Was I scared to change? Of course. Like most people that struggle with weight, I had done my share of diets, and I would lose some weight but then just give up, only to end up back where I was and then some. But this time needed to be different, it needed to stick. Megan and I decided to integrate Weight Watchers with organic living. We thought that healthy living also involved knowing where your food was coming from. We also looked at this life change through the lens of our faith. We knew that we were God’s temple, but at that point mine was more Buddah-shaped. Basically, before, I thought making a few adjustments like trying to get a workout or a run in every once in a while would help, but in reality, to be successful (at anything really) it requires a holistic change in your life. Anyways, I was also really scared of failing, which usually leads you to not telling anybody about what you are doing. I knew that wasn’t going to work this time, so I asked for accountability from people I knew, and my friend Kyle Dixon was up to the challenge. Any time I was tempted to eat anything really bad, he would call me out, and that is what I needed. So I kept at it and worked hard to stay strict with my diet. Up until this point, six weeks was the lifespan of my diets so I needed to break past that ceiling, after that point, I knew that this was for real and that there was no way of me going back to 357 ever again.
So 52 week of smaller portions, racquetball craziness, organic deliciousness, blog posts, Facebook encouragements from people I only knew for a season of my life and overlooking the chocolate covered porkrinds later, I am down 103 pounds and counting. This journey is far from over, there is still 97 pounds to be lost. (I know there is a scrawny guy in here somewhere.) Wherever I end up weight wise as long as it’s a healthy number I’ll be okay with it. I know there are still challenges on the horizon, but thankfully I have all of you and your awesomeness. Thanks for being awesome. See ya tomorrow.
Congratulations! You have done an amazing job so far. I love the humor you bring to the process and look forward to all your adventures in the future.
Congrats on your wonderful progress. I wish you luck with losing the remainder of your weight! You can do it, it’s within your reach! 🙂
Congrats man. I’m still reading your blog and am encouraged by your progress and your commitment to stick with it.
Congrats on your success to date. I love reading your blog and seeing your progress. Keep up the great work.