary. Go Trojans.) up in this and bought a Lunchable for my lunch date with Megan. It was the lowest point lunch I could buy at Circle K. It was 8 points which was not bad and it was actually pretty filling.
Snack: I was going to make popcorn at work, but I burned it which made the whole office smelled like crap. And then everyone hated me for the office smelling bad, so I blamed it on Andrea, my co-worker. So I had a 2 point granola bar. I also had 4 points of almonds.
Dinner: After a day of a crapton of classes and work and cage fighting, we were both ready for a good meal. So I grilled up some turkey burgers with a little Cavender’s seasoning (which is amazing on anything. It could make a rock taste like a filet mignon.) We decided to pick up an order of fries from Wing Stop. If you haven’t had their fries, they are easily the best fries you will ever have. To quote Homer (Simpson, not the philosopher) “this is what angles must taste like!” Anyways, dinner was only 10 points. Deliciousness FTW!
Snack: I had a 4 point bowl of cheerios while watching Fraiser. Awesome.
So today I’m at 28 points which is fine. I really have an urge to run so I’m going to hit that up tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be the good ol’ Wordless Wednesday, but I’m going to have a greatest hits of pics. Get stoked. See ya tomorrow.
Was I scared to change? Of course. Like most people that struggle with weight, I had done my share of diets, and I would lose some weight but then just give up, only to end up back where I was and then some. But this time needed to be different, it needed to stick. Megan and I decided to integrate Weight Watchers with organic living. We thought that healthy living also involved knowing where your food was coming from. We also looked at this life change through the lens of our faith. We knew that we were God’s temple, but at that point mine was more Buddah-shaped. Basically, before, I thought making a few adjustments like trying to get a workout or a run in every once in a while would help, but in reality, to be successful (at anything really) it requires a holistic change in your life. Anyways, I was also really scared of failing, which usually leads you to not telling anybody about what you are doing. I knew that wasn’t going to work this time, so I asked for accountability from people I knew, and my friend Kyle Dixon was up to the challenge. Any time I was tempted to eat anything really bad, he would call me out, and that is what I needed. So I kept at it and worked hard to stay strict with my diet. Up until this point, six weeks was the lifespan of my diets so I needed to break past that ceiling, after that point, I knew that this was for real and that there was no way of me going back to 357 ever again.
So 52 week of smaller portions, racquetball craziness, organic deliciousness, blog posts, Facebook encouragements from people I only knew for a season of my life and overlooking the chocolate covered porkrinds later, I am down 103 pounds and counting. This journey is far from over, there is still 97 pounds to be lost. (I know there is a scrawny guy in here somewhere.) Wherever I end up weight wise as long as it’s a healthy number I’ll be okay with it. I know there are still challenges on the horizon, but thankfully I have all of you and your awesomeness. Thanks for being awesome. See ya tomorrow.
So this week I was thinking small, I was good with food, and I even ran a crapton yesterday. I was really hoping for a big loss, but I ended up gaining .2 pounds which is basically a maintain. Yesterday, I was at one point down to 250.4, so I’m wondering if my body has been retaining water since I probably didn’t drink enough after my run. (TMI Tip of the Day: if your pee ain’t clear, you haven’t drank enough.) So that sucks, but I’m going to do better with tracking my points and exercising more this week to finally get out of the 250’s.
Breakfast: I didn’t have a lot of time this morning, but luckily the super awesome Tara J. made some mini muffins so I had that. Yummy stuff.
Lunch: Today was College Sunday at church so there was an epic potluck after church. I did eat my share. Potlucks are pretty rare nowadays so you always want to capitalize on their awesomeness.
Dinner: We bought this epic pot roast the other day at Publix so we put that in the crock pot for dinner. Pot roasts seriously have like 5 minutes of prep time and are the most delicious things ever. Just saying.
So today was alright for food, and when I say alright I mean I could have done way better. It is what it is and like I said I’m going to do better this week. See ya tomorrow.
I think today was the best way to spend a Saturday. There’s nothing like a good run, some good food and a little football to finish off the week. It was a pretty crazy week full of school and other fun stuff so a little time to do what I want was nice. Fun stuff.
Breakfast: I decided to make a big breakfast because that’s what you do on Saturdays. I made a waffle with an egg and some bacon. It was pretty epic and delicious. That’s all that needs to be said on the subject. Deliciousness FTW.
Run of Craziness: Have you ever gotten up and thought “hey! I should go run a 10k”? Yeah, me neither. For some reason, I got this urge to go for a run. I used to love to run, but I haven’t made time for it lately so I’m going to get back in to it. Anyways, I had mapped out a route on my iPhone that was about 3.1 miles so I was going to run to that point and then run back. For some stupid reason, when you figure out a route in maps with the pedestrian setting, it still doesn’t account for the lack of sidewalks and straight drop offs on the side of the road. So I was following this trail full of really steep hills until I got to where the sidewalk ended, I said “well crap” turned around, and kept running up and down the crazy hills of Tallahassee. By around mile 4, I entered the “bargaining stage” and told myself “I could just call it good. No one would blame me, I gave it a try.” That’s been my issue all my life, I’ve been running it at half-speed and people (but mostly myself) are just happy with trying. I needed to finish this run more than I knew, because when I finished, I really felt like I had given it everything I had. I stopped once to shoo away this giant poodle that was following me, but I kept my feet moving the whole time. Anyways, my time was not too shabby considering all the steep hills (my mantra during the run was “Why are there so many hills in Tallahassee? Why are there so many hills in Tallahassee? Why are there so many hills in Tallahassee?”) but the next time I run it, I’m going to beat the time, just like the time after that, and… well, you get the idea. Finally, I decided that I’m going to start doing some sort of grand athletic feat like this every Saturday starting the week after next (next week, the grand athletic feat will be FSU upsetting OU. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate the University of Oklahoma? They stink, they are the scum between my toes.)
Snack: After that I had a wafflewich and an extra banana.
Lunch: For a late lunch, I went with my friend Daniel to Chipotle for some burrito fantasticness. I had the chicken burrito bowl with the fixins and guac with a cup of sour cream on the side. Having dressing-like sauces in a cup make it a lot easier to not use all of it. Anyways, it had been a while since I had been there so it made it even more awesome.
Afternoon Dessert: After Megan’s conference that she was presenting at, we climbed up Yogurt Mountain for some deliciousness. I had a swirl of dulche de leche and cookies n’ cream that made my taste buds do the hokey pokey.
Dinner: As you can imagine, I wasn’t too hungry for a good while so we went and did some stuff around town and then fired up the grill. I had been marinading some Teriyaki chicken so I put that on the grill along with some fresh pineapple from Publix. The chicken turned out really well, but the pineapple was ridiculously awesome. All that on a bed of rice was a fantastic meal.
So today I did pretty well all things considered. According to my Nike+ app, I had burned more than 100o calories on my run, but I think I made up for it with my burrito bowl. The way workouts are going to work this year I think is Wednesday through Sunday with Monday and Tuesday off. Monday and Tuesday are my worst days by far so by Wednesday I’ll be ready to exert some energy. If I’ve learned anything from this crazy weight loss experience it’s that when life gets off track, whether it be a new schedule or a baboon ripping your arms off like in the movie Congo, sometimes you just have to roll with the punches and then get back in to a rhythm. Then, you dominate. See ya tomorrow.
Yesterday was crazy, along with the rest of the week, but today seemed to tie the week together. I know I have been posting crazy statuses about school and reading (and the fun has just begun) but I’m finally getting back in the swing of things. Since this week has been particularly nuts, we really haven’t made a lot of meals so eating out has been an unfortunate necessity. Also, I haven’t made the time to workout, except for that awesome run yesterday, but I’m going to finish the week out strong. Anyways, we will see how the rest of the week will go. Either way, what I do know is that I will still be better than where I was exactly this time last year, when I was 357 pounds, a 54 inch waist, and sweating when I walked up the stairs.
Breakfast: I just had a wafflewich without the banana. It was delicious. 5.5 points
Lunch: I had a little time between classes so I went to the Union and ate at Pollo Tropical, my favorite place on campus. I had this chicken avocado club wrap. It was cheap, and pretty good, but it was not that big. (Also, when I was waiting in line for my food, when my number was called, the Fraternity tool took my food. Weak sauce future congressmen.) Anyways, I couldn’t find the points online because it was a new product. Lame to the max. I’m going to keep looking.
Snack: I had a Nature Valley bar for an afternoon snack. Awesome. 4 points.
Dinner: In between studying, Megan and I went to Pizza Hut for so a little date. (It feels like we haven’t seen each other at all this week, because… we haven’t.) I made a pretty epic salad, so epic that I didn’t have much room for pizza. I only had two slices so with those and the salad toppings, dinner was about a 16 point dinner.
Coffee Break: It was a frigid 75 degrees outside, so it was time for the first low fat pumpkin spice latte! It was awesome as always. 5 points
So today I got to at least 30.5 points but I will keep looking for lunch. Even though I didn’t workout, I have been doing a lot across campus because it’s been so beautiful outside. Not exactly the most amount of exercise, but it’s exercise nonetheless. See ya tomorrow.