Day 672: Monday Time

So I’m going to keep the short and beautiful. I promise tomorrow will be good SINCE IT’S MY FIRST WEIGH IN ON A TUESDAY (are you stoked? Well you should be!)

Breakfast: I wanted to make a Egg McMuffin without going to the Gold Arches (I mean…my last name is MacDonald so it’s close enough right?) Anyway, I had a cooked egg on a Thomas 100 calorie english muffin with two slices of ham and a little cheese. It was an awesome 4 points! 

Lunch: I came home and another fantastic Skinny Taste recipe: Baked Potato Soup! It was only 4 points a cup so I had two bowls so it was 8 points!

Snack: I had about 4 points of sunflower seeds. Yumtastic.








Dinner: Tonight, we had a meal that would be have been a caloric nightmare if I had ordered it a place like Chili’s. We had jalapeno poppers and chicken fajitas without the fixins. (It makes a difference to cook at home. Not only is it cheaper, you have a much better idea of what’s going in to your food. The more you know folks.) The poppers were only 3 flippin points! And the chicken and peppers was only 7 points  (5 points for the chicken and 2 points for the oil in the veggies.)

So today I totaled out at 26 points which is awesome with me. I didn’t cheat today and drank water like a fish. I was doing what I was suppose to do. (I also has a 10 calorie Monster energy drink.) We’ll see what the scale has to say. See ya tomorrow.