Day 592: The Fotographing Fat Kid Goes To Impact Health And Fitness

Before I started tonight, I just wanted to show you this picture that was featured on an ABC affiliate’s Facebook page today. This was taken in Hillsboro, Texas, where I grew up. This is why Texas is awesome. That’s all I have to say about that.

Anyway, so today was overall pretty good. Food was better than it has been which is a win in itself. I decided today that it’s time to really get serious about my goals. I know that’s not something you usually just wake up and say, but I am 37ish pounds away from my next goal! That is totally possible! I’m on the homestretch of sorts! I’m not going to lie, there are times that I have eaten light ice cream and have not counted it on here. It’s not because I’m hiding it. It’s because  I just plain forget to post it. Granted it’s something like 2 points or so (because Breyer’s is awesome) but those little snacks have sugars and things like that. It’s time to get back to the super dieter I once was. Time to give the 230’s the boot!

Impact time!!!

So now that I’m all graduated and stuff, I don’t have a place to work out. No more Leach for this guy. It’s going to be tough to lose weight when I don’t have a gym readily available. So… time for a new installment of the blog called “THE FOTOGRAPHING FAT KID TRIES OUT A NEW GYM!” I’m going throughout Tallahassee to find a new place to get my SAWS on!

Earlier this week I talked to Vince over at Impact Health & Fitness and he gave me a free week pass to test drive his gym. Impact is located in north Tallahassee right next to the Tallahassee Mall (which looks like the mall the characters end up in during a zombie movie.) From the outside, Impact looks like a business building from the 80’s. I was ready for Joel Goodsen to pop out of a corner at any moment (imdb it.) But when you walk in, the place is MASSIVE!!!!! There are multiple levels with any piece of workout equipment you can think of! I started out on a treadmill to warm up. It was a little older, but it got the job done. Then I went over in to their circuit area and started to work out. I did medicine ball throws, bosu ball squats, kettleball squats, and some lunges. There was enough room to do anything I could think of and it wasn’t because it was empty or anything. I was there around 4:30 when gyms usually start to pick up traffic. Anyway, I finished up with 30 minutes on the ARC Trainer. So much sweat… As far as demographics, there were a lot of older ripped guys (think retired Navy SEALS), some moms, some college-aged folks and the occasional meathead. It was really a nice change of pace. Plus they have a bunch of classes to choose from including TRX and spin classes! Overall, I was impressed with Impact. It’s not that far from campus, you can breathe in there, you don’t have to worry about being in people’s way and the staff is really helpful. Oh yeah, and they have a sauna and childcare! What more could you ask for?

If you are looking for a new gym that is a local business, definitely give Impact a try! Their pricing is competitive with other gyms in town and they have different rates to fit with what you can afford. Let me know if you decide to check them out.

Here are some pictures of my adventure at Impact. See ya tomorrow.

(I’ll post some more when I go back!)